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 Writing by young people

The Artist - Part One

By Yuki, 15, Christchurch, New Zealand

Love Song

writing a love song
on the train to the empty plains
scratching quill resonating
slight smile tugging at his lips
wondering how to put his heart
on the piece of tattered parchment
through the ink he tells his journey of love
of survival from the most brutal fall encountered
from the shaft of sunlight
the artist peers out the window
dust catches on the streak of warmth
he absorbs the silence that accompanied him
as he sits in the stillness of the carriage
writing a love song
on the train to the empty plains
(May 2008)

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Search For a Man

By Ritah, 12, Bangkok, Thailand

Search for a man who will call you beautiful, and not hot,
Who will stay by your side until you rot,
Who wouldn't be afraid to say he loves you a lot,
Who does not flee at the sight of a cot.

Search for a guy who does not fear wrinkles,
Who won't disappear when you find you've got shingles.
That certain someone'll be as precious as gold,
For he'll never grow cold as you start to get old.

Look for somebody who'll think you're just brilliant,
Who'll only describe you with words such as 'radiant,'
Who'll ask for forgiveness, knowing you can just leave,
Who'll always be Adam so long as you're Eve.

You can search far, as much as you can search low,
But I guarantee that you'll find nothing but woe,
For such a man remains non-existent,
And the behavior of one is never consistent.

And so, ladies, the only companion that you ever will find,
Is a voice from inside on which you can always rely,
For you should never forget how to be able to say 'I,'
A man's just not worth it, 'cause to yourself you mustn't lie.
(February 2008)

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The Fast life: A Drag Racer's Tale

By Bianca, 14, Atlantic City, USA

Toni watched the seconds tick by on the clock. 2:38. Two minutes until the school day was over. The history teacher, Mr Bates, was droning on about the Vietnam war, or World War Two, or Indians, or something else she wasn't interested in. She wished she could run him over. She chuckled to herself at that thought. Her Mom was right. The only thing she thought about was cars. Even as she watched the hands on the clock tick by, she really saw the speed on her Porsche increasing by the second.
Toni wasn't rich. She had one of the poorest families in Atlantic City. Even so she owned a Porsche, a Ferrari, and about nine other cars, three of which she had some friends who worked in the auto mechanic business put together almost from scratch. When she was fifteen her boyfriend, Manuel Perez, a mechanic, let her drive his Corolla even though she didn't have a drivers license. She was a natural. She drove them all over the city like a pro. When Manuel saw how much she liked it and how good she was he had taken her to a drag race that night. The cops had come just as the first race ended and everyone started to leave before they got arrested. She had fell in love with driving and wanted to race. Two weeks later there was another drag race and Manuel gave her a car. Later she would lose the race and the car but after that first time, she drove all the races and was undefeatable.
She made thousands of dollars everytime she raced. Toni started to neglect Manuel and they broke up but remained friends. She was never at home because she spent most of her time driving. Now at eighteen, a senior at the Atlantic City Highschool, she loved it more than anything in the world and wouldn't know what she'd do without it.
"Ms. Grace," Mr Bates called to her. She rolled her eyes and kept staring at the clock. The last thing she had time for was history. Why dwell on the past? The only subject she really paid attention to was math and that was because she used math a lot when driving.
"Ms. Grace," he called again. One minute left. Maybe he'd catch the hint that she was going to ignore him.
"MS. GRACE!" She guessed not
"Yeah," She sighed
" Are you going to answer the question?"
"I don't plan on it," Toni said truthfully. Some of the students in the class snickered. Mr. Bates simply sighed. For a second Toni felt sorry for him. How much did the old guy go through everyday. Then she thought, hey, the old guy gets paid for spewing out history facts. Why shouldn't he work for the money.
"Do you even know what the question was?" he asked.
"I can't honestly say I care." Toni answered bluntly.Thirty seconds and she could leave.
Mr. Bates took off his classes, sighed again, and cleaned them on his shirt. He had really deep wrinkles around his eyes. God he's old, she couldn't help but think. He put the glasses back on his face and spoke to her again. "If only you could apply your brilliant mind to something besides cars."
"If only you could give me a reason to." The bell rang and everybody got up to leave. Toni was the first one out the door. Somebody was calling her, but she didn't bother to see who it was. She was positive that no one in this school was worth her time. Still as she made her way towards her locker whoever it was kept calling her. She turned to see Tyesha Johnson coming towards her. She rolled her eyes and started to open her locker. Tyesha came up to her panting.
"Didn't you hear me calling you," she asked leaning on the locker.
"Yeah, so," Toni replied opening her locker and stuffing her books in.
"You was suppose to wait. It was important."
"It couldn't have been that important if your not saying anything now." Toni closed the locker, put the lock back on, and started walking away with Tyesha walking behind her.
"We got to get our technology report done. It's due next week and Mrs. Steely said it's worth seventy percent of our grade. I told you we could do the report at my house since I have a computer and- "
"What makes you think I don't have a computer," in fact, Toni had a state of the art lap top she had bought with the money she made drag racing.
"Well i just- "
"Look I couldn't care less about some stupid project, some stupid teacher, at some stupid school, assigned to some stupid kids. If you want a good grade get one." Toni said irratated.
"We're supposed to- "
"Bye," Toni said dismissing her. Seeing she wasn't going to get anything from Toni, Tyesha left. Toni made her way home. She decided to grab something to eat. She needed energy for the big race that night.


As soon as Toni walked into the house she could hear her eight year old twin brothers yelling. Toni's mom would be home soon and she wanted to leave before she got there. She quietly closed the door and tip toed into the kitchen. They must have smelled her or something because they came running in like chihuahuas.
"Toni tell Day-Day he don't have no mustache," the loud one yelled as Toni ate an apple.
"Toni tell Ray-Ray I do to stupid," the other loud one yelled.
"Where's Ms. Michelle?" Toni asked already annoyed. Ms. Michelle was the babysitter who watched the twins and her grandmother until her mom got home from work. Her grandmother couldn't watch them because she had Alzeheimers. All she did was lay in bed and babble about mermaids for some reason. It was like she just got old one day. She needed to be fed and bathed. She was completely useless.
"She left." Ray-Ray answered.
"Yeah. She kept yelling bad words when she left, too." Day-Day added.
"And waving her hands like this." They started waving there hands around. Ray-Ray knocked over the juice she had just pored all over her and Day-Day slipped in the puddle on the floor.
"Look what ya'll did. Ya'll are the dumbest eight year olds," she said slapping them both in the head. "Clean this up before Mom gets home."
"Sorry," they both said near tears. Toni threw some paper towels at them and went upstairs to change.
She went into her room and looked around. Her notebook was sitting on her bed. Her brothers were always taking paper and drawing. They were really good for some dumb eight year olds, too. Besides that it looked exactly the way she left it. She reached under her bed and took out the box with the money she won from drag racing. It was all there. All 25,000. After she had checked that her room was untouched she went into her closet. She took off her juice stained clothes and put on the designer jeans she had bought a few weeks ago, and a blue shirt that said "who cares about you" across the front in big white letters. As she slipped on her Nikes she could hear her mom calling the twins. She put on her Jacket and went downstairs.
"Hey baby, where's Ms. Michelle," her mom asked.
"The boys said she just left," Toni answered, quickly moving towards the door.
"Before we got home?"
"I guess," Toni replied reaching for the door knob.
"Wait," her mom said gently grabbing Toni's arm. Toni yanked it away and turned around to face her. She knew what was coming. "I need you to watch grandma and the boys. I'm working over-time tonight. I was going to ask Ms. Michelle but-"
"I'm busy."
"Well I need you to watch them."
"They're your kids," Toni argued. "You watch them."
"Toni I'm sorry but you have to watch them I-"
But Toni had already walked out of the door. She wasn't going to miss the biggest race of the year. The king of racing, Big Ray, was coming from Miami to race her. He never lost a race once and if she beat him she would be known as the best drag racer along the east coast. She still had to go to the Auto Body to pick up one of her cars. She had to keep them there so her mom wouldn't find them and guess what she did when she left the house although Toni was almost sure she already knew. She was pretty notorious in Atlantic City. The cops couldn't arrest her because they didn't have any evidence on her. Most of the cops placed bets on her anyway.
When she got to the Auto Body Manuel and Nigel, another employee, were outside waiting for her. She gave both of them a hug and they all walked in together. Simone, the Auto Body's best Mechanic, was working under a Escalade. Toni really liked Simone. She considered Simone her only friend. She pretty much pretended to be other peoples friend so they would like her and she could get what she wanted. Simone, she thought, was different. They really liked each other.
"What's up Simone?" Toni said slapping her knee.
Simone slid from under the SUV and smiled up at Toni. "Nothin' much girl. You gonna bring in a win today or what? We could use some cars."
"Don't worry about that. Let's see what you got for me."
Simone led Toni to a new car that had just come in. It was bright green and sleek. The inside had a computer on the driver side dashboard so it must have been juiced up. Joy sticks extended to the steering wheel so Toni could push a button for any extra boost of speed she may need. The computer also had cameras that showed all sides of the car so she could just look ahead to see who was near her. Even the headlights were specially made so that they produced just enough light to see perfectly. All in all it was a good car.
"Make sure you race for pinks," Simone said handing Toni a pink slip for the car. "We need more cars. We'll be there to watch your race later on."
Toni took the pink slip and threw it in the backseat. "Alright."
"Don't lose it. We need more cars. You'd better win too, girl."
"Don't I always?"


