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Angel Acadamy: The Angel Who Couldn't Find Her Powers

By Heather, 10, Wales, UK

Florentine sat up in her bed, her snowy white wings outstretched. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, stood up and walked over to the window. She sighed at the beautiful sight of the clouds and angel children, running around outside and playing. They were up early. Florentine looked behind her at the other bed in the room. The duvet was untidy, and a heap of clothes was piled up on the bed.

She sighed again, only this time she sighed with annoyance. She flapped her wings and flew over to the other bed. She tidied it and cleaned it. Florentine realised a pig would be cleaner and make less mess than her roomie, Sandy. Though at times, Sandy could be great fun.

Florentine was an Angel at the Angel Acadamy For Girls. She remembered she had to die to get here, which was harsh, but after that, her life was a blast. The teachers weren't exactly the nicest people on earth either, but that didn't matter.

Florentine dressed herself quickly. She had long, white feathery wings and was tall for her age, she was ten years old. She was a great athelete too, she had long, wavy brown hair that ran down to her shoulders and one of her eyes were green, the other, blue.

The prophocy foretold that one day, a girl with wavy brown hair and one green eye and one blue eye would bring hope and life to all living things, so of course, Angels made a big deal of her. Angels had to use their powers to help humans and save the enviroment, and they all were training to use their powers in this school. Only Florentine couldn't use her powers. She didn't know how to!

She headed for the bedroom door, but she heard voices of the teachers, so she eavedropped on them, putting her ear to the door, she listened quietly, holding her breath.
"You know, that girl just shocks me. She's meant to save everything, but she can't even cause a slight spark of fire in her finger." A voice said.
Florentine's eyes brimmed with tears. Everybody thought of her like this, useless and defenceless.
"You give her time, Ms Goldenthorpe. She just needs time and practise. She'll learn." the other voice replied.
"Well, that's what you think. I'll leave you to think that, while I move along. It's a shame, I must admit, that she can't do anything powerful." Ms Goldenthorpe said.
Florentine waited for them to walk down the hallway before leaving the room. That day, she didn't talk to anybody or play with anybody. She could see from the corner of her eyes other angels looking at her quizically.
"Hey, Florie! What up?" Sandy flew over to Florentine.
Florentine shoved Sandy out of the way. Sandy didn't give up this easily.
"Is it because I left the mess in our room? I swear, I can clean up after myself, I was going to do it later!"
Florentine looked up at Sandy, one of her eyes twitching. "You don't give up, do you? Why can't you just leave me alone!?"
Sandy looked at her, hurt and shocked. She flew away without looking back.
Florentine felt a wash of sadness fill her heart. She pretended that she hadn't felt anything though, and walked away, towards the gates. She flew over them and flew away, into the night sky.
Florentine had flown to the dark clouds, known as the thunder clouds. Where the evil angels lived. All the angels here had black, bat like wings, and black dresses or black suits. The Dark Angel Master lived on this side of the clouds, he brought endless death and destruction. Florentine saw a bunch of school evil angel girls see her. They cackled and flew to her.
"You're on the wrong side of the clouds." One said.
"So why don't you get out?" another said.
"Before we chase you out." the last one said.
Florentine stood up, with her chest out. "No, I don't need your 'assistance'."
The three girls looked at each other and grinned evilly. They flew up closer to her, but Florentine had already started to fly away from them. They followed her into the lighter side of the clouds, Florentine flew back to the school and over the school gates. She landed softly and breathed hard. She'd lost them.
"Florentine Cookson, where have you been?" An angry voice boomed over to Florentine. A big, bulky woman flew over to her. Florentine privately laughed. This woman was so bulky, it shocked her that the wings could carry her. It was the head teacher, Ms Mablestar.
"Nowhere in particualar, Ms Mablestar." Florentine lied, fluttering her eyelids.
"Don't turn into a teachers angel, now tell me where you have been."
"Nowhere, I was here the whole time."
"Liar," Ms Mablestar whispered icily. "Now tell me... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?!?" Ms Mablestar yelled, spit flying onto Florentine's face.
Florentine knew she'd be in for it after she'd done this, but she just couldn't resist. "NO WHERE IN PARTICULAR MS MABLESTAR!" she yelled, smiling.
"My office, now." Ms Mablestar said. When she realised Florentine hesistate, she shook her shoulders firmly. "Now!! Today!!"
Florentine got out of Ms Mablestar's grip and flew over the gate and into the thunder clouds. She flew faster and faster, not knowing where she was going. She suddenly felt a globe of power surround her.
"Well, well, well. It seems we have the prophocy's precious prediction." A big, black angel said. He had black curls and a little goatie beard. It was easy to imagine two red horns on top of his head too.
She twitched and watched him closely. She remembered having a lesson about this Angel. He was the leader of the thunder clouds evil angels. He clapped his hands to send a shockwave of some kind. It broke the globe that surrounded her. Florentine screamed with pain, and she hit a nearby brick wall. The power globe had obviously been some kind of electricity. She fell onto the floor.
"You're a helpless little maggot." the dark angel spat.
Florentine stood up slowly. "I'm not." she firmly pressed. She pushed her palms out in front of her, and a gust of wind came from her palms, that was very strong. The dark angel smiled. He clenched his fists. Sparks started to show from his fists. Florentine gulped. She knew this move, the dark angel was well known for using this attack to finish any enemies off. Florentine felt herself grow stronger, and stronger as she filled inside with a gigantic fury. Fire, water, electricity and leaves, all swirled around each other, as the power came from the dark angel's fists. Florentine was quicker though, she hovered in the sky, something shot out of her, sparkling magic and glows of purple, spirits flew around. Florentine landed on the floor, weakened, but still alive.

Florentine woke up to find herself in a hospital room in the Angel Acadamy, she saw Sandy by her, with a teacher.
"Wh... What happened?" Florentine asked.
"You defeated the dark angel! And, as an added bonus, you've discovered how to use your powers!" Sandy said, unable to hide her excitement.
The teacher started to say something, but with the shock, amazement and happiness of her success, Florentine fell back asleep, dreaming dreams that had been unexplored.
just maybe,
she was what the prophocy foretold.
And inside,
deep inside,
she felt and knew, there were more adventures to come.
She knew the beginning had only just begun.

(Hope you enjoyed my story!)
(April 2008)

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Halloween on 31st of October.

By Clara, 7 , Terrassa, Catalunya, Spain

Ron and Tracy were 2nd graders, twins, and knew that soon it would be Halloween. Tracy said to Mom, "For Halloween, at school Ben wil dress up as a ghost, Jennifer as a mummy, Tommy as a vampire...but...what can I dress up as, Mom?"

And Mom said, "Tracy sweetheart, do you remember the Snow White dress Dad gave you for your birthday? Well you can wear that dress for Halloween, what do you think?"

Tracy of course did not like this idea at all. Because if you remember Halloween issupposed to be scary, so she made a determined sigh and said, "No. Halloween is supposed to be scary. But.. Santa Clause gave me a witch dress, remember? So I'm gonna wear that."

Ron said, "Take Jess, the black cat of ours, I don't need him. Because I'm dressing up
as Draaacuuula, so I won't need Jess."

Wednesday the 31st of October 2007 at last came. Halloween came. That evening all the kids from Williamstown, Massachusetts were outdoors, including the twins.

"Trick or Treat," said one, "Trick or Treat," said the other... and Ron and Tracy got sooooooooooo many sweets, that they finished them at about 2008 with a little bit of help from the kids at show and tell.

THE END (April 2008)

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The Very Unusual Treasure

By Abbie, 7, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Lucy. Now, Lucy had a goldfish called Treasure. Treasure was special to Lucy. Treasure stayed in her bowl that sat on Lucy's windowsill, where the breeze floated in gently. But then one night, Treasure's fish bowl fell off the windowsill, out of the window and into a truck. The truck took Treasure to the harbour and Treasure fell into one of the boxes. The box was loaded onto a big ship. That night, the ship made a stop on a tropical island. The box was unloaded and Treasure's fish bowl slid into a chest. The sailor on the ship lifted the chest up the right way, then the ship left as it tooted its horn in a leaving kind of expression.

