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Candyfloss by Jacqueline Wilson

By Penny, 10, Hawridge, UK

Candyfloss is a great book I hope that everyone who reads it will get the same inspiration that I got whilst reading it. It has a great truth on what life is really like and so much detail which makes the book more interesting to read. It has a really great outlook on what life is really like and a great story line. (March 2007)

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Startled By his Furry Shorts Louise Rennsion

By Francesca , 10, Burbage, UK

This book was extremely funny and good fun to read. I thougth that it was very sad in some places; it is the diary of Georgia Nickolson who is sixteen years of age. It tells tails of her and the ace gang (her best friends.) Georgia is very tall and goes to an all girls school. She really doesn`t like school and she cannot wait to leave. Her parents are really embarrassing, she has one little sister called Libby ( although every one calls her Libs.) Her grandad keeps constantly getting in trouble with the police and embarrassing Georgia! This book tells on how she gets her true love, it is really sweet and romantic. She has a cat called Angus who keeps getting into trouble, who has a son called Gordon who is Libb's cat. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a good laugh and wants to know what its like to be sixteen. (March 07)

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Sure Fire By Jack Higgins & Justin Richards

By Ashley, 11, Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK

My book is an excellent thriller. It is about two 15 year old twins whose mother has died in a car crash. At the funeral their Dad turns up (they didn't know he existed). They have to go and live with him. he's protecting something, what is it? why? When he is kidnapped they have to find him. People help but can they find him?
There is a really good part in the book. The father is called to a scrapyard. Some people come to beat him up but he gives them a more than a match. What happens?
10/10 - 5 stars (March 07)

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Kensuke`s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo

By Adam, 11, Burbage, UK

I like this book because a young boy named Michael is on a journey with his mum and dad and is energetic dog Stella Artois on a boat called the Peggy Sue. One night Michael's treasured football fell into sea and drifted away out of Michael's reach. So he decided he would go overboard and swim after his ball and Stella followed him. After a while Michael and Stella fainted and drifted further away from the boat. Michael woke up and found himself on a mysterious island. He saw his dog eating away at something. He walked over to Stella there was water, fish and red bananas. A old man was walking his way. He started shouting at Michael but in a different language, Japanese or something, there were a few words he could make out :stay on your side of the island. (March 07)

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Kensuke`s Kingdom By Michael Morpurgo

By Hannah and Lucy, 11, Leicstershire, UK

Kensuke`s Kingdom is a great book full of adventure, friendship and more. The book starts when a small family set sail on a boat (the Peggy Sue.) Their voyage is going successfully until Michael (the main character) and Stella (the dog) get blown overboard in a violent storm. The rest of the book is a tale of friendship and adventure. Michael ends up on an island with only gibbons and baboons for company.That is when he meets Kensuke... You want to find out what happens? Why not read this awesome book jammed full of adventure, fun and friendship. This book is suitable for all ages so read it today! (March 07)

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Wayne Rooney my story so far

By Braderz, 11, Leicestershire, UK

It`s about a famous footy player called Wayne Rooney. It starta off when he`s a young boy being inspired by an Everton player (he supports Everton). The player is unknown. At the end it`s at the present time (that means now if you didn`t know)
Overall its a great book 10/10 - 5 stars - wicked book! (March 07)

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Boy Soldier By Andy Mcnab

By Tom, 11, Leicestershire, UK

Boy Soldier is a fantastic book. It is all about an SOS officer named Fergus who has supposedly changed sides to the enemy. Danny a teenage boy,who is Fergus`s grandson, is determined to seek out his SOS grandfather. Elena, his best friend offers to help, which he accepts. Fergus`s previous workmates are furious that Danny is trying to find Fergus, and they set out to stop Danny in anyway that they can. When Danny eventually finds his grandfather, he soon finds out that Fergus never actually transferred to the enemy side, it was a story that his arch enemy had made up to get him killed. Danny and Fergus set out on a journey together to prove Fergus unguilty and to get rid of Fergus`s arch enemy, George Fincham. They have alot of help along the way from the likes of a man named Eddie Moyes, a reporter, and Marcie Deveraux, a MI5 officer. In the end the story all boils down to where Fergus has been trapped by George Fincham and his cronies, and he is going to be killed, and only Danny and Elena are the ones that can help him. They climb over the metal fence and avoid the enemy then, Danny saves Fergus with his Leatherman knife by cutting the chains that are keeping Fergus held down to the floor. Fergus has to fight the enemies in his way on his escape, but they both survive, and George Fincham is killed for his treachory and his horrible manner to what he did to Fergus. This is an amazing novel, and I would recommend it to anyone. It deserves a ten out of ten in my view. (March 07)

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Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