At 9: 00 Toni pulled turned on to Billiard Avenue where hundreds of people had already arrived. Only four people would be racing but everyone came to watch. It was a must see event. Big Ray, the king of Miami drag racing, was going to bless Atlantic City with his presence. He was pretty much a legend amoung drag racers. He started when he was just twelve years old. It was said that he had never lost in the hundreds of times he'd raced. There was one rumor that some guy had beaten him but when they pulled up at the finish line the guy was dead. A lot of people were afraid to race him after that, but most didn't believe that stories. Toni was one of them. She couldn't wait to race him.
She drove the car to the front of the crowd. Two of the racers, Jimmy Cash and Amy Lu, were already there. Toni had raced both of them some time ago. They were good but the boosters on her car would blow them off the road. They were two of the best driver around but they didn't compare to Toni. She really wanted to see what Big Ray was driving. He was the real competition. He was thirty minutes late and anticipation was killing her along with everyone else. Sting, the guy who put all the races together was getting irritated. The longer they waited the more people who left and ruined his impeccable reputation. The race between BigRay and Toni was the biggest attraction and Sting couldn't just start without him. The whole crowd was tired of waiting. Big Ray wasn't even there and he was everyone's center of attention.
Toni was pretty upset. She wanted to drive. She wanted to beat Big Ray and get this whole thing over with. She could feel the adrenaline pumping in her veins as she thought about racing. She saw herself turning a tight corner with the steady hum of the tires below her letting her fly.
Toni turned her head to see Amy Lu staring at an oncoming set of about seven cars. The car in front was midnight blue with waves. The windows were tinted so she couldn't see inside but everyone knew who it was by the way the car was slightly leaning on one side. "Big Ray," Toni said to herself.
Big Ray drove his car up to the starting point with the other racers. His entourage parked around him, their cars blasting rap music that pierced through the agitation in the air. The crowd started dancing and shouting sudden chants of "Big Ray. Big Ray." He and his retinue got out of their cars at exactly the same time. After he had dusted off hiis fur coat he walked straight over to Toni who was bored with the whole "I'm the ledgend who shalt not be challenged by thou." He had the air of someone who demanded respect that Toni detected right off the bat but ignored. That was her second Mistake. Her first mistake was showing up.
"You're Toni," he asked. Actually he didn't asked. He pretty much told her that was her name as if daring her to argue which Toni had no reason to.
"Yeah," she said casually.
"I've heard good things about the way you race and would like to offer you a job with my racing buddies. I'll pay for a hotel for you to live in and you give me 60% of your winnings and anything else I may need." In the ten seconds it took for Big Ray to say that, all admiration for him had somehow drained.
"You know what Biggy Big? I think I'll be alright."
"Think it over," he said ignoring her comment.
"Boy think what over? N - O." Toni spelled it out for him annoyed.
"When you lose you'll wish you had taken me up on my offer. Why don't you just go home little girl." Big Ray said as though he expected Toni to obey her.
"I will beat you. And just 'cause your larger than life don't mean you need to call me little girl." Toni retorted calmly. Big Ray gave her a hard glare and went back to his car. Sting came over to her and asked her if she wanted to place the bet. "Yeah," she told him, "we race for pinks." She handed him the pink slip and smiled. He went back to the others and convinced them to race for pinks. Amy Lu and Jimmy Crash were the ones who had a problem with it. It semed Big Ray would take anything.
"Alright," Sting shouted so the entire crowd could here him. "Let's race." He collected the pinks and ushered the racers to their cars.
Amy Lu, Jimmy Cash, Toni Grace, and Big Ray got into their cars, all eager to start the race that would make or break their career. Each of them prepared themselves mentally before the race started. Toni imagined her speeding down the rode and seeing the other racers behind her, stressing. She revved up her car, which excited the crowd. The others looked her way and revved their own cars.
Some woman clad in practically nothing got in front of the cars and raised her arms. Toni's adrenaline started pumping and the others revved their engines once more. The woman dropped her arms and the racers sped off.
Toni immediately claimed the league followed by Big Ray, Amy Lu, and then Jimmy Cash. She had a strategy planned out already. Amy Lu and Jimmy Cash both had cars that couldn't hold more than one acceleration booster. If she got really far ahead of them they would use the boost to simply catch up and she could use her booster to win. She didn't know what type Big Ray had because his car model was one she had never seen and his windows were tinted so she had to beat him with skill which she had plenty of.
This race was mostly of turns. Amy Lu couldn't keep her speed up and turn at the same time so she was FAR behind the others. Jimmy Cash had used his only booster pretty early in the race and he had already fallen far behind too. The race was basically between Toni and Big Ray who were always right behind each other.
Toni was having the time of her life. Big Ray would always get in front of her for a second and then fall behind a bit when Toni sped up in front him. Both of them refused to use their boosters lest the other racer had a stronger booster and would pull through suddenly at the end. Big Ray had tried to run her up a curb countless times, scratching at the side of her car. She sped up and got away from him. 90mph, 100mph. Big Ray was right on her side for awhile and seemed close to getting ahead of her. Toni knew she had to think of something quick or she would lose. 130mph, 120mph. As they turned on Baylock Avenue, six blocks from the finish line Toni knew what she had to do.
Two blocks down they had to make a left turn. Big Ray was new around here. Toni was sure a simple trick would win her the race if Big Ray was distracted enough. Toni got Big Rays attention by scraping against his car a few times and honking. As they reached the left turn, Toni turned right slightly and Big Ray made a sharp right, thinking that was the turn he was suppose to take. Toni quickly turned left and stomped on the accelerator. Three blocks left. 130mph, 120mph. Toni looked in the rear view mirror laughing. Big Ray had only just turned. Two blocks left.
As Toni got comfortable in the lead Big Ray used his booster. It emitted green sparks Toni had never seen before. A second ago she was far in the lead and now he was quickly gaining. She couldn't use her booster yet. Just one more block. He was right behind her she decided not to wait.