When Lucy woke up she realised Treasure was gone.

'Oh no!' said Lucy, 'Treasure is gone. I must tell mum immediately'.

Lucy panicked. 'Mum, mum!' cried Lucy, '

What, what!' said her mum. 'I - I've lost Treasure!'

'Oh no!' said mum, 'we must find her now! Where could she be?'

'I know' said Lucy, 'let's go on a big ship'.

'Good idea' said her mum.

So Lucy and her mum travelled to the island. But some pirates got there first! The captain stood forward and with his gruff voice he said 'bring me the chest'.

'Of course' said a member of the crew. The captain stood open mouthed! Just then Lucy and her mum arrived.

'Oh Treasure' exclaimed Lucy.

'Treasure?' the captain was confused.

'Oh Captain, my pet goldfish is called Treasure because she is special to me.' Lucy explained.

'Oh!' exclaimed the Captain and in his gruff and ruff voice, he said 'Well, that's quite an unusual Treasure' and everyone laughed.

The End.(February 2008)

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By Zoe, 11, Kailua, Hawaii, USA

Qui was not happy. After a hard day at school she was not pleased to discover that her favorite wand was gone, no doubt stolen by Hera. Hera was Qui's least favorite fairy in all of Lia's Magic Academy for Young Nymphs, Goblins, Genies, and Pixies. Of course as a water nymph, her natural rivals were fire goblins, but they were enemies in the most extreme sense of the word. For example, one day Hera burned Qui's homework, then Qui filled Hera's backpack with a magical water that never completely drained. This, of course, was on a day when they were feeling extremely kind. Qui started walking away, towards the cloud that would take her back home. The pixies neighborhood was about a minute from were she stood. She figured if she started running right now she would make it past the houses before Athena and her friends caught up with her. Suddenly she heard a high-pitched giggle. She hadn't been fast enough. She turned around slowly. 'Hi Athena,' she said quietly. 'Hey Qui, nice move in spells class. You almost blew up the whole school.' All her friends snickered simultaneously. 'You know Athena I would love to stay and chat but I really got to go,' Qui said. Then she turned around and ran as fast as she could, er face blushing with embaressment. She tripped and fell into a dark portal hidden behind some bushes.

You are probably wondering why there was a portal hidden behind some bushes, so I will have to give you some information on the fairies world for you to completely understand. There are 8 different types of fairies. They are nymphs, goblins, pixies, genies, imps, elves, light faeries, and dark faeries. Nymphs are water beings, goblins are fire, pixies of air, genies of cold, imps of warmth, and elves are in control of plants and nature things. Light and dark faeries are different than everything else. They control all elements. They used to work together in harmony to rule the fairies. But then there was an awful fight between them and they split into the 2 separate groups. The dark faeries wanted to take over the human world but the light faeries did not. So the light faeries took total control over the fairies and the dark faeries were left alone. That proved to be a big mistake. The dark faeries knew that to conquer the human world they would have to have a bigger army than they did. So they set up portals all over the magic world to send a fairy to the human world were they could easily capture the lone fairy to hold for ransom. They would make the light faeries send in their armies as a ransom for the captured fairy. So there are dark fairies all over the world, waiting to capture that one unlucky lone fairy. There are probably some dark faeries in your house right now. But they won't hurt you, at least for now'

For Joseph and Raquel it had all started one day during summer vacation. Raquel was at her friend's house and Joseph was playing at a soccer game. They planned to meet in the library at 2:00 and check out some books for their summer book reports. Joseph started out for the library first. His team, the Flames, had just won their third game in a row. He was especially pleased because if they won the next game they were in the district finals. When he was about halfway to the library Raquel left her friend Sam's house. As Raquel rode away from Sam's house she decided to stop by her friend Erin's house to pick up the CDs that Erin had borrowed. Joseph slouched against the bookshelf as he waited for his sister. She was 20 minutes late to drive him home and he was getting bored. He walked around the library and looked for something to do. 'Hey Joseph! What are you doing here so late? Shouldn't you be going home by now?' said a voice behind him. Joseph turned around and said, 'Hi Mr. L. I'm waiting for Rocky, my sister, to come pick me up. She's late, again!' Mr. L was the janitor at the library and since Joseph was there a lot they had become friends. He said, 'Listen Joseph, there's something we need to talk about. You should know that I'm-' 'Janitor boy! Get over here. Some little kid threw up during storytime and we need someone to clean up the mess,' Mr. Counter, one of the librarians, yelled from the children's section of the library. 'Sorry kid, I have to go. Meet my outside the library at 4:00 pm on Thursday. It's important, trust me,' Mr. L said hurriedly to Joseph as he went to the storytime corner. Joseph walked to the counter to check-out his books. Then he went over to one of the buildings many chairs, sat down, and began to read. Raquel had just left Erin's house and was now driving to the library to pick up Joseph and take him back home. Their parents were on a week-long cruise in the Caribbean so Raquel had to drive Joseph everywhere. She went to the library and drove Joseph home.

A few days later, on Thursday, Joseph convinced Raquel to take him over to the library . He walked over to the wall were Mr. L was waiting. His sister followed him. Mr. L spoke softly and leaned close to Joseph as he listened intently. Raquel strained to listen but all she heard was a murmur of whispers, blurred together and nearly inaudible. She dared to creep a little closer. 'I think I will. When should I come over?' Joseph said. 'Tomorrow, at my house. Same time.' That was Mr. L speaking in a whispered hush. 'I still don't believe it completely, even thought I saw you do that spell with my own eyes. Magic,' said Joseph. Magic! At this Raquel let out a little gasp, then quickly clamped her hand over her mouth but her brother had already heard her. His head sharply turned towards his sister. 'Rocky! What are you doing here?' Before she had a chance to reply Mr. L spoke up. 'It's okay. She would probably find out anyway. Then he explained in a calm voice magic, fairies, and spells. She looked at him with such disbelief that he said, 'It's true and I'll prove it.' He pulled a large cage out from behind him. It contained a single small human-like black-skinned being with large wings. The thing was fluttering about angrily, occasionally stopping to bang on the cave with its little fists. 'This is a dark faerie,' he said proudly, as if he was a child displaying his new marble collection. 'Floaton!' he exclaimed and the cage immediately began to float into the afternoon sky. He snapped his fingers and the cage slowly floated down. 'Now,' he continued, 'I have a proposition to make. I would like to apprentice both of you in magic so you can help me stop the dark faeries.' 'I'll be there. Tomorrow at 4:00, right?' the girl replied. 'Correct' he said. 'By the way, my name is Lora.' Raquel left with her brother, feeling content because Lora had chosen to trust them. But they had a sense that they were going to be busy for a while. After all, their magical education had just begun.

It is possible for humans and other non-magical beings to learn magic. Of course they can never fly or anything like that, but they can still learn spells. Lora was taught magic when he was very young by this mother, who learned from a genie that had accidentally fallen through a portal. Luckily, Lora's mother had cared for the genie until it was well enough to make a portal and return home. Lora was named after the genie that his mother rescued. He felt that it was his duty as a wizard (the technical term for a human magic user) to teach a child magic, so the child could help stop the dark faeries. So when he met Joseph he knew that he would be the one. The one that would help defeat the dark faeries. He had not counted on Raquel being at the magic training, but he figured she would train along side her brother. So every Friday and Thursday at 4:00 Raquel and Joseph practiced their spells and caught more and more dark faeries near Lora's house. Everything had become a routine until one day a nymph turned up in Raquel's car.

The inside of a dark portal is absolutely terrifying. Everything is pitch black, and there are terrible screeching and howling noises constantly. You are stuck in there for a quite a while until you are picked up by a swirling wind and carried out of the portal. While Qui sat in the darkness she became very bored. She had been in there for nearly a day. To entertain herself she thought of a spell she had heard of. It was called the Frostbite. It froze the enemies that you were facing, but it was a very difficult spell, and Qui knew that if she tried it she might get Waya (a sleep-like state a fairy enters when he/she tries to do a spell which uses too much of their power) because her worst subject was cold magic. She amused herself by a fantasy were she saved the day by freezing all the dark faeries. She laughed at herself at said softly,' Don't be silly Qui. You're not going to save anyone with a freezing spell. You're gonna need to find someone who can help you. Maybe a wizard or another fairy.' Suddenly she was picked up by a whirling gust of darkness and carried out of the portal. She was dropped into a car.

