Friends: Class of 1999


MGB - one of the places I spent most of my teenage years (or at least near by on Wollaton Park during maths lessons or down at the shops when I should of been in registration!)

Funniest times were sitting in science with Mr Nijran constantly talking back to him, but he always made sure he had a response - Getting told off by Mrs Williscroft for talking to Gemma, and Natasha trying to scare us with those birthing videos. - Mrs Lawson, surely one of the best teacher/friend in the school. - Mr Rowe & Mrs Benn always trying to catch the truants in the corridors. - Miss Hardwick never missed a chance to call us up to the front in maths to embarrass us. - Mr McArthur, my favourite teacher of all time, funny, kind and always knew how to make me work. - Mrs Smith, we had some fiery moments in the first year as I'm sure just about everyone can remember but we learnt to get on with each other in the end. - Mrs Eden, the best form tutor ever. Goodbye MGB and thanks for the memories.

Kareece Marzink


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