Toni sped away to the finish line. She was going so fast she decided not to stop, but to take a victory lap around the block. Even when she came back, Big Ray had just gotten out of his car. The crowd cheered wildly for her as Simone raced out to check the car which was scratched up badly. Big Ray was conferring with some one in his entourage, a man with a crazy box cut, angrily about whatever. Gabe was his name. Toni didn't have time to worry about it. She accepted compliments from the crowd and laughed about the race with Manuel. Sting came over, congratulated her and handed Toni the pink slips. Simone promptly took them and gave Toni a hug. "Good job girl. You was on point. Me, Manuel, and Nigel will get the raced cars. You can drive the Escalade we bought. Actually it's yours." Simone smiled and walked off. The rest of the crowd left too. Sting was having a party and most people wouldn't miss it. Toni decided to go home. It was 10:30 and she would rather not have her mom on her case late at night
As she drove her new Escalade to the Auto Body to drop it off she realized that the Bentley behind her was following her. To be sure she circled a few blocks and turned a few sharp corners. Eventually they realized that she knew they were following her and they pulled up alongside her car. On most occasions she would have tried to lose them in some kind of car chase but she knew who it was and was interested in what he had to say.
Toni rolled down her window as someone in the Bentley's passenger seat rolled down theirs. It was Gabe, the man with the crazy box cut, who Big Ray had been talking to after the race."What," Toni said rudely.
The back seat car window rolled down and Big Ray puffed smoke from a cigar. The man with the box cut started talking. He had obviously rehearsed what he was going to say under the direction of Big Ray. "Big Ray would like to congratulate you on your win." He spoke smoothly and slowly which irritated Toni. She had other things to do. "You showed great skill and Big Ray would like to remind you of his earlier offer of working for him." Toni politely told him where his offer could go and the guy with the box cut looked back at Big Ray. Big Ray nodded and puffed at his cigar again. "Big Ray would like to have another race between you and him tomorrow. It would be set together by Sting and you wouldn't have to bet anything."
"I don't race for nothing," Toni said although she did. Anything to make Big Ray sweat.
The guy with the box cut looked back at Big Ray again and once again he nodded. "We will put up $10,000. Be there at 10pm tomorrow at Bayside Avenue. Don't be late." They sped off before Toni could answer. Of course no answer was really necessary. Of course she'd go.


Through out the next day all she could think of was the race. She had decided to drive the very car she had won from Big Ray. She instructed Simone to juice the car up and add a few other improvements. She was sure nothing Big Ray had would top it. She ignored all her classes. In history class Mr. Bates had said "Ms. Grace, slowly take your brain off cruise and come back to class." She had ignored this as well. She didn't have time for dumb jokes either. She concentrated solely on the race.
When the school day was finally over Tyesha Johnson was once again waiting for Toni at her locker. It seemed she was in some kind of forgiving, let's-work-this-out mood. "Listen. I know you're busy but school is important you know. I think if you worked on our project with me you-"
"I am not working on this project. I have better things to do then sit around with you," Toni said annoyed.
For a second Tyesha didn't say anything. When she spoke she was calm and serious. "You know one day this fast life of yours is going to catch up with you. Just wait." Toni rolled her eyes and happily watched Tyesha walk away.
After school she went straight to the Auto Body. She told Simone and Manuel about the race. They said they hadn't heard about it and when they called Sting they couldn't get through to him. That wasn't unusual. His phone was always busy. They didn't stress over it. Manuel and Simone were busy that night anyway. When 9:55pm rolled around she headed over to Bayside Avenue to race Big Ray one last time.
When she turned onto Bayside Avenue no crowd was there. Big Ray was leaning against a black car talking with his entourage of three or four people, but that was it.
"Where is everybody?" Toni asked getting out of the car.
"I guess Sting didn't pull through, huh?" One of his friends said.
Toni didn't know whether to leave or not. Staying didn't seem right but how would leaving look.
"What's wrong," big Ray said smirking. "Can't race without Sting here to fix the race."
"Whatever let's race." Toni got back in the car and started it up. She had memorized the race route seeing as she had raced down this same street many times.
Big Ray got into his car as the other, the Bently Big Ray had been in the day before, drove away. One of his friends stayed behind. He stood in front of the cars and raised his arms. Big Ray revved up his car and Toni turned to see him smiling at her. She rolled her eyes and stared ahead. When the man lowered his arms they both sped off. Big Ray was slightly ahead of her but as they made the first turn she gained the lead. Not even halfway through the race Big Ray propelled himself ahead with an acceleration boost. Odd, Toni thought, why use it so early. Before Toni had time to properly ponder that thought she saw head lights in the alley directly in front of her. Before she had time to brake or turn the car slammed directly into Toni's car sending her flipping in the air. The car crashed hood first into a building.
At first, Toni didn't feel anything. Then her legs started pulsating with pain. Her head was bleeding and she could see the bone in her left arm jutting out. She could hear sirens over the sound of yelling in the back of her head. As a paramedic came to the side of the car, her vision blurred and she passed out.
When Toni woke up she was lying in a hospital bed. After her mind and vision was in proper focus she realized her mother was leaning over her, rubbing her head. Toni couldn't even believe her mother was there in the hospital with her. She had never been a loving daughter towards her. She had yelled at her, disrespected her, and done all other kinds of things no child should do. Yet she was there. When her mother saw Toni come to, she called out into the hallway. "Come on in. She's up." She smiled down at Toni who was in to much pain to smile. Instead she squeezed her mother's hand as the twins and her grandmother came in.
"Toni, Toni, Toni," the twins yelled as they ran in. They jumped on her bed and Toni couldn't help but laugh which hurt. "You been sleep for a whole week. We thought you'd be torn apart. "
"Nope, God was looking out for my baby," her mom said happily.
"You should have seen the car," Day-Day said excitedly.
"Yeah it was all shriveled up and-"
"Alright," their mom said, "here's a dollar go to a vending machine." The twins happily skipped into the hall to find a vending machine. As they left a doctor came in. Toni's mother and grandmother sat down as if expecting bad news. The doctor himself took off his glasses and sighed as if he was tired of giving it.
"Well I see Toni is up, a good sign. Her arm will heal and although she suffers from a mild concussion that isn't to much to worry about. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about her legs."
For the first time Toni realized she couldn't feel her legs. She tried to raise them but nothing happened. She clutched the covers and tried to pull them back but her mother held her hands where they were. Toni didn't have to see. She knew they weren't there. Tears rolled down her eyes and she tried to suppress her sobs. No more driving. No more walking at that.
The doctor continued talking about whellchairs, therapy, appointments, and things of the such but Toni didn't pay attention. Instead she grasped her mothers hand and went to sleep.