Raquel was very surprised when a nymph appeared out of thin air and dropped in her car, but not as surprised as you would have been. She, Joseph, and Lora had been suspecting something like this to happen, but they had no idea when. But they had all agreed that if they thought there was the slightest possible chance that a fairy was on Earth they would immediately call the others and meet at Lora's house. So that's what she did. At Lora's house they comforted the distressed nymph. They found out her name was Qui. Then the scared fairy slept on Lora's table. Then Joseph carried Qui to her new home.

For the next year Raquel and Joseph cared for Qui in secret and they became very good friends, but they knew that eventually they would have to send her back. So when the day came to send Qui back Joseph and Raquel helped Lora set up the portal without a fuss. Joseph and Raquel said goodbye to Qui and she stood facing the portal. Suddenly a cry rang out through the room. Everyone turned. It was one of the dark faeries. 'Help! Help! My foot is stuck in this cage,' she cried. Lora slowly walked towards the cage.

No one looked towards the window where many faeries were flying in. Suddenly a voice yelled out, 'Now!' Qui looked towards the source of the voice. 'Hera! How could you!' Qui yelled. Hera cackled nastily. 'These faeries agreed that if I helped them I could become their queen!' 'Hera! How could you betray us to the dark faeries?!' Qui screamed. Hera only smiled wickedly. Many dark faeries surrounded Joseph, Raquel, Lora and Qui. Some of the faeries started trying to attack the humans. Qui knew she would have to do something soon. 'Frostbotos!' she screamed. Then all the dark faeries froze. She turned to jump into the portal. Then she heard something. 'Qui wait!' She turned around and saw Hera lying on the floor. 'Qui, please. I'm sorry. So sorry. Those dark faeries, they took control of me. I couldn't think. Can I come back with you? If you don't the dark faeries will come back, and they will control me again. Please,' Hera begged. Qui looked into the eyes of her worst enemy and said, 'OK.'

Qui was gone. After she had frozen the dark faeries and saved them she had jumped into the portal to her home. Raquel would miss her. She decided to stop by Lora's house on her way home. She walked into his magic room. There he was, building a portal. 'What are you doing?' she asked. 'Building a portal,' he answered. 'For what?' 'For taking you and your brother to see Qui. Now please be quiet, I'm trying to concentrate,' he said. Raquel was so happy to have a chance to see her friend again. She rushed home to tell Joseph the good news.

Some people say the siblings ended up moving to the magical realm to live with Qui, while others say that they created a new world were fairies and humans lived together. Still more people think that Joseph and Raquel visited Qui in their spare time but lived on earth. No one really knows what really happened to Joseph and Raquel but one thing is certain, they lived happily ever after.
(November 2007)

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The flying car

By Lux, 8, Loughborough, UK

Ben zoomed down the ever-going stairs and flung open the door. Dad hauled him into the cramped cooper and they drove off.
While they sped down a side road, they hit a rock and skidded towards the edge of a steep cliff top. The car veered half over the jagged side. Ben screamed and dad clung on to his seat, at the brink of death. Ben wished the car was like chitty chitty bang bang, but he had said it too soon.
The car sprouted a shimmering new pair of golden wings, and started swooping into the midday sky, stretching over Earth.
Ben screamed 'Whoo hoo,' 'I'm flying!'
The cooper rocketed into a nearby village and hit a church steeple, spinning the weather vane! The citizens below cheered, clapped and waved at the sight of this historical event as the car flew towards the hills and sheep baa'd, strolling over to this peculiar invention.
Ben tightened his seat belt and peered over the edge of the magical vehicle when it scraped the top of a rocky mountain and glided back on to the road.
'The next thing,' Ben panted, 'is for the school bus to go underground.' And when the car hit another rock, well you get the picture...
(November 2007)

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The kind witch

By Nicole , 8, Nadur, Gozo

Once I was lost in a valley. I was scared because it was getting dark and I had promised my mum to be back home by dinner time. All of a sudden I saw an old house and decided to ask the owners for help.

The door was open and I entered the house. Everything in there was as black as coal. Suddenly, as if from nowhere, an old woman appeared. She was holding a spooky black cat. She had a wart on her nose and had a hairy chin. She had a pointed black hat and she wore a ragged dress. I was petrified but the old woman spoke to me in a kind and gentle voice.

She was a witch and her name was Flora. She promised to help me and gave me some cookies and hot chocolate. She let me use her magic wand and I transform her house into a splendid castle. I changed her ragged dress into a marvelous gown and her cat into a white Persian cat.

To thank me she poured some magic potion over me and she disappeared in thin air. I found myself back home. I never told anyone about Flora the kind witch. Who would believe me anyway!
(November 2007)

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By Amelia, 12, Stockport, Manchester, England

