

I started MGB in 77, I was very nervous, but I quickly made some good friends. The school seemed so big and imposing yet I had a a great time there, and lots of laughs especially in needlework. Tracy, Sharon and I used to cause havoc in that lesson. I can remember Mr Curry who was my form tutor for nearly all my time at Glen-Bott, and Miss Lomas, Mrs Smith, she teaches my youngest son English at Fernwood. The thing I most remember is doing cross-country. I hated it, it was always cold so me and some other girls would hide on the adventure playground, Miss Lomas could not understand why we were never worn out. Glen-Bott was a great school where I had a lot of fun. Farewell.

Kerry Draper (Waplington)

Left MGB 1982. Married to Kevin Draper for 20 years, we have three sons Fraser 19, Callum 17 and Lewis 13. My brothers Daron, Kelvin and Gavin also attended Glen-Bott as well as my husband and his brothers and sister.

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