A couple of days later Toni was admitted from the hospital. None of her friends had bothered to visit her. They were all too busy. Manuel had sent her flowers, but that was the extent of any kindness from her so called friends. After she could properly use the wheelchair she could go back to school. It wasn't to hard to use. She was used to steering on wheels, but she didn't want to go to school so she stayed out for an extra week. After that her mother made her go to school. "You can't waste your time lying around this house," she had said. Usually Toni would be the one talking about how she was wasting her own time in that house, but now it was her mother.
When Toni went back to school a few things were different. She always sat around by herself so that hadn't changed, but usually her presence was ignored. Now everyone stared at her and tried to be very polite toward her. She found herself talking to other students and even participating in all her classes. Before she had liked being alone but socializing with other people wasn't so bad.
Lunch was the hardest part of the day. Every one sat with their own clique but Toni usually left school before lunch and didn't have anyone to sit with at lunch. She sat alone stabbing the gray mash potatoes with her fork. Tyesha Johnson sat down next to her twenty minutes before lunch was over. They didn't really say anything but Toni decided she would help Tyesha with their project after all. They wouldn't become good friends for awhile but Toni had time. She was done with living the fast life.
(June 2007)

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Footprints in the Sand

By Miranda, 14, London, Ontario, Canada

My dad has always said to me "Wherever you go, you will always leave footprints". It was his motto, and its also what helped get me through hard times.
My father had been diagnosed with cancer when I was just 7 years old. I didn't know what it was then...I'm not sure I know any better now, I just can't understand why my father, of all people, had to be diagnosed with such a horrible disease.
It was October 16, 2006, my 13th birthday, and also the worst day of my life. I was so excited to become a teenager, going to parties, staying out later.....everything a girl could want at this age. But when I got home from school, my father was no where to be seen and I found my mother sobbing at the kitchen table. My mother told me the most horrible news a child could ever hear, especially on her birthday.
"Where's dad?" I asked.
My mother started sobbing even harder now.
"He....died. I'm sorry." My mom was crying now.
I could say nothing. I just ran up to my room. Part of me was mad at my dad, for not getting to say goodbye, for dying without saying bye to me. I was mad that now I'd have to grow up without a father. But then i started to cry, and I wasn't mad anymore.
The last thing I ever did with my dad was the day before my birthday, October 15, 2006. We decided to celebrate my birthday the day before because he had surgery the next day. We went out to dinner and then for a long walk on the beach. We made footprints in the sand.
The footprints are still there to this day, not in the sand, but in my mind. And that's when I truly understood. (June 2007)

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The Beauty of Me

By Brandy, 14, Christchurch, New Zealand

People stop and stare
At me as I'm hurrying past
My eyes heavily outlined
With cheap, black eyeliner
My lips tight in a grimace
As my scruffy Chucks drag on the pavement
I glance in the window of a shop
And see an insecure teenager
A teenager hurting deep inside
A broken heart with a tattered tale
Of betrayal, pain and loss
Kids point and snigger
As they see my hair
My long black fridge
Swept to one side
To hide from the vast black world
To shield against the crude comments
I shiver and draw my black jacket
Tight around my body
And I brush at my skinny jeans
When I spot a light patch of dust
Dust that boys kick at me
They spit and laugh
They point and mock
As I stand in deathly silence
I may be "Emo" as they call me
I may be labelled a freak
But how can they not see
The creative, nice and gentle side of me
Do they think I am a crazy teen?
Full of hatred and darkness?
Do they think I worship the devil?
When I am a perfectly dedicated Christian?
They do not know that I feel love and pain
They do not know I can write essays on politics
They do not know that I am bright
Or that I am witty and creative
How can they know I am these things?
When they judge me on first glance
I wish things weren't this way
I wish things were much simpler
I wish so many wishes
But they all never come true
My sadness and pain grow deeper
As I stroke the mirror gently
Tears streak down my pale cheek
As I realise with a sudden jolt
That my wishes weren't meant to be fulfilled...
(June 2007)

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Philosophy of Dreams

By Yuki, 14, Christchurch, New Zealand

Swirling mass of hundred hours
Minutes dropping from the sky
Sliding down the window pane
Of life and souls that wander near
Dark blue light filters by
A white mist sneaks through the rain
Whispers of stories and dreams of youth
Gallop across the plains of Darkness
Never understanding the reason
To why the colours mingle that way
Hoping for hope and praying for prayer
A gift descending among the creatures
Lurking past the gasping trouts
By the riverside the wind screams
Gazing at the massive black dome
Whistling the tune of our lives
Our stories of love through pain
Writing the poem of our long-forgotten youth
Falling into the wishing well
And finally reaching the finale of the end.
This, is the Philosophy of Dreams...
(June 2007)

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Dont Worry

By Kiaunnia, 15, Angie, LA, USA

My life is his hands
He knows love and understands

So what if I stumble now and then
He always picks me up to try again!

Don't sigh and fret and spoil the day
Nobody always get their way.

Think of my blessing, Heaven knows
Folks have always of forgiving those.

Don't squander years that could fill with such tremendous worth
Until one by one the chances pass.

Like sand within an hour glass
Don't worry and wish and plot and plan
To remember the Mighty Oak begin from nothing
More then one small seed. And is aware of what I need
(April 2007)

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By Emily, 14, Iowa, USA

Why don't I have courage?
Why can't I yell out whatever is on my mind?
Why can't I tell that boy that I like him too?
Why can't I tell my parents that I love them?
Why don't I have fun?
Why do I care what other people think of me?
Why do I want so many things but never give in return?
Why do I spend my days wasting time?
Why don't I stand up for myself?
Why don't I have courage?
(March 2007)

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The Sea Monster (A Dr Who fanfiction)

By Martha, 13, Staffordshire, UK

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who, Russell T Davies does. I do not want to make a profit out of this story.

`So where do you wanna go today?` The Doctor asked.
`Hmmm how about 1850`s sort of thing` Rose replied.
`Why 1850s?`
`Well it`s nice to have an adventure but it`s also nice to have a break from one ` besides, I have a cold, and I don`t want it turning into flu.` Rose explained.
`OK 1850s it is` The Doctor said, flipping some of the TARDIS controls as he spoke.
The familiar mechanical sound of the TARDIS echoed through the console room and The Doctor and Rose were heading off to another adventure, they just didn`t know it yet.

`Well here we are, North Britain in 1852` The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS.
`Wow, it`s a bit`.`
`A bit what?` The Doctor asked.
`Well, empty` Rose said.
The Doctor looked up at the sky `Aha there`s a storm coming, that`s why there are no people around here ` what fun!` As soon as he had finished speaking, a rumble of thunder echoed around the air.
`Trust you to take us into the beginning of a storm` Rose laughed in a fake telling off, but the Doctor was focused on something else, he saw something fall out of the sky `what is that!?` Rose exclaimed.
`I don`t know it looks like a meteor` The Doctor replied. The thing that fell out of the sky hit the ocean below and a sudden and quick earthquake followed it. The Doctor grinned `You know you said you didn`t want an adventure`
`Yes`` Rose said, knowing what was coming.
`I think we`ve got one!` The Doctor laughed.
`Well I guess there is no escaping from it, is there` Rose replied.
`Well` could go check it out` The Doctor hinted.
`I`m there!` Rose answered.

The Doctor and Rose started to walk towards the sea but Rose suddenly stopped she pointed to the sea `Doctor look quick!` she shouted.
The Doctor looked up and he saw a rapidly growing wave `Rose get back to the TARDIS now!` He exclaimed.
Both of them ran as fast as they could back to the TARDIS, the Doctor took the key from Rose and fumbled the key into the lock but it was too late Rose, The Doctor and the TARDIS were swept away.

