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 Claire Rosemary Jane |  Joan Aiken |  Philip Ardagh |  Val Biro |
 Malorie Blackman | Quentin Blake | Mark Burgess | David Clayton |
 Helen Cresswell | Peter Dickinson | Berlie Doherty | Anne Fine | Kes Gray |
 Pat Hutchins | Robert Leeson | Jonathon Long | Jan Mark | Alan Macdonald |
 Roger McGough | Barbara Mitchelhill | Tony Mitton | Miriam Moss | Hiawyn Oram  Philip Pullman | Hilary Robinson | Ragnhild Scamell | Nick Sharratt |
 Jeremy Strong | Rhian Tracey |  Chris White |  Gwyneth Williamson | Jacqueline Wilson

(Please note that the authors have contributed their comments but are not able to answer questions from readers unless they specifically say so below.)

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Hiawyn Oram

Always write about something you know very well - write from your heart. Write about something that's happened to you, or something that REALLY amuses you or that you feel PASSIONATE about.

Trust yourself - if YOU like it, other readers will like it too!

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How to Use a Picture for Inspiration: from Hiawyn Oram

author of Just Dog, winner of the Experian Big 3 Book Award 1999/2000

Hiawyn Oram says:

I wrote "Just Dog" from a picture of a dog which my publisher sent me, saying "We like this picture so much, can you come up with a story about a dog to go with it?"

I sat down and the story just fell onto the page. It's based a lot on my dog Fleur, who we call lots of silly names.

Here's a similar picture (of a cat this time!). Can you write the story to go with it?

As Alan Macdonald says, always look at your story again when you've written it, and redraft — look at it to see where you can improve it. Are there alternative words you can use, for example, instead of "he said"? Is there a balance between beginning, middle and end?

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©2003-2006 Kids on the Net and the authors        Last revised 17-May-2003
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