By Natasha, 11, Leicester, UK

Philip Pullman has written some fantastically emotional books, but this is by far the most exciting, heart stopping and breath taking one. It catches you and hooks you in with its terrific plot and it's interesting characters.
The main character is a girl of the age of 14, however Lyra discovers that she is no ordinary girl, she is talked about amoungst the witches and is the key to the end of the frightening war between the millions of worlds that will cause gateways between each one and its differences. She will do anything to stop her mad, power-hungry uncle, and with her daemon Pantalaimon helping her to make the right choices she will fulfill her destiny.
It is a truly amazing book, however it is extremely emotional, Lyra experiences her first loss, her first love and her first friend. It contains challenging vocabulary and is a very exciting read. (March 07)

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Hoot, Carl Hiassen

By Ben, 10, Wetherby, England

This is one of the best books I've ever read. (March 07)

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Horrid Henry's nits Francesca simon

By Chloe, 7, Leigh, UK

Horrid Henry is everyone's favourite awful child, he is mischevious and disgusting as always. The book is very funny and interesting and always be good. (March 07)

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The Penderwicks, by Jeanne Birdsall

By Caitlin, 11, MA, USA

The Penderwicks is a great book. It is about 4 sisters who go on a vacation. They are unhappy that they do not get to go to Forida or Hawaii or some other vacation hot-spot. Instead, they go to a wonderful cottage with their widowed father and crazy dog. The girls meet a incredibley nice boy who ends up becoming their best friend. But when the sisters find out that their friend's mother is horrible, and wants to send him off to military school when he'd rather stay at home and play his piano, the girls try to help him. Will they suceed? Sorry...you have to read it yourself to find out. (Feb 07)

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LionBoy: The Truth by Zizou Corder

By Hye-Won, 12, Seoul, South Korea

Charlie Ashanti is a young boy who can speak Cat. He has led a pride of escaped circus lions back home, and even napped their evil captor, Maccomo. Charlie managed to elude the evil Corporacy, and has finally been reunited with his parents, and his long-lost aunt, who has a big secret to reveal. But before Charlie can say `family reunion,` his is over. Kidnapped and thrown in a boat, Charlie finds himself alone and bound for who knows where. The whole situation stinks of the Corporacy - and Charlie is almost positive that they have evil plans for the young Catspeaker.
Charlie`s parents and faithful lion friends, as well as a multilingual chameleon, is in hot pursuit, but can Charlie outwit his captor and topple the evil Corporacy? That`s what Charlie intends to do, and he has plans to pull it off - no matter the cost.
The Truth is a thrilling and satisfying conclusion to the LionBoy trilogy. Unlike some series, which end in cliffhanger endings, this book brings the entire (amazing) LionBoy Trilogy to a greatly satsifying end.
The LionBoy trilogy is one of the best around - its storyline is very interesting and creative, there`s lots of suspense, mystery, and action, and best of all, lots of animals, particularly cats.
LionBoy: The Truth is one book that you can really relate to. The characters and situations they are in are completely believeable, even if this story is fiction. My favorite character was Ninu, who was timid and shy, but at the same time, courageous enough to help Charlie on his quest to topple the Corporacy. I loved how Ninu could speak all the languages (both people and animal) of the world!
I absolutely recommend the LionBoy trilogy to readers of all ages - it is one of the best series that you can find around. No matter what your age or interest, LionBoy will get you hooked, and in the end, begging for more. Two thumbs up to this fantastic trilogy!

(Feb 07)

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The Twits by Roald Dahl

By Katelyn, 10, New York, USA

Do you like to read about pranks, or monkeys? If you do then I recommend you read this book. There are two people called Mr. and Mrs. Twit. These two are mean, nasty and gruesome. These people play nasty tricks on each other. But now they're going to get a taste of their own medicine by a couple of monkeys. The characters will be Mr. and Mrs. Twit, some monkeys and others. I would rate this book by giving it 9 stars. I would recommend it for a group of boys because it's exciting, funny and a little gross. You should read this book if you're a prankster or if you want to laugh a little. However you might get grossed-out. (January 2007)