The Doctor fought his way to the surface of the water even though the current was dragging him down he felt the cold air on his face and he took in a lungful of air, he saw Rose `DOCTOR!` she cried.
`ROSE GRAB MY HAND!` he strained to grab Rose`s hand `COME ON ROSE!` their fingers touched and the Doctor almost had grip of her slippery, wet hand but suddenly The Doctor knew nothing, the wave had forced him to hit the back of his head on a tree and all his senses faded into darkness, he sank under the water motionlessly.

A Saved Life and Confusing Feelings

`DOCTOR!` Rose had seen The Doctor disappear under the choppy waves and then the water sank a little to show the top of an oak tree, `oh no` Rose thought. She quickly made her decision; she took a breath and dived under the water, she swam deeper and deeper, it was easy to do with the current dragging her down but hard as the wave was still sweeping her away. Rose saw The Doctor floating motionlessly, as the current was dragging his limp body to the depths of the sea. In a flash Rose swam down and took hold of the Doctor round his waist. `Good thing I`m a strong swimmer` she thought.
As she pulled him up against the current, she realised she needed air.

With The Doctor she struggled to the surface and gulped in great lungfuls of cold, fresh air. The wave was over but now she had to get to safe ground to help the Doctor. She spotted the beach and lugged the doctor out of the water `oh doctor you`re heavy` she thought, gasping at his weight. As soon as Rose got the Doctor to the beach safely she held her ear to his chest and heard `two` faint heartbeats` and ` water? He must have swallowed loads.` Rose thought. She knew she had to act fast because he wasn`t breathing `Oh well here goes` She murmured, she took a big breath, pinched his nose, and put her mouth on his. With all her force she blew air into his lungs and then let go. The Doctor spluttered and coughed up water, he gasped and regained consciousness `R-Rose?` he asked. `Did you just kiss me?`
`Well yeah I mean no - you had to start breathing some way so I gave you mouth to mouth` She explained, embarrassed.
`Oh right`.` He replied, also embarrassed `thanks anyway`
`Doctor you almost died back there you know` Rose told him worriedly.
`I know but you could of just left me there` the Doctor replied softly.
`Never in a million years` Rose laughed. The Doctor sat up and rubbed the back of his head where he had hit the tree, Rose reached over and hugged him, feeling safe in his arms, and the reality came back - the Doctor could have died back there. `There is one thing I`m still thinking` the Doctor said thoughtfully, `how was the wave caused?`

Survivors and Deaths

The Doctor, now fully recovered, got to his feet and looked over the horizon. `What was that thing that fell from the sky?` he asked Rose, more talking to himself than Rose.
`I don`t know, it looked like a meteor to me.` Rose replied.
`No, it can`t have been - not even a meteor could cause such a big wave the mass is too small, but this thing it must have been pretty heavy to cause such a big wave` He explained. They were interrupted by a sudden screaming `Sammy! Sammy! Come on Sammy please get up!` the Doctor swivelled around and saw a woman cradling a motionless child, immediately he ran down the beach, closely followed by Rose `what`s going on?` the Doctor asked.
`It`s my Sammy there is something wrong with him` the woman sobbed.
Rose put her arm around the woman and comforted her, while the Doctor got out his sonic screwdriver and checked the little boy`s unmoving body. After about five minutes in silence apart from the woman`s sniffles, he shook his head `No we`re too late he`s gone` he told the woman, looking grim. `Sorry` I`m so sorry` he said to the dead child.
The woman picked up the child and sobbed `It was the wave`` I thought he was right behind me`` but he was suddenly gone` she wept for 5 minutes before the Doctor said, `it`s ok ` at least you have his body,` he comforted her sadly.
`What`s your name?` Rose asked.
`My name is Madeleine, Madeleine Brook` The woman replied through tears. `What is the name of the person who tried to save my child?` she asked.
`My name is the Doctor, and this is Rose Tyler, my companion` He replied softly.
`Oh well` thank you for trying to save my Sammy, but I really have to go, I`m sure that my other children will want their younger brother`s body back for a proper burial`` And with that she left to go, still weeping, with her dead child still cradled in her arms.

The Doctor and Rose silently walked into the nearest village and saw the devastation the wave had caused there were people bent over bodies, some crying, some comforting others. The Doctor looked around.
`Doctor? Did all these people die the same way as the little boy- the way you said he did` Rose asked.
`Yes, these people probably drowned, we are in the 1852 Rose - most people couldn`t swim back then` the Doctor explained.

Aftermath and Exploration

`That was horrible Doctor, there was just so much destruction` Rose whispered.
The Doctor put his arm around Rose and said `it`ll be ok, Rose ` they`ll get over all of this soon.`.

The Doctor and Rose were still walking when suddenly a thought struck the Doctor `oh my gosh why didn`t I see it before!` the Doctor said, a little loudly.
`What is it Doctor?` Rose asked knowing that something was wrong.` the Doctor laughed excitedly. `The wave was caused by a....` the Doctor ran towards the beach.
`Doctor wait!` Rose called after him.

When the Doctor got to the beach he looked into the sky trying to remember where the object had fallen `Rose can you remember where that meteor thing hit the water?` he frowned, trying to calculate the distance.
`I don`t know, I think it landed somewhere over by those cliffs` Rose answered, confused. The Doctor gave her a long, cheeky grin
`Oh no, I`m not letting you risk your life again like that` Rose told him, firmly.
The Doctor put his hand to her face softly `Rose I have to - if my suspicions are correct the whole world is in a lot of danger.` the Doctor told her.
`OK I trust you but` I don`t know what I would do if anything happened to you` Rose said anxiously.
The Doctor smiled at her and they both ran hand in hand to the cliffs.

The Doctor looked at the steep drop below him and shivered a little `I want you to be careful, Doctor I wouldn`t know what to do with myself if``` The Doctor put his hand up to silence her `Rose if anything does happen to me I want you to know that```..you are very special to me` he said quickly. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and climbed slowly down the sheer cliff face.

A Glint of Gold

Rose watched worriedly as her Doctor disappeared over the edge of the cliff, she sat down and waited for him to return, hopefully in one piece.

The Doctor waded deeper into the sea so deep that he had to start swimming, then he saw it a greenish glow that was coming from under the surface and it was then he knew what he had too do he inhaled deeply and swam down to the sea bed which was not far away.
Rose stood at the edge of the cliff and searched frantically for the Doctor, but she could not see him `Doctor!` she called out desperately but there was no reply.
The Doctor was running out of air, and he was about to give up searching when one thing confirmed his theory a glint of gold he knew he had to stay underwater for just a few more seconds, he swam down and cleared the sand from the glint of gold and suddenly a Dalek was lying there, his lungs bursting he swam to the surface and sucked in air then he took another breath and dived down to where the Dalek was he waved his hand in front of the bright blue eye - and almost choked` there was a response. He quickly swam up to the surface to find that Rose was climbing down the cliff to find him `Rose, don`t!!` he shouted. `Climb back up Rose - quickly!`
Meanwhile, Rose was getting worried. The Doctor had been underwater for over 5 minutes! She waited restlessly for another 30 seconds, then began to climb down, when she froze at the sound of the Doctor`s voice shouting at her from below: `Rose, don`t! Climb back up Rose ` quickly!` she ignored him, her mind on only one thing ` getting down to the doctor. But then she froze in her tracks as she heard that terrifying familiar upwards screech:
`EXTERMINAAAAAATE!!` Rose climbed frantically but she wondered, what about the Doctor? she looked below her and sighed in relief as she saw the Doctor climbing fast behind her. Then there was an electric pulse as the Dalek`s laser barely missed her, she screamed as part of the cliff beside fell away and the Doctor was having a hard time hanging on as large rocks bounced past. `YOU ARE AN ENEMY OF THE DALEKS YOU MUST BE DESTROYED!!!!!` came the petrifying mechanical voice of the Dalek `LEVITATE!` It screamed. The Dalek levitated until it was level with Rose, then its deadly sucker moved closer to her pale face . Rose screamed and tried to get away, but the Dalek was too fast.