Gorgeous Lucia looked down at her perfectly-manicured toes. The brunette beauty reclined in a plush leather chair in the LA top beauty spa; she looked over to her right to see Lindsay Lohan having her eye-brows plucked then looked over to her left to see Paris Hilton having her hair shaped which was to be the next Hollywood trend. Lucia pondered through the nail varnish wondering which exotic nail colour would suit her best, while experts catered for her every whim. Restlessly she waited as her stylist's trimmed her hair to perfection as she poised in the mirror Lucia realized her glamorous older sister Mercedez swung the door open to the salon and screamed the name 'PAULO'. A broad man with muscular shoulders wearing a tight black t-shirt scurried after her carrying Mercedez's $1000 Gucci bag.
'Lucia? Are you ready to have your Seaweed Mud Masque?' asked a tanned woman.
'Of course and it's about time too!' Lucia moaned in a disappointed manner. She walked over to a bed with a pearl white cloth laying on it and a ready plumped pillow that was a waiting her head. Lucia lay down as the woman applied the seaweed, she felt relaxed and fell into a deep, deep sleep.
Lucia awoke by splashes of sunlight hitting her face and the distant sound of birds humming, she automatically new she was in her own bedroom because of the sweet scent of roses that hung from an expensive vase on her bedside table. She pulled off her huge duvet that lay lifelessly on her water bed and ring the bell by her bed to indicate her servant to come.
'Ohhhh good morning Miss Jane did you decide to get up?' beamed Bessie as she paraded into the bedroom in her usual blue pleated dress and white pinafore. Bessie had been Lucia's servant since she was ten years of age and the ideal person to go on the latest celeb diet, but she obviously had never been on a diet in her life. 'Shall I get you the usual, green tea with a bottle of mineral water ,a bowl of shredded rubbish with only yaks milk because you're on a diet yet again' Bessie smiled hands on hips peering at my mouth that was just about to object. 'It's shredded wheat actually and yes you should try the diet it would take some flab off of the things you call legs' She grinned at her as Bessie's face fell from a smile to a frown as she glanced at her thighs and then at Lucia's brown beauties then slowly closed the door on her way out.
After Lucia had consumed her breakfast it was time to get beautiful, she stumbled to her en-suite bathroom and showered, brushed her teeth, applied her make-up and straighted her wavy locks. Still in her P.J's Lucia strolled into her closet which was twice the size of her bedroom, she touched the computer screen in which she appeared in her underwear, she chose her outfit for the day- a Chanel top-dress with the latest pair of Juicy skinny jeans, dolly-shoes and a heart shaped diamond pendant hanging from her elegant neck. There was a loud bang at the door, Lucia strutted to the entrance and opened it with caution. Standing before her was Graham Jane, Lucia's smart but generous father, owner of the Jane hotels. Lucia beamed at him and glanced over to the package in his hand that read; Prada.
'Oh morning dad! Did you bring me over to the house yesterday after I fell asleep, at the spa? I was wondering how I woke up in my room!' smiled Lucia being as nice as she possibly could.
'Oh yes you did fall asleep at the spa, but that's not important I have a surprise for you!' he grinned tightening his expensive looking tie.
'I wonder what it is' Lucia spluttered her eyes attached to the package.
'What I have done is... booked for you and Mercedez to go on a brand new yacht to the Caribbean!' he jumped up with excitement holding his hands out waiting for Lucia to run into them.
Lucia's face dropped 'Oh...thanks dad......' her sentence trailed off.
'Well what's wrong? I thought you'd love it, sun, sea and sand' his face fell into the normal frowning position.
'Well dad I have been moaning for that new Prada bag for ages and I thought you had got it for me....' she felt like a millions swords were stabbing her in the heart as she watched her dads face expression.
'Oh...Well you know what Lucia I spent hundreds of millions of dollars organizing this and all you can do is moan about how you want some stupid bag!! Well I have had enough! You are a spoiled BRAT!!' his face turning crimson then beetroot then purple, she could tell how angry he was.
'Dad how dare you call me that I never asked you to book the lousy sounding trip for me and plus you should have got me that bag!!!' she screamed at him as she could feel her face turning rosy.
'You spoiled little girl you there are millions of children out there that would dream of your life!!' Graham yelled.
'Well maybe you should adopt them all because you obviously like them better than ME!!' Lucia roared.
'...Well I don't know what to say, I really DONT!!!!!!' he screeched then shook his head and turned around to leave.
'And by the way this package was for Mercedez dog, it's a brand new coat for him it wasn't for you for once!!' he shook the package and disappeared down the stairs.
'I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Lucia raved so loud her own ears shook. She turned around lugged her own bag onto her shoulder, reached for her car keys and jetted down stairs as she opened the door to the house she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned round to find Bessie looking confused in a caring way. But Lucia had no time for sob stories, she thrusted an evil look at her and Bessie took a step back knowing what the look meant.
Soon enough Lucia was riding down the highway in no time, music blasting out of the tiny stereo she had completely forgotten about her argument with her Dad. She had no idea where she was going because she usually was inside a pearly white limo whenever she went anywhere and she felt rebellious. Lucia checked her watch and realized she had been in the car for two and a half hours, then she switched her eyes over the dashboard and realized she was low on gas. There was a cute looking country shop beside the road so Lucia locked up and made her way into the enchanted entrance.
Inside of the shop was magical, with butterfly mobiles hanging from the ceiling and all the walls coated crimson with mysterious fairies acting out a painted story. The shop sold hand-carved ornaments and animal mobiles but that was pretty much it, Lucia observed the works of art when suddenly she noticed one that resembled her exactly! The potted girl was extremely beautiful with long brunette hair just like Lucia, the girl was carrying shopping bags and looked as jolly as a kid with candy. She fingered the small object then her eyes caught hold of the one standing next to it. It was the same girl with chocolate hair but this time she was holding a purse that was empty and a R.I.P stone plate, she looked extremely sad with indigo tears running down her stone-cold face. Lucia smiled and laughed inside because she knew that was never going to happen to an heiress like her, she fumbled in her bag and found her purse, she opened and realized she only had $100 lying in the wallet. Just enough for gas, damn she thought because desperately wanted the figures but she slowly waded out of the shop with a defeated look thrown across her face.
It was starting cloud-over when Lucia reached the car so she decided to drive to the nearest gas station. She reached the top of the road searching for the station when there was a sudden tune of music, she realized it was her phone and as she pulled over to search in her bag for the devise, she realized it was an unknown number but she still lifted up the handset.
'Hello?' Lucia questioned and waited for an answer.
'Is this Lucia Jane?' asked a deep cold voice.
'Ermm...yerr who is this?' Lucia asked mysteriously.
'This is Sergeant D.C Walker here calling from the L.A police department ermm...I have some bad news' his voice trailed off as Lucia stomach was tied in thick knots.
'It's your father Miss Jane... he's been killed in a car accident...' the man on the other side of the worlds (or so it seemed) voice darkened and so did the sky. Lucia dropped her phone, as it fell her face turned snowy as she felt her eyes filling up with cold tears that slowly dripped down her face. Her mouth opened to scream and as she did it started to pour down with rain over her convertible that was open. Lucia looked up at the grizzly sky, her make-up was running down her confused face and she yelled 'WHY GOD WHY??' up at the heavens that were fiercely howling down with rain-drops and to Lucia there was reason for living anymore because she had lost yet another and the last one of her parents.
The silver alarm clock beeped as it was 7:00am and time to get up, Lucia hadn't slept a wink all night but she cried herself to sleep in the end. She got up and realized her father was dead, it felt like a bomb had dropped over her life and there was no room for happiness, Lucia recalled the convocation she had had with her father yesterday in her head. Suddenly she realized the last thing she had ever said to him was...I hate you..., salty tears flew down her cream cheeks as she felt disgusted with herself.
There was sudden knock at the door Lucia couldn't quite bring herself to speak, it just came out as a croaky noise that echoed through the room, but the door opened. Standing there was Mercedez in a pink dressing gown and a silky rose coloured nighty, her make-up was still stuck to her tear streamed face and her hair was tied up in a horribly scruffy bun.
'Luce...can I come in?'
She weakened a smile but tears fluttered down her face yet again. Lucia nodded and looked down at the quilt that lay on top of her, Mercedez rushed over to hug her and they fell on the bed together sobbing in dismal.
'What's going to happen to us?' Lucia whispered as she wrapped the quilt around them both so they were snuggled up together.
'I...I just don't no...Oh Luce how can this happen...?' Mercedez blubbered whipping her tears with a cold hand.
'Its daddy...he's gone......FOREVER...' Lucia bellowed as the anger inside of her just wouldn't go away. Lucia and Mercedez both closed their eyes and wished that they could turn back time but once they opened them they were still in the same cruel world...without their father.
Lucia awoke yet again for the second time of the day and realized Mercedez was gone, she pulled the lumpy quilt off of her body and gradually paced towards the balcony were she could hear voices. Outside were the paparazzi pushing and shoving each other to get to the front of the gates, camera's flashing and roaring accents blaring through the air. Suddenly one of them caught sight of Lucia and they all started yelling and clicking their camera's buttons, she quickly looked down of the balcony and saw her one of her dad's Bentleys, Lucia gasped and rushed into her room in agony then started to weep.
She decided to stay strong so she showered, got changed into last year's Ralph Lauren tracksuit and made her way down the creaky stairs. All of the servant stopped doing their chores and stared at Lucia, she felt like a circus freak but she carried on plodding down the steps till she reached the hall. Bessie scurried up to her and pulled a sympathetic face.
'Ohhhh darling I'm so sorry I only heard the news this morning but we have to stay strong I'm always her for you and remember crying is a good thing' Bessie bleated in her usual quirky style.
Lucia stared at her with no emotion spread across her face. 'If I wanted your help I'd ask for it!' Lucia blurted out.
Bessie gritted her teeth and managed not to say anything horrible. 'Ermm of course can I get you anything?' questioned Bessie with an obeyed tone in her voice.
'Just a glass of mineral water' Lucia replied giving her the evil's.
'Right okay, oh yes Simon Oxford would like to speak to you and Mercedez, he's a solicitor and he will be here in a half hour' Bessie said nervously. 'O-K-A-Y' Lucia whinged getting annoyed and with that she strutted back to her room and waited for her water.
A half hour trailed by like snails trying to reach a finish line. Lucia slumped in her room thinking of all the wonderful memories she had ever had with her father and how she had lost him all of a sudden, tears prickled at her eyes but she blinked so hard they disappeared. A silence-breaker of a bang hit the door as Bessie entered and spoke.
'Simon Oxford is here to see you Miss Jane he's in library' she jabbered and swung the door closed again. Lucia met her sister on the landing and they both made their way upstairs into the ancient library, as they entered they both took a seat opposite Simon. Mr Oxford was about the same age as their own father but had honey-coloured hair that lay on the top of his shiny, tanned head. He wore a tawny coloured suit with a white shirt and a chestnut tie; he had one ear pierced with a silver ring forced through it. He stood up to shake our hands and preformed a sorrowful face.
'Hiya girls look I'm sorry 'bout your father but I am a very busy man and I don't have time for your petty stories so I'm gona tell it to you straight ok?' his Texan accent questioned them.
Mercedez nodded but Lucia just rolled her eyes and twisted a strand of hair.
'But I am sorry to tell you I do have some bad news' his wrinkles joined together. 'Because now your mother and father are dead none of them wrote wills so all of the money that they have goes to the hotels...and sadly leaves you with nothing' he drowned.
Mercedez stared at him with her mouth dropped wide open, Lucia let go of her hair and knitted her eye-brows together.
'WHAT!!!!' they both shrieked at the same time.
'I'm sorry... the work men will be her to collect your stuff this after noon...there's nothing anybody can do about it, basically your...broke' Simon frowned as both girls leaned forward.
'You mean actually...broke with like no money?!?!' Mercedez cried out.
'OH MY GOD!' Lucia ranted pulling the skin on her face down. Both girls sprung into tears straight away as Simon Oxford quickly left.
The workmen came around two'ish and both girls were told to pack clothes and any valuables. Lucia was in her room packing her stuff and wondering where she was going to go, and then Bessie walked in with a smile that only seemed to reach the right side of her face.
'Do you need any...help?' she asked looking down at the heap of clothes that had been forced into a Chanel suitcase and then the jewellery box with rings, necklaces and bracelets spilling out of it and then the make-up bag that was so full you couldn't undo the zip.
'Ermm...maybe...' Lucia sighed quietly sitting up on the bed and chewing her finger nails.
Bessie took everything out of the suitcase and folded it up neatly to make a small bundle of expensive clothes.
'So do you know where you're going to go?' Bessie asked not stopping what she was doing.
'Oh Bessie...I have no idea I have nowhere else to go' Lucia wrinkled her face into tears and flung her arms around Bessie; she hugged her back and pulled out a small embodied tissue then started to wipe the tears off her disrupted face.
'Well you could always stay at my house?' shrugged Bessie. Lucia looked at her and decided to smile.
'Bessie...That would be...Ermm I'll think about it...' Lucia answered soft-heartedly then she wiped her eyes with the tissue and blew her soft nose so it snot free.
'Now all you need to do is stop worrying and catch up on some s-l-e-e-p.' Bessie wrapped the velvety quilt around Lucia and let her head lye soft on the goose feather pillow. Lucia closed her eyes and let her body relax, she breathed deeply and looked into the coal-black darkness of her eye-lids, she slowly thought of her father then Bessie realized Lucia was in a fathomless hibernation.
Lucia peeled her eyes away from each other and as the light hit them she blinked again and again to see if she was dreaming. She raised her eye-brows to the extreme but her face was stiff and as she pulled a limp hand to touch it she realized it was a seaweed mud masque. She gazed around realizing she was inside L.As spa. Overcame a wide-nosed woman with a tube of lip-gloss on her lips, her brows were knotted together as she started to speak in a Spanish accent.
'How come this masque is not off your face yet? No, no, no it needs to come off now' she waited for Lucia's response.
'Ermm yeah okay then' Lucia answered stunned to be spoken to so quickly.
* * *
After the Spanish woman had washed off her masque Lucia got dressed and pranced out of the spa, and saw her father waiting out in the street for her, she raced over to hug him and breathed in that peppermint and cigar smell that lingered on his suit.
'Well you're in a good mood' he smiled looking confused.
'Yep I am, Dad I just want to say...I love you...' Lucia looking at her feet then switching her eyes over to her father's own eyes she smiled.
'I love you too poppet' Her father said calmly. And with that they linked hands and walked off in to the LA sunset, both of them with fixed smiles shining on their faces.....
(November 2007)

