
Letters from Dragonsville

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The Rock of Knowledge
Outside Kids' Castle

West Hartford, Conneticut, US

Dear Amber,
Thanks for your letter. It's so exciting when I see Greentoes walking towards me with a scroll for me to read.
You asked me what my favourite subject was. Well, it has to be knowledge! Knowledge of everything: Maths, reading, history, science, anything that helps me to understand humans more.

Oh, and I do share the knowledge I receive. In fact, just the other day a child told me some information all about some insects, and you can read this now in the information section.

Libro ()

The Story Scroll
Outside Kids' Castle

Monseaton High School
Newcastle, UK

Dear Rhiannon,
If I wasn't a dragon I would like to be a famous writer. I think I might like to be JKRowling, or Phillip Pullman, as they have written some really good books that make children want to read.
There is nothing better than seeing children want to read, and so I think that that is what I would do if I wasn't a dragon.

Being a dragon is the best thing ever. We can walk, run, fly and swim. And if we get cold, we can just blow on some rocks to make a nice warm seat. Can you?

PS there is a story activity about a dragon who had to try and keep warm here. You might like to read it.

Dracospeare ()

The Cave of Fame
Outside Kids' Castle

St Mary's
Cullercoats, Newcastle, UK

Dear Derry,

Wow! People wanting to do a project all about me. I feel really proud. I hope that I can help you.
I am an old dragon, I might look young but I am actually 63 of your years old. I have been in charge of the Cave of Fame since I left school 23 years ago.
My best friends are Greentoes - who I see everyday when he calls by with the mail, and also Gragor.
When I am not working I like to either play Flameball, or sit by Lake Dronton and bathe in the cool waters.
Roasted cow is the best food ever.
My parents have moved to a cave in Scotland, and I see them a few times in a year when I take a holiday and fly up there to visit them.
I hope that is of use to you, and give my best wishes to your friend.

Firetooth ()

The Story Scroll
Outside Kids' Castle

St. Mary's R.C Primary
Newcastle, England

Dear Lucy,
Hello there. Good to hear that you are presenting a project on us dragons.
So, you would like to find out what food I like to eat. Well, I like fresh roasted cow, and sheep. They are really crunchy and tasty.
I did go to school, but not anymore I am too old! I went to Dragonsville High School for 40 years. That is where I learnt how to read and write stories. I hope that you start to enjoy school soon, as it will help you so much when you get older.

Dracospeare ()

The Portal of Tidings
Outside Kids' Castle

Luckwell Primary School
Ashton, Bristol, UK

Dear Ellisha,
You will make me blush saying that I am famous. I'm not famous at all - I only collect and deliver letters for goodness sake!
You asked me what other job I would like to have. Well, I do have a secret ambition to become a teacher at Dragonsville School. I would like to teach all the young dragonets how nice and kind human children have become.

Greentoes ()


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