A Literal Cliffhanger

The Doctor climbed as fast as he could scratching his hands on the hard surface of the cliff side, he heard Rose`s scream and shouted `ROSE!` he climbed faster, his hearts beating faster every second, just in time and still hanging on the cliff with one hand he picked out a piece of loose rock and aimed it at the Dalek`s eye stalk, the weakest point of a Dalek`s polycarbite armour `I CANNOT SEE! I CANNOT SEE!` The Dalek screamed in its rising shriek, and immediately loosed its deathly grip on Rose. The Doctor grabbed Rose`s hand and climbed up the rest of the rocky cliff. `Rose are you alright` he said anxiously.
`Yeah I think so, thanks for saving me` Rose said softly.
`EMOTIONS WILL STOP NOW THEY SICKEN ME!!!!` The Dalek shouted, cruelly.
`You, I have a bone to pick with you` The Doctor said `How did you get here on earth coz I`d really like to know`
The Doctor went right up to the Dalek`s eye stalk `Don`t change the subject, where did you come from!` He said again, but this time with a steely resolve in his voice.
`Hang on I see where this is going` The Doctor suddenly understood `You escaped the time war didn`t you and headed to earth. But why now? Why this time period?` He went on talking to himself more than the Dalek. `Maybe you knew we were going to be there` you had a transmitter so you could work out where I was!`
`Oh no not this time, Dalek, I happen to know that your immune system is damaged from the fall and I happen to know someone with a particularly nasty virus that could in fact kill a Dalek off` The Doctor smiled in a self-satisfied way.
The Dalek glided back a little as if it was taken aback by the Doctors quick conclusion. The Doctor suddenly whipped his sonic screwdriver out and made for the Dalek he quickly prised open the Dalek`s casing and shouted `QUICKLY ROSE COUGH!` The Doctor shouted.
Rose got up and ran towards the Dalek, she coughed on the slimy inner Dalek and immediately changes began to take affect on the horrible creature, `NOOOO I WILL NOT GET KILLED BY A TIMELORD!` The Dalek screamed. And all in a rush the Dalek pulled the self-destruct lever `DALEKS WILL SOMEDAY RULE THE UNIVERSE AND DALEKS WILL BE THE ONLY PURE SPECIES IN THE GALAXY!!!` The Dalek screeched before levitating a few feet off the ground and imploding into itself.

Loose ends

Rose and the Doctor stood by the cliff for a second watching the Dalek implode, and then they turned away.
`Doctor? Uhm, how are we getting home? We need to find the TARDIS.`
`It`s okay Rose I can see the TARDIS from here it`s embedded in the sand over there` The Doctor pointed to the beach.
As they walked down to the beach, Rose said `I didn`t thank you properly for saving my life, it`s just without you I wouldn`t be here.`
`Well I guess we`re even then` The Doctor said with a smile. `for earlier I mean.`
As they stepped into the TARDIS, the Doctor turned to Rose and smiled.
`Want to go to Barcelona?`
(Feb 07)

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The Robbery

By Megan, 15, Isle of Sheppey, UK

The spider crawls across the silvery web, dodging the droplets of dew that look like diminutive pearls hanging on a sparkling necklace.
Its tiny legs move quickly and gracefully toward the hole from which it had materialized, before receding into the darkness of the nearby tree.
The tree is covered in captivating blossom that for a moment, draws my attention away from the vivid and horrific dream I had witnessed in my slumbered state.

A soft breeze lifts some of the flawless blossom petals into the air then lowers them delicately to the ground like confetti being thrown at a wedding.

My heart is filled with the familiar sadness that I have felt everyday over the past twenty years. The painful memories take me back to that spine-chilling day.
The day my beautiful daughter was robbed from me, never to return.


I was an undercover police officer, and I had been given the job of bringing a major drug dealer to justice, who had been importing vast sums of illegal drugs into this country. He had been arrested many times before, but we could never find enough evidence to charge him.
So, I posed as a dealer looking for someone to supply me with stock. I threw the bait and got a catch, it was a long process but we got the result we wanted.

Unfortunately, after he had been sent to prision, trouble began bubbling within his accomplishments. They hatched a plan to pay me back, by kidnapping my eleven year old daughter, Rebeka.

It happened when I was working one dreadful saturday.
My mother, Eve, has sent her out to play in the garden while she cleared up after lunch. When Rebeka's scream filled the air Eve ran out to find the gate swinging open in the wind with a note pinned to it which stated that if we didn't agree to pay them a million pounds, they would kill her.

I was distraught. No words could comfort me, no actions could soothe my aching heart. It felt like part of my body had been cut off and stolen from me.

The kidnappers regularly phoned, letting me speak to Rebeka, just to assure me that she was ok. Each time I heard her frightened voice, I became sicker and sicker with worry.

When It reached the ninth day, they arranged a meeting with me. The police began to plan their surprise attack, as soon as the phone call ended.

Nervously, the very next day, I walked towards my daughters kidnappers, with a bag full of money in my hand and a stomach full of butterflies. Just to see Rebeka's beautiful face filled me with joy, I couldn't believe I was actually going to be able to hold her again.

One of the kidnappers spotted a hidden policeman out of the corner of his eye, my heart sank as he lifted his gun and began to shoot at him. The policeman got shot and hit the ground with a sickening thud.
I closed my eyes in despair as a full on crossfire began, the kidnappers shooting at the police and the police shooting back.

I saw a bullet heading straight for Rebeka. I screamed 'NO' at the top of my voice. The look of terror on her face was replaced by an expression of shock as the bullet penetrated her chest. She gave a small cry before falling to the ground.

Not caring whether I got shot or not, I dashed across to where my beautiful daughter lay.
I watched the light leaving her eyes as my vision blurred and tears ran uncontrollably down my face.

Sitting on the cold, hard ground, I was unaware of the events going on around me, all that filled my mind was thoughts of the child I had just lost. The look on her face just before she died was imprinted on my memory.
After a while, I became vaguely aware of someone putting their arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace. Looking up, I saw my mother`s kind face, Her lined eyes red from crying.
We sobbed, clinging to each other, while Rebeka's lifeless body was lifted into the ambulance and driven away into the darkness of the night.


Twenty years on and I still re-live that day in my dreams.
The horror of what happened still causes tears to spill down my face.
Even though Rebeka isn't here, she lives on in my thoughts and in my heart.

Then, I raise my face to the heavens and think
'Rest for now little one for I shall see you again soon'.
(Feb 07)

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Baghdad Blitz

By James, 13, Guildford, UK

(This is aimed at an older audience. I don't mean any offence to Iraqi's or Muslims.)

The sun pounded on his helmet. The dust lay on his shoulders and settled in his hair. The gun pointed down, hanging from his neck. Philip looked bleakly at the ground, sweat trickling across his worn face and down the back of his uniform.

Philip was a small but well built young man, with bulging muscles and wide square shoulders. His face was generally intimidating, with deep lines almost dividing his face into sections. His eyes looked sharp and penetrating, but they were hidden under his long brown hair which flowed across his head and almost reaching his shoulders.