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The mystery of the 5 Tammys!!!!

By Caoimhe, 11, Kildare, Ireland

New school. Everywhere I look around people are staring at me. I look at the slip of paper Mr. Robinson, the principal, wrote for me. It said:

Welcome to our school, Emma! Your class timetable is in your locker. Your locker number is 154. The combination is 34756. Please try in fit in nicely at our school. We hope you make friends quickly.
Good Luck,
Mr Robinson

I finaly found my locker. I put all the books for my new school in, except the ones I needed for my first class, History. I walked around the school twice before finding room 12c. When I finally found it, I walked in. Everyone was staring at me. I was late. The teacher didn't give out, because it was my first day but made me introduce myself in front of the whole class. I kept my head down.
"My name is Emma," I said shyly, still staring at the floor "I'm from Ireland". I kept looking down until I got to the only empty seat at the back of the class. I sat down. The girl beside me, who was wearing Jeans and a pink crinkly top, looked up at me and smiled.
"Hi! I'm Tammy!" she whispered. I smiled back. I think I've made a friend already!

After class in the hallway Tammy came up to me.
"So, what's your next class?" she asked me.
"Maths," I replied, looking down at my timetable "Then Spanish".
"I have neither," she frowned "But I'll meet you in the hallway after class!". I found the Maths room quicker so I wasn't late and got to pick my seat. I sat all the way over by the window. I watched everybody come in the room. Then I saw Tammy come in but she was wearing a jade mini-skirt and a purple 3/4 sleeve top. She said she didn't have maths after history and she wouldn't have time to change. She sat at the very front. I kept my eye on the door. Tammy walked in again in a yellow tracksuit and her hair tied back in a ponytail. But when I looked over mini-skirt Tammy was still sitting at the front. I strained my neck the whole way through class to see how could two Tammys be in one class but the teacher made us all look down so we wouldn't cheat on a maths test.

Out in the hallway the jeans and pink t-shirt Tammy came up to me.
"Tammy, did you change clothes?" I asked.
"No. Why?" she answered.
"Because I-" was all I could say before the bell rang and she ran off.

I sat down in spanish and watched the door like a hawk to see what clothes Tammy would come in. Three Tammys came in at the same time! One I recognized from Maths as the 'Yellow Tracksuit' Tammy and to others. One in a green knee length dress with white footless tights underneath and pink beads. The other in a pair of crop jeans and a pink zip hoodie. I must be going crazy! They sat down at the back all beside each other.

Finally the bell rang and I ran to the cafeteria. When I got my food I looked around for the table Tammy was sitting at. When I found it I realized all five Tammys were sitting at it!
"Oh Hi Emma!," Tammy called to me "Come and sit with me and my sisters! We're quintuplets!"
(November 2007)

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Back Dog Back

By Jesse, 9, Sterling Hights, MI, USA

Once upon a time up north the Babisz family were on a hike away from their cottage while Grandma Pat was in the hot tub, which is her favorite thing to do in the evening. They had a dog with them named Rocket that was part wolf and part dog. When the Babisz family was on their hike they found an over grown tennis court.
When they came back Grandma Pat, was in the hot tub, was dead, the water all red because of her blood. The Babisz family found a dogtooth in her arm. The babisz family got really really scared. Later on they could hear all the dogs barking all night every night.
In the morning about 10:00a.m. an old woman came up to Kelsie and said 'Be scared, be very scared!'
She just kept quiet.
Later in the day the old woman came back at around 6:45PM.
The mom asked the old woman, "Why do the dogs bark, all night, every night?'
The old woman said, 'I will tell you the story.'
'Thank you,' said the mom.
'All right, said the old woman,' It was about three years ago, Christmas day. Because of all the pollution in the river where all the dogs drink from, the dogs started to go crazy. When the dogs have puppies, they also went crazy. Every Christmas day the dogs go crazy and attack everyone. Today is December 20th. The dogs start to go crazy on December 17th.' The old woman said. 'One more thing, be careful, be very careful.' She said and walked away.
The Babisz family got very, very scared. They ran into the cottage and they started to pack. When they were done packing they went to sleep because it was midnight. In the morning at around 9AM, they all had breakfast, then they packed the car and went to sleep again. They woke up at 9 o'clock PM. They got the car started, but before they could drive off, the dogs started to attack. The dogs broke all the windows. When the Babisz family got onto the road, they went to a hotel.
'All right,' said the guy from behind the counter, named Peter. ' Your room is 202,' he said to the Babisz Family. Then the Babisz family went back to the van to get their luggage, and they brought it up to their room. They saw a lot of dogs that looked very , very familiar on the way up to their rooms. Then they found out it was a dog lovers convention.
Later in the day when Gloria, Mike, Jesse and kelsie were swimming around midnight, most every thing was dark. They saw a dog that was from the cabin up north, but they did not remember. The dog remembered them and started to attack. It was running very fast toward them. The Babisz family got out of the pool and ran to their room.
That night Gloria, Mike, Jesse and Kelsie got no sleep. They were all very tired in the morning. Gloria had eggs for breakfast as did Mike. Jesse and Kelsie had cereal. At around 10 o'clock AM, when Kelsie and Jesse went exploring, they saw the same dog that attacked them last night. They started to run back to their room, when Jesse realized if they went back to their room, they would put Gloria and Mike's lives in danger too.
So, Jesse said 'Let's split up so the dog will get confused.'
'OK,' said Kelsie, 'You go that way and I will go this way.'
Jesse ran to the pool area and took off his shoes and jumped in, because the dog was afraid of water. Kelsie went to the elevator and then to the 20th floor, and then to their room. When the dog went away, Jesse did the same thing.
The next day they all got packed and checked out and went home.
THE END. (November 2007)