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The End

By H.W., 12, Seoul, South Korea

The Baudelaire orphans, Klaus, Violet, and Sunny, have come to their final adventure. In this conclusion to the Series of Unfortunate Events, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny have one last battle with the villainous Count Olaf, struggle to save a mysterious island from Olaf`s trechery, and discover many secrets that they`d rather not know.
After escaping from a burning Hotel Demonument on a boat with the evil Count Olaf, the Baudelaires meet a terrible storm and get shipwrecked on a mysterious island that is ruled by an equally mysterious facilitator, Ishamel. The island is seemingly safe from the world`s dangers and secrets, but soon the orphans find out that nothing is as it seems on the island, and worse, they find out that Count Olaf is back in business.
The End is a worthwhile book, for it sums up the entire Series of Unfortunate Events, and reveals another horde of secrets to its readers. More information about the Baudelaire`s parents and the Snickets are revealed, as well as the Baudelaires` fate.
The End has funny narration, and is also like a dictionary, defining many difficult words in a humorous way. The End has a cliffhanger ending, ending the story as the Baudelaires, with a new member of their family, make their escape from the island and head back into the treacherous world.
But the cliffhanger ending also took away some satisfaction from finishing the series, as many questions were left unanswered, and the Baudelaire childrens` futures were left cloudy. The reader has almost no idea of what would happen when the orphans reach their homes once more - whether they would be welcomed or not, where they would live, who they would live with, etc.
I recommend this book to readers of all ages, for readers who love mystery and suspense, as well as guesswork. The book`s plot would be confusing for people who have missed out on even a single book of the Series of Unfortunate Events, especially book eleven and twelve. I would rate this book 8/10, as the ending could have been more satisfactory, and the plot better organised.
(Feb 07)

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Harry Potter 7th

By Anna, 13, Chandler, USA

In the 7th book I hope Hermione will not die.
(Feb 07)

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The Amazing story of Adolphus Tips, by Michael Morpurgo

By Ben, 10, Wetherby, UK

I first picked this book up in an airport store. I bought it and read the entire thing in one go. It was literally, one of the best books I have ever read and I think that if you see it in a shop then you should buy it. (Feb 07)

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The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore

By Nicole, 9, Connecticut, USA

I recommend this book "The Night Before Christmas" to everyone especially little children because it gets you all exited for Christmas. The illustrations are amazing. When I was little I made my mom read read this book to me every night during December. I could picture the pictures in my mind without even looking at them. I think the illustrator did a wonderful job with his pictures. Who every reads this book would say that these illustrations are beautiful. I recommend this book to everyone. (Feb 07)

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Fellowship of the ring J.R.R. Tolkien

By Helen, 10, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

Do you like adventures in books? Well if you do this is the one for you. Follow Frodo (a hobbit) on his first third of his quest to destroy the ring of power. Furthermore his mission follows to the second book-The two towers and the third (the return of the king). With trepidation read the trilogy and experience the best books you have ever read in your life!

My favourite part is when Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin and Aragorn are on Weathertop, a colossal rock which they camp on and then the Black Riders (Nazgul) arriveĆ½

I recommend this book to readers aged10+ as it contains moderate fighting, but not sick description. This is an excellent trilogy, therefore I hope you will choose to read it !


You will probably find this book in teenage or adult readers in a book shop.
(Jan 07)

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A review of the Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan

By Alice , 11, Dorset

I have just read a poem called On Ning Nang Nong written by the brilliant author Spike Milligan.

When I first read the poem I thought it was a pile of jibberish, but then I found that it wasn't jibberish but a poem masterpiece and I began to really enjoyed it.

The finest bit of the poem I thought was the phase " And the teapots go Jibber Jabber Joo! " I relly like it because I think the alliteration is great.

In my mind when I read the poem there is an island with pots and pans dangling together and teapots whistling with monkeys hiding in trees ready to give you a right fright.

I think this poem would be great for someone else to read with a big imagination because you have to have a picture of the poem in your mind. (Jan 07)

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Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliet

By Annie, 9, Henrietta, NY, USA

Chasing Vermeer is a book about friendship, art, and mystery. Two of the main characters are sixth-graders named Calder and Petra. At the beginning of the book, they are simply classmates. However, by the end, they are good friends.

Calder and Petra have a teacher named Ms. Hussey, who is not your average teacher. She`s really fun, and since she had no idea what she wanted to teach her kids, she decided to teach them whatever they wanted to learn! Calder and Petra both thought she was very kind.

Calder likes puzzles. He practically breathes patterns, as his grandmother once said. Calder always keeps a set of pentominoes in his pocket. When he needs help figuring out what to do, he pulls out a pentomino and the letter leads him to an answer.

Petra has a messy household. She is embarrased by her brothers and sisters. Lots of kids think she`s weird, and Calder did at the beginning, too.

Calder`s best friend is Tommy. He moved away with his mom and stepfather named Fred. Tommy and Calder write to each other using a pentomino code.

In the beginning three people got letters from a mysterious person. Who were they? Who was the writer? Were they people I already mentioned? Maybe. But I`ll tell you this: it had nothing to do with our two heroes...yet.

As the book goes on, a series of strange events connect: Petra finds a strange book, Calder and Petra become friends, Calder meets Mrs. Sharpe, a
Vermeer painting is stolen, a kid in Tommy`s neighborhood disappears, Petra dreams of the stolen painting...

Calder and Petra continue getting involved in the mystery. There are tons of twists, turns, and red herrings as they get closer to solving the mystery.

I recommend this book to anyone who has a taste for art, mystery, or simply a good book. (Jan 07)

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