It was not the time for emotions. He was in the middle of Baghdad, in a small stuffy room with no air conditioning, with guerrillas closing in on the base and surrounding streets. Soldiers and police stood as he was standing, waiting for some kind of order but at the same time hoping they would get any. Several shuffled their feet, others stood in deep thought. One man was stroking his gun.

Outside gunfire started. Philip was suddenly alert and back to reality. The noise made several men jump, some even falling to the floor. He suspected it was just to intimidate. If they ran from cover they would all be sitting ducks. Philip crossed the room to look out of a window.

Philip halted in mid-step. Suddenly a machine gun started firing. It was closer and began in short bursts, firing on and off. Then, after a pause, the machine gun fire began again, bullets thudding into the wall relentlessly.

A window exploded, glass spilling onto the floor. There were screams. Shards of glass had lodged themselves into the walls and people opposite. The windows had become weapons.

Where was the general?

"Soldiers, get down now!" Philip yelled, not knowing what the response would be. Most people followed the orders, falling to the ground and curling into a ball. Others stood dazed.

Across the room another window exploded, spraying more glass across the room. There was a pause, the gunfire halted briefly. Then two more windows simultaneously cracked and collapsed, large chunks of glass falling from the frame.
"Get away from the windows!" Philip shouted over the noise, hoping the people stupidly watching out of the windows would hear him. A few men heard and shuffled sideways, but other injured men remained slumped by the window. Philip cursed, but he was to afraid to approach them. He hoped they would be fine.

Philip stood crouched, clutching his gun and muttering a prayer. A cloud of dust swept into the room. Glass and debris crunched under soldiers feet. Bullets had left their marks in the wall. The door rattled, splintering as hundreds of bullets pelted into it.

There was return fire. Philip felt relief and hope surge back into him. Everything would be fine in an hour or so. Philip persuaded himself to help a few injured soldiers.

There was a huge crash. The wall suddenly collapsed forwards. Philip jumped backwards. There was the sound of an engine. Pieces of the wall fell to the ground and a vehicle suddenly emerged from the rubble. Bricks bounced off the windscreen. A cloud of dust was stirred up again. Philip groaned. He lay slumped against the wall. His gun was raised pathetically.

There was a man seated in the vehicle, a cheap green saloon car. The side windows were rolled down and the lights seemed to be on. The man yelled
"Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Alla Ak..." He never finished. Philip squeezed the trigger, barely knowing what he was doing.

Philip's ears hurt. He had never fired his heavy machine gun without ear protection. There were several large bullet holes in the windscreen. Behind the windscreen was a dead terrorist. Philip felt sick. The man's blood was splattered against the back windscreen and across the seats. It was nothing like a video game. It looked horrible. Philip felt an awful guilt cloud his mind.

Later it was confirmed that the general had been shot. Philip cried long and hard that evening. He reflected on it as he lay in his sleeping back. He stared out of the large hole in the wall, watching the glowing sunset. That general was a good man, probably only sipping a cup of coffee when he was killed.

Philip had always thought the army would be a laugh, a bit of experience. He now realised the horror of it. He had been hired by two governments to kill others, provoke other nations and possibly to die. There was so much blood on his hands.

It was cold now. The sun was vanishing under the skyline. Philip wanted to run away. Maybe he would. He considered it briefly. He wondered if he could get home somehow.

Philip wiped his eyes and rolled over.

Later that year Philip Mint died in combat. Eyewitnesses say he was shot in the chest.
`He was a good soldier.` The army said in an interview. His coffin has been sent back to England with 57 others. RIP Philip Mint.

I, the writer, am against this war and the death. Many Britons, Americans and Iraqis have died in this bloody war. I am infuriated by George Bush and Tony Blair for bringing this upon us all. May all those who have fought and/or have died in this rest in eternal peace.

I dedicate this piece of writing to those great brave people who died. RIP.
(Feb 07)

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The Razor Killer

By Somak, 16, India

The weather had been uncomfortably cold this season, and it had been mostly due to the constant showers that poured down on the town every once in a while. It was dusk. The sun was setting, sending a golden colour across the sky. But a cold wind was beginning to blow and the residents knew that this pleasant weather wouldn`t last for long. The streets were mostly empty, the residents had returned to their houses, getting cozy in front of the fireplace. They knew that there was going to be a shower, which would soon lower the temperature. The dogs and cats were cuddling up at small places trying to keep warm, as well as the beggars who had nowhere else to go. The streetlights had been turned on, providing a glow of light across the streets. In the midst of this weather, two men were walking down the streets, side by side. The first man was tall and muscular. He had a small bushy moustache and a grizzly beard. He wore a grey Macintosh and faded trousers; his head was covered by a brown hat. The other man was medium in height, with a fair complexion and no hint of any beard or moustache. He wore a black coat and black trousers, but left his head uncovered. The two men walked through the streets, their boots making a marching sound in the road. Both of them were strangers to each other. And this was the first time that they had ever met. They had met in a shop while buying cigarettes and had gradually started a conversation. Then the large man had proposed that they take a walk together since none of them were in a hurry. The smaller man had agreed and presently they were walking together. They had been walking for a while and were talking to each other.