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The Flying Carpet

By Shikhar, 7, Liverpool, UK

One day my mum and dad had come back from the carpet shop. They had got me a carpet.
I sat on the carpet reading a book when the carpet started to move. It was a hot day so the window was open and the carpet went through it. It went higher higher into the sky. It went over the sea and landed on a island.
The island was very hot so I got some ice cream .Then I went looking for a shady spot when I tripped over something - it was half a treasure map. I picked it up and carried on looking for a shady spot. I sat under the shady spot and did my homework. When I had finished my homework I got up and went looking for the treasure.
When I found a sword on the floor I picked it up and then carried on walking. Not long after I had got the sword I found fifteen pirates. I got my sword and ran away as fast as I could. The pirates were really fat so they could not run fast and often bumped into each other. But I was not fat I was fast so I got away from the evil pirates.
Then I felt brave. I felt like I could kill all the pirates on my own. I went back to the pirates ready to kill them. I got my sword out and started fighting them. One of them tried to shoot a gun at me but I ducked in time. Then one of them got out a bow and arrow and tried to shoot it at me but he did it so quickly he did it the wrong way and killed himself.
Then one of the pirates got his sword out and started to fight me but I was to quick for him and I killed him. Then the magic carpet took me back home. (August 2007)

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A Dreadful night

By Madeleine, 12, Manitoba, Canada

It was getting late and I had to get ready for bed. I kissed my parents good night and curled in my bed under the covers. I started dreaming...
I hurried through my homework as fast as I could. It was the night of the junior high school dance. I had bought a brand new bright red dress for the dance It was going to be the best evening of my life.
Then my mother came in the house. You are not going for that dance.
But why? I asked back looking disappointed before she could finish the words
Because I said so, she answered back.
I nodded like a well-fed cat as if I accepted my mother's words. But I had eagerly waited for the dance. As soon as my mother was as busy as a bee .I put on my brand new red dress and ran down too the city hall where the dance was taking place,
As soon as I walked in the room, all the guys stared at me. I was stared at more than queen Elizabeth could be, normally no one noticed me. The boys from my class were all fighting with each other to dance with me.
Later I broke away from the crowds and went to the table to have a drink, without a twinkle of an eye the music stopped, when I turned back I saw a handsome gorgeous man with black crew hair cut and clothing standing next to me .
Dance with me?
I looked at this handsome creature for seconds and decided to say yes. He led me on the dance floor. The music sprang at once. I found myself dancing as better than I had never danced before .
We danced for long century. My feet couldn't feel anything. I felt I was a bird flying, without a blinking of an eye I was changed into princess Elian the Disney princess, I had wings like an Angel as I fly I shine as bright as the morning star. I flied higher than the a airplane can reach and I was so happy.
I started dancing on the bed. Wow! It was just a dream. It was a dreadful night that could change a person's life forever.

July 2007

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The Lost Diary

By Yuki, 15, Christchurch, New Zealand

The old man sat in front of the window.
He stared sightlessly at the empty street with watery blue eyes. Deep lines in his wizened face showed years of hardship and pain.
The old man sat deathly still in the ancient rocking chair.
He was lost in thought and in time as he remembered. It was like reading a lost diary. A childhood diary lost in the dusty boxes in the attic. Old and forgotten from the big move that everyone has when their father gets a promotion. It was like opening up the crinkly pages and reading the childish scribbling and studying the big awkward pictures. It was like reading each word and slowly remembering the lost childhood. Savoring each memory as it rushed back at him.
The old man's mouth twitched into a fond smile as he remembered.

'The young boy hopped out of the large blue car, his heart pounding with excitement. He breathed in the fresh clean country air with a huge grin and ran towards the huge house, ignoring his mother's cries of protest. He staggered as he nearly slammed into the door and he quickly straightened up his jacket before knocking loudly. He jumped on one foot to the other and he saw his mother and father drag up the heavy bags up towards the door. The boy squealed in delight as the door swung open and a large friendly woman grabbed him into a tight hug.
'Let me look at you!' She laughed and her red face lit up as she studied him. 'You've grown into a handsome young boy, little Ritchie!'
'Auntie Gracy!' The boy hugged her back warmly.
'Hello Gracy.' The boy's mother greeted her sister with a weary smile and the boy stepped aside to let the two sisters have their hug.
'How have you been Gracy?' The boy's father held out a polite hand, but it was knocked aside and he was gathered up into a warm hug instead.
'Come in, come in! It's warmer inside!' Aunty Gracy bustled them into the house and they were greeted with the smell of warm bread and cakes.
They were bundled into the kitchen and hot bread and cupcakes were shoved into their hands.
'Have some food into your stomachs before talking. You've had a long journey.' Aunty Gracy said and she smiled widely as they did as they were told.
The boy hungrily sank his teeth into a cupcake. He had never felt happier in his life.'

The old man closed his eyes for a brief moment and he remembered.

'The sky was overcast with huge raging black clouds, and the heaven opened up. The rain lashed down and the boy shuddered. He wrapped his arms around himself and stared dully at the coffin being lowered into the ground. His mother was weeping loudly and his father stood next to her, grave and sullen. The boy wanted to go home and watch his TV programme. He didn't understand why everyone was so sad. Aunty Gracy was only sleeping. The boy sighed and tugged at his mother's sleeve impatiently.
'Can we go home now?' he whined.
His mother only shook her head, and tears spilled down her face, mingling with the ice cold rain.
'But I want to watch Superman!' he moaned.
His father's face hardened, and his eyes clouded over with anger. He lashed out at the boy and grabbed his arm. 'Just shut up Ritchie! Shut up! Don't you see? This is Aunty Gracy's funeral! She's dead, Ritchie!'
His mother stifled a scream and grabbed his father's shoulder. 'John! Stop it! Gracy wouldn't have wanted us to be like this at her funeral! Just stop it-' She shuddered as a fresh new wave of sobs crashed down onto her.
The boy stood still, sulkily staring at the muddied ground. He felt his check smart from the blow his father gave him and tears prickled his eyes. He sniffed loudly and checked his Mickey Mouse watch with a brooding glare.
Three O'clock. He had missed his programme. He broke into tears as the mournful atmosphere got to him, and he sobbed his heart out, not really understanding why he felt so sad.'

A single tear trickled down his withered face and he breathed in deeply. The old man wiped the tear away and leaned back in the rocking chair. His face softened and his blue eyes shone brightly as he remembered.

