
Biography gallery

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By Nick, 12, California, US

Kuribo was a normal class dragon who guarded eggs. He
went about his life not realy caring about anything. One day while guarding the eggs a man named Geod walked
by and talked to Kuribo telepathically. Kuribo was supprised that Geod could talk to him. Geod told him that he would one day ride Kuribo, Kuribo was angered by this and told him to leave. The next day it was anounced that the Kings son was to receive an egg. Kuribo took the boy into the cavern and showed the boy the eggs. The boy was ignorant and took a red egg before learning what family it was from. The king was disappointed when he found out that the dragon egg was from the zuka family which is a dishonored group of dragons.
One year later the land was taken over by Roan an evil dragon rider and his dragon Smog. For the nexed ten years the land was enslaved but Kuribo was able to hide the eggs and himself. Geod found him during the tenth year and reminded Kuribo about his vision of riding him. Kuribo agreed to let Geod ride him and so they trained for three more years and then challenged Roan. It was a treacherous fight and in the end Kuribo and Geod won and they became heroes.


By Eloise, 8, Chippenham, UK

He was very shy at first but he made friends. When Dragonsville was under attack he fought them off in the great battle of Dragonsville. He flew everywhere in search of danger. Soon he was very famous and the dragons had a huge party, for this young dragon was the most famous dragon ever yet still he is famous even since a knight came and stabbed him. He is still famous. He made a lot of loyal friends. He protected as many creatures as he could.

Cutie pie

By Alexis, 8, Erie,Philadephia, US

Cutie Pie likes to sing,and wants to make sure she gets good grades. She gets along with other dragons really well, but sometimes she can be just a little mean but only because she is being defensive. She doesn't get around much because she is to busy hiding around singing, and whoever hears her enjoys it.


By Elisabeth, 10, Ashleworth, UK

Bopkin is only 2 years old but she has won loads of beauty competitions. Every dragon in Dragonsville thinks she is really cute. Bopkin has loads of friends which include Roseanna and Rainbow. Bopkin has travelled the globe to make money for her family. This distracts her from her hobby, cooking with her grandmother.


By Alexis, 9, Erie, US

Rosehip is 11 years old. She is famous for her rose petals. She has already cured over 1000 dragons. She is beautiful. She likes to play the trumpet.


By Sophie, 10, Preston, England

Sparkler always loved to paint and make things. Once Sparkler accidently painted all the house her favourite colour, purple. All of us were very mad at her but she was only 2 years old. Sparkler loved to play out on the open fields and paint and draw everything she could see