`I take it that you`ve heard?` the large man, who had introduced himself as Mr. Jones said.
`About what?` said the smaller man, who called himself Mr. Wycliffe.
`You mean you don`t know about the `Razor Killer``
The name sent a chill down Mr. Wycliffe`s spine. He had heard the name, all too much for comfort. The `Razor killer` as people called him was a serial killer who had been terrorizing the town for quite a while now. He was the reason the people never went out after sunset. The `Razor Killer` had appeared in the newspaper a few months back. A murder had been committed on West Street; a young man, named Mr. Neil Brown, who was in his thirties, had been brutally murdered in an alley. His throat had been neatly cut from both sides with a shaving razor. The newspaper boy saw the body and informed the police. The police had arrived and conducted a routine investigation. All they found was the murder weapon, lying right beside the body. The blood matched, but there were no fingerprints. Mr. Brown was a kind and hospitable man; it was most unlikely that someone could murder him in such a brutal fashion. The police couldn`t come to any conclusion, since there were no witnesses and the murder took place at the dead of night.
Just five days later, another murder took place, on a different street and in the same fashion. Once again there were no witnesses and a razor lay beside the body. The victim was Mr. Harold Cross, another kind and gentle man in his forties. The work was clearly of the same man, but it was apparent that he had no motive; he was simply killing for fun. This made him all the more dangerous as no one would know who his next target would be. The people began taking necessary precautions, in spite of that there were fifteen more murders in the next few months, and the police had no clue as to the identity of the killer, who had been given the name `Razor Killer`. His techniques were simple, slash the victim`s throat and leave him along with the razor.
`What`s the matter?`
The sound broke the reverie of Mr. Wycliffe. He winced and said `Nothing. Yes, I have heard`
`They say that he`s a psychopath, a complete madman, no one knows who his next victim will be.` Mr. Jones said as his voice took on a serious tone.
`Yes` Mr. Wycliffe agreed, `A criminal who is on a murdering spree is dangerous enough, and now they say that he`s lost his mind as well`
`However`, Mr. Jones said, `We still don`t know who his next victim is. It could be me or YOU`.
A second chill went down Mr. Wycliffe`s spine on hearing Mr. Jones speak. His voice had suddenly taken on an eerie tone. And his voice had suddenly grown deathly serious.
`Yes`, Mr. Wycliffe agreed, taking out a handkerchief and wiping his forehead. `It can be anyone, but what do you think is causing this strange weather?`
Mr. Wycliffe`s attempt to change the subject failed completely as Mr. Jones threw another question at the person walking alongside him.
`Why do you think he kills people without a cause? What does he gain from it?`
Mr. Wycliffe swallowed, the pictures of the corpses printed in the newspapers flashed into his mind. `I-I don`t know.` he said.
`Know what I think?` said Mr. Jones as he smiled in a way that made Mr. Wycliffe even more shaky.
`I think`, continued Mr. Jones, without waiting for a reply, `I think that he enjoys this killing. He doesn`t care about any motive or anything; he just wants to see people die. I think he was quite a tortured kid, growing up he must have been hurt deeply by some incident and this anger has grown inside him and is now coming out. He gets pleasure by watching his victims bleed before him. And if you have been reading the newspapers you`ll know that he uses a new razor every time he kills. Since he has no use for the last one, he leaves it behind as if to mock the police.`
`Yes`, Mr. Wycliffe said, `a new weapon each time he kills. But why are you so interested in him?`
Mr. Jones flashed an evil grin which made Mr. Wycliffe even shakier. `You see` he said, `I love what he`s doing, and I am much like him. Do me a favor, look at me, don`t I look like that sketch of the murderer the police made based on some eyewitness accounts?`
Mr. Wycliffe was now sweating profusely. The two had wandered out to the outskirts of the town. There were no house here, just trees and bushes, no one would know if something happened to him.
Mr. Wycliffe turned his face with difficulty to look at Jones, who had taken off his hat and was staring back at his eyes. What he saw made him shiver. Jones face; it was exactly like the police sketch, the same hair, the same eyes, nose, everything matched.
`By God` Mr. Wycliffe said.
Mr. Jones stopped him, `Now I will reveal myself to you; I am the murderer, and you are my victim`, and he took out a shiny new razor from his pocket.
Mr. Wycliffe fell to the ground `No`, he whispered.
Jones raised the razor, and suddenly broke out in laughter. `Relax` he laughed `I`m not the razor killer. Once I saw I looked like him, I got my hair cut just like him, and I decided that scaring you would be funny. I`m sorry`
Mr. Wycliffe was panting heavily. Then he too flashed a smile. `Well that was funny` he smiled, `You had me fooled, by the way, is that razor new?`
`Of course` Jones said `I brought it today, here have a look`.
Mr. Wycliffe took the razor and smiled. `You know what would be even funnier? Suddenly finding out that I am the real Razor Killer`
`What do you mean`, asked Jones, whose smile had vanished. Wycliffe had taken on an extremely serious and scary tone.
`It`s simple`, Wycliffe said, `Seeing you imitate me has increased my thirst for murder. I`m glad you analyzed me so well and I must thank you for giving me this new razor. It`s perfect. You see. Police sketches can be quite misleading. The persons who saw me just got a glimpse and then their imagination took over, making the sketch look like you.`
Jones eyes widened in shock as he tried to get away but was grabbed from behind by a strong arm.
`It`s your turn` Mr. Wycliffe said, `Number 18`
. (Jan 07)

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By Ashleigh, 11, Redland Bay, USA

Love is the colour hot red.
Love tastes like peppermint chocolate.
Love smells like melted chocolate.
Love looks like a big red heart.
Love sounds like jazz music.
Love feels like butterflies in your stomach.
(July 2006)

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By Katie, 13, Collinsville, USA

Why does it take so long for us to realize that this whole time the person we were crazy about was the person we never even thought of?

Once again, I find myself trying to be okay with the fact that we're just friends, but then he grabs my hand and then, well, I'm not okay, I'm floating....
He always was a special friend, you know?
The kind where at the end of the day I love to come home just to talk to him.
The kind where I long for the weekend so I can see him. He's more than my best friend; he's my world. I've already met my soul mate and I'm just 13.
Hes the one person who makes my life complete...
he knew that, I knew that
Only I knew something more
I knew that I loved him and I have for so long

But do you want to know the worst part about falling for your best friend?? It's watching him fall for another girl... he complains because he cant find the "right girl"
I guess friendship makes him go blind to see
what's standing right in front of him...

So really why does it take so long for us to realize that this whole time the person we were crazy about was the person we never even thought of?

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Always and Forever

By Alice, 14, Melbourne, FL, USA.

There's things in your eyes I still can't see.
Like how the world seems to fade,
When it's just you and me.
The way you made me laugh
I can't describe how it felt,
Even now when you do,
My heart seems to melt.
It's only been 5 months and a couple of days,
But it feels like forever in so many ways.
And in such a short time,
For me to feel the way I do.
It scares me a little,
'Cause of how much I love you.
But I know you love me,
Because it always seems to show.
Even though you may wonder,
I honestly do know.

But back to your eyes,
And the things I can't see.
Like why in the world,
You chose to be with me.
I always hated those words.
'Always and Forever'
Because most people know
You won't always be together.
And although that's true,
My 'forever' is 'Now'
'Cause as long as you're mine
I'll always know how.
How much you may love me,
And I know that it's true.

But listen to my 'forever'
'Cause right 'now' I love you.
(July 2006)

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As free as a bird

By Jin, 14, Lancashire, UK

'Free as a bird' - an ironic phrase

I am alone in darkness yet the sun still shines
The warmth touches my skin but does not travel
To the inner crevasses of my heart
Everyday I smile, I laugh, I cry
Yet no emotion lies within me I am stone

I can do anything I choose; I am a grain of sand on a beach
The whole world is open to me yet I am being washed away from those I hold most dear

I am free, yet in chains
For I can never escape the thing that haunts me the most: myself

Ironic then, that something that represents freedom we lock in a cage
For a bird in a cage is not free, just as we long to be free of the bindings
Made by ourselves

And like a caged bird, I will sing
Until my heart breaks.

Free as a bird - an ironic phrase.
(July 2006)

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A Marine

By Lauren, 13, Middlesex, Virginia, USA

A marine is a brother
A marine is brave
A marine has a mother
A marine has a grave
A marine is missed
A marine is loved
A marine is kissed
A marine is hugged.
A marine is gone every second of the day
A marine is happy to go out for their county that way.
A marine is good
And the bad guys bad
There a marine stood
But don't make a marine mad
A marine is looked up to
A marine is there
A marine is true
A marine has loving care.
But when you come home,
For your 10 days,
I will once again cry
To have to say
(July 2006)

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Daddy, Where'd you go?

By Rachel , 14, Bloomfield, IN, USA

Where are you?!
I need you...
This world is closing in on me
I dont know what to do,
I dont know where to turn.
Dad don't you know your angel,
Cries every night for you.
I'm not as great as you think,
If I was I would be with you.
Right now,
By your side.
I'm not beautiful,
I'm not even worth the time.
I'm so alone.
Lost in this world,
And without you.
(July 2006)

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He Had It

By Tatia, 14, San Diego, USA

He was dying.
Cancer and old age
Had finally caught up
This was the sturdy, little old man
I called Grandfather
So special, my hero.
He has always held my hand
No matter what, never
Let me go.
He had fought
So hard, so long.
Now it was my turn
Yet, all I had
To give was
(July 2006)

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By Sanjit, 15, Jamshedpur, India

Flower, Flower
The nature made you a beautiful shower
You are the beauty of our
And you are the one
Who speaks of its colour and smell
And each word of you is as beautiful as a jingle bell
Your F is for Friendship and
L for Love
Your O teaches us Obedience and
W is for Won
You make us Elegant because of E and
R teaches us the Reality.
(June 2006)

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