'The young man leaned against the white picket fence, staring at the girl with long cascading golden hair.
He breathed in deeply as he watched her water the garden, sweetly singing a song he couldn't recognize. Her pale soft skin and large beautiful green eyes sent his heart racing, and her soft smile made him tremble. Was this love? He didn't know. But all that he did know was that he wanted her more than anything else in the world.
The girl suddenly looked up and caught his eyes. He gasped in surprise and dropped behind the bushes, heart racing like mad. He heard the girl laugh and he blushed beetroot red.
'I wonýt bite!' He heard her call out.
He felt his face grow hot and he slowly stood up.
'I know you've been standing there for fifteen minutes just staring at me.' The girl smiled.
The young man grew even more red. 'Arenýt you afraid?'
The girl shrugged. 'Not afraid. I'm actually curious.'
'Well, you see, I'm curious about why you stare at me for fifteen minutes non-stop. I mean, it's not like there is anything worth staring at, isn't there?'
'There is! I mean, there is something worth staring at.' The young man bit his lip.
The girl's face brightened up. 'And what is that may I ask?'
'Well...' The young man stood for a long while. He didn't know how to put it in words. He couldn't just tell her how he felt about her. For goodness sakes! He didn't even know her name!
The girl frowned impatiently. 'See, you don't know either, don't you? I thought so.'
The young man looked up, alarmed. What did he say? 'What? No, I didn't mean-ý'
'Well, thanks for trying anyway. I better go inside before mother yells at me. Goodbye.'
The young man stared after her with a confounded expression on his face. He winced as she slammed the door shut and he shook his head, totally baffled and shocked. What had just happened? He had no idea. He made his way back into the house, slowly and deep in thought. No matter how beautiful a girl was, they would always be a mystery to him.'

The old man closed his eyes as he remembered for the last time.

'The bells rang joyously and the church went up in a cheerful uproar as the man and his newly wedded wife walked down the aisle, arm in arm. The man smiled lovingly at his wife and she smiled back at him, her green eyes flashing with tears of joy and her golden hair flowing down her beautiful white dress.
'I love you,' he mouthed.
'I love you too,' she mouthed back and they exchanged a quick kiss before exiting the large ancient church.
Flower petals and confetti showered them as they hurried down the church steps, laughing and grinning. They quickly said goodbye to their family and friends and they got into the large blue car. The man smiled at his wife and squeezed her hand.
'Are you ready?' He asked.
She squeezed his hand back. 'Ready as I'll ever be.'
The man drove the car away from the church and down the road, hearing the cans clanging on the road from the back of the car. He laughed and his wife kissed him on his check. His heart sang with happiness and his eyes shone with love.
He had never felt any happier in his entire life.'

The old man sat in front of the window.
After a long while, he stood up slowly from the ancient rocking chair. It was time to go.
The old man took one last look around the small room...and walked straight through the dusty window.
(July 2007)

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Everyday Heroes

By Lexine, 11, Temple City, LA County, CA USA

It was a hot summer day in the semi-desert town of Wrensfield. Everyone knew that there was a possibility of a fire starting in their small town. The hoped it wouldn"t, for they only had ten firefighters in the small town. And if anyone was injured they had only one hospital of thirty staff! However, unluckily for the small town, a fire did break out, near to the dry grass of Eagle Canyon Rd.
Immediately, the firefighters rushed over to Eagle Canyon, showing their bravery. The flames were rising high and spreading fast. Even with all the bravery of the firefighters, more people were needed.
"Who do you know that has the determination to help stop this blaze?" the chief asked.
"Well, sir, I have observed that the teachers of Wrensfield Junior High have great determination in teaching their students," replied a young firefighter. "Maybe they could use some of their determination to end this fire."
"Go fetch them then," instructed Chief Alson. "We"ll need some more people to stop these flames."
So the young firefighter went to fetch thirty teachers to help him with his task of ending the blaze. When the teachers heard about the fire they left to help immediately. They hoped they would stop the fire.
Fortunately for Wrensfield, the fire stopped. However the dreadful flames had devoured a boys father and injured his mother. Also, an elderly couple was left homeless. The man was blinded by the fire and woman left scared and lonely.
The mayor of Wrensfield held a town meeting the day after. He had prepared a speech that might, he hoped, help those harmed by the fire.
"As most of you know, yesterday there was a terrible fire in the Eagle Canyon area," the mayor said. "First, I'd like to hold a moment of thought for the father of this boy on stage that was lost in the fire. The chief police officer and firefighter have discovered that the fire was arson, and used the cleverness of a tactician to catch the arsonist. He has been sentenced to forty-five years in jail. I'm sure you all think our judge has shown justice in sentencing this scounderel."
Cheers had erupted from the crowd. Everybody definitely agreed.
Mayor Richman continued, "Sadly, even with the sympathy of a kind nurse, Mrs. Helen Arowing, is still distressed about the loss of her home and her husband's eyesight. She will need a kind visting volunteer to help her.
"My niece is a visting volunteer," said a lady in the crowd. "I"m sure she would show kindness toward poor Helen"
The mayor agreed and picked a young woman in the back to speak next.
"My name is Anna Huffmen and I am a bank accountant for Wrensfield's Bank. I would show integrity toward these poor people and help them with their financial affairs."
"Thank you all for your comments," said Mayor Richman. "Does anyone have any comments concerning Mr.Arowing?" he asked.
"Yes," said a tall man. "My friend has an organization for the blind, deaf, and mute that will enable him to meet other disabled people and learn some of their hope, a great quaility."
"Thank you all," the mayor said. "However, this boy"s mother has been injured and father killed. He needs love and care from someone."
An elderly woman in the back raised her hand. She was standing next to her husband.
"Tom and I have always wanted a child," she offered. "We'd be happy to look after the unfortunate boy."
The mayor said, "I am proud of this town to be such wonderful everyday heroes." "This town meeting is over."
June 2007

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Lightning Foot

By Sophie, 11, Kettering, Ohio, USA

The gentle breeze blew in my face, whipping my hair behind me as I traveled. I ran as quick as lightning, yet as silent as a rabbit. I was amazing. My tan brown skin camouflaged itself into the forest as I crept up behind the animal. My long pair of deerhide pants blended among the trees, and my long black hair looked completely natural in the warm glowing sun. I looked stright to see the deer, grazing on the best patch of grass in the forest. I quietly rose my arrow to my bow, gently pulled the arrow back on the string, and released. The deer fell to the ground. Perfect shot. Father would be proud. I raced up to the buck, and knelt down next to it. I pulled the arrow from beneath its warm tender skin. This deer would make a great meal. I placed my arrow back into my quiver, arose with the deer over my shoulder, and gracefully walked home. I am Lightning Foot, the fastest indian boy alive.

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By Taja, 10, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

My name is Amy and I'm 6 years old. I have a twin brother called Daniel and Johan.
I love my grandma. My Grandma is very smart. She would play, teach, or tell stories to me. My grandma is pretty. She use to be a teacher. She live alone in the Village now. Grandpa died 2 years ago. She love my mom so much because she is the only child. Grandpa died when taking Mom's 3 younger brothers to a vacation. They all died in an accident.
Grandma loves to tell me stories about her childhood, grandpa and other stories. I actually want her to live in our house. But she doesn't want to. She said she love her old house. She said that her house is full of stories.
I think grandma love me too. She would take me to sleep when she stay in our house. But last week Grandma died because of cancer in her head. I feel lonely and sad. My mom is also sad. We would cry together in grandma's room or crying in her clothes. I want to say hi to grandma up there. I miss grandma. I want Grandma to read my letters that I made for her.
(Fiction: June 2007)

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Lauren's Letter

By Millie, 8, Coventry, UK

It was a cold, wet gloomy day. Lauren was still in bed, trying to get at least two minutes lie in. Her little brother, Thomas, however, didn't like peace and quiet so much. Typical she had to share a room with him. One week it smelt of lavender, the other it smelt of boys' smelly socks!
'Be quiet!' she hissed.
'La la la la la' trilled Thomas.
'I'm not listening to you!'
Lauren groaned. She knew what would happen next. In came her mum, saying "Wake up! Why do I always have trouble getting you up in the mornings? You're the one saying you're not going to bed late enough!"
"Oh, right!" said Lauren sarcastically.
The letterbox slammed shut. "I'll get it!" shouted Lauren, and rushed downstairs.
She looked at all of the letters. One was for her! It said:

Dear Lauren,
You have won our competition!
You will meet Alice Webb, a famous actor as you probably know, so please wear suitable clothes, because you will be filmed.
Hope you can come
The camera crew.

PS it's at 4:00pm on the 4th February

"Yay!" thought Lauren "I'm going to meet Alice Webb!"

When the day came, Lauren got so excited! She got into her clothes and ran downstairs. Hours seemed to pass slowly and when she got to the studio, Alice wasn't there!
"we're really sorry" said the camera crew, "but Alice is ill today. Maybe come another time."
So Lauren, devastated, took her mother's hand and went home. (June 2007)

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The Evil Robot

By Susie, 12, Minnesota, USA

I sat at my school desk, listening to the other boys talk about the Christmas presents they wanted. Every single boy, including me wanted the new Evil Robot video game. You had to buy it quickly because it was selling out fast. I knew my parents would buy me a pair of socks or a sweater. My family and I were going to drive to Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas, which meant I had to be on his best behavior.
When we rang the door bell at Grandma and Grandpa's house my mother was very nervous.
'Bobby, tuck in your shirt and stop fidgeting,' my mother, Sue, scolded.
Grandma Atlee was about 1,000 years old and her teeth were stained and rotten.
'Why hello there,' Grandma Atlee exclaimed, 'Why Bobby,' she said to me, 'look how you've grown!'
'Hi Grandma,' My younger brother and I said in unison.
'Well come in, come in,' Grandma Atlee beckoned.
My family and I stomped our boots on the steps and shuffled into the cozy, heated, farm house.
The Christmas tree was stationed in the corner of the living room.
Grandpa Atlee came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a dish towel.
He opened his arms, inviting us all into his arms.
As Grandpa squished me, I eyed the Christmas presents that sat under the table, one of the presents looked suspiciously like a video game.
After dinner my little brother, Christopher, and I washed up and turned on the television in the guest room. The guest room was basically in the attic and was the coldest room in the house. While we watched television, we wrapped several blankets around us to keep from being cold. At ten at night, Mother came in to tuck us in.
She kissed us on the cheek and turned off the light.
At midnight I was still not asleep. All I could think about was that Christmas present that looked like a video game, sitting under the tree.
I ripped off the three blankets and tiptoed out of the room. Grandma and Grandpa Atlee's room was dark and so was my parents'. Cautiously I crept down the stairs, stopping and cringing every time the old farm house staircase creaked or groaned. I finally made it downstairs. I ran to my Christmas present. It was definitely shaped like a video game.
I tried to tell myself that I shouldn't open it, but I couldn't help it. I tore off the wrapping to find The Evil Robot video game, brand new! Tomorrow I would be going to Grandpa and Grandma's Atlee's neighbor's house where there was a kid my age. I decided I would bring along The Evil Robot video game, just in case he had a PS2
I slid the video game under the tree and crept upstairs where I climbed into bed and fell right to sleep. The next day I was up bright and early. I wanted to hide the video game so no one would get suspicious. I got up at eight in the morning and I flew downstairs to breakfast. Grandma Atlee was there cooking eggs and bacon, Grandpa Atlee was reading the local newspaper, and Mom and Dad had gone out on a little winter stroll around a frozen lake. I wanted to get to the neighbor's house where I could play with their son, Jake.
'Grandpa, when can I go over to Jake's house,' I asked?
'Well, gee, I guess now.'
I shrugged my shoulders, grabbed a piece of toast, took the video game, and then walked across the street to Jake's house.
Jake answered the door with his dog, Rosie, at his heels.
'Yo, Bobby, it's been a while,' Jake chuckled.
He ushered me in and then quickly closing the door behind me, trying not to get any of the cold winter air into their house.
'How you been?' Jake asked.
'Good, actually, don't tell anyone, but last night I secretly opened one of my Christmas presents and I got the Evil Robot video game. Do you have a PS2 we could play it on?' I asked.
'You got the Evil Robot video game!'
'I thought it was like, impossible to get!' Jake exclaimed.
'Guess not,' I shrugged.
I followed Jake to his room where there was a television and PS2 hooked up. He handed me a controller and then put the video game in. We played the Evil Robot for hours. Finally we went downstairs for lunch. Jake took the video game out and left it on the floor, to make sure I wouldn't leave it there. While we were downstairs eating gingerbread cookies and grilled cheese, Rosie went up to Jake's room, where 'accidentally' she crushed the Evil Robot video game in two.
When Jake and I came upstairs we were astonished to find the video game broken in half.
I wanted to cry, but I contained myself.
'Man, my 'rents are gonna kill me,' I mumbled.
'Look, man, I'm soo sorry! I guess you should probably go home,' Jake said.
'Yeah,' I agreed, 'you can keep the video game.'
That evening when it was time to open presents, Grandma noticed that the Evil Robot video game wasn't there.
'Where is the present I got you?' She asked worriedly.
'Uh' Grandma' I said.
'Yes sweetie?'
'Last night I kind of' I started.
'Kind of what?' She questioned.
'I kind of tore open the present you got me and then the next day I brought it to Jake's. We were playing it and then we left it on the floor so I wouldn't forget it, but when we went downstairs for lunch, Rosie, the dog, came upstairs and crushed it. I'm really, really, sorry.' I said ashamed of what I did.
Everyone shook their head and Grandma Atlee didn't speak to me for the rest of the night. That evening everyone had a grand old Christmas Eve, except for me. Christopher got a different video game and was allowed to play it, but I had to eat dinner in my room and after I wasn't allowed to watch television. All I had to do was read.
The next morning I went down to breakfast where I apologized to the whole family. Grandma Atlee gave me a big hug and then gave me an extra helping of bacon.
I definitely learned my lesson; Grandparents DO know what to get you for the holidays!

(June 2007)

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The funny thing

By Sonibel, 11, Mottingham, UK

I'm in class now. Our teacher is going on and on about a writing assignment that's called the The Funny Thing.
I can do this one. Heaps of funny things happen to me. Mostly embarrassing. I'm thinking, it's like one million flashbacks all at once. I look for the least offensive and decent. I got it.

I was having my 11th birthday party and my mum takes out a game of pin the tail on the donkey. I die of embarrassment.
She said I had to invite Gran. She was sleeping on the couch her false teeth slipping sideways. Everyone laughed and laughed. Then I go up to her and see if she's alright she snores loudly and her teeth fall right into my hands. I don't know what to do with it. I throw it to a kid and then that kid throws it to a kid and it goes on. I catch it and it is now sticky as well as slimy and I am so alarmed that it falls into the fire and blows up in flames. My mum is so mad my birthday cake goes flying and falls over the top of my head. Everyone is laughing but me. My gran has to eat with her bare gums not pretty and my mum has to buy a new cake and I am left with people saying my party's dead cool.

This is the best writing I've ever done but now everyone's remembered it and are bringing it up. Oh joy! (June 2007)

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The Real Gift

By Ria, 6.7, Santacruz, Mumbai, India

I am Rajita, and typing a story that Ria Shrivastava (6.7 yrs) has written yesterday.)

It was Karan's birthday and all his friends had come.
His sister had gifted him a money plant - but Karan didn't like it much, but he said that he liked it. His mom kept the plant in a glass bowl on the tableside.

All Karan's friends gifted him toy cars and other fancy things and he was so excited to have them.

After some days of playing all cars and other toys broke - Karan started to cry. But then his mom came and told him all your fancy toys have got broken but your money plant didn't break or die - it is still fresh and alive. So, your plant will be with you now.

Thank you so much, sister, Karan said to his sister Ria.

Everyone was happy.
(June 2007)

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Wizard Whimstaff

By Shikhar, 7, Liverpool, UK

One day Wizard Whimstaff had dropped his broomsticks. And needed the longest one. He didn't know how to measure them. Just then Pointy arrived he told Wizard Whimstaff to put them in a line and see which one was the longest.
Wizard Whimstaff needed the longest one beacause he was going in a race. He wanted to win it because that means that he is the Wizard of the year. He has won it thousands of times but he wants to win this one more than anything because it was his last race before retiring.
He had won the race he was so happy that he wouldn't eat any crumb of his dinner.
The End (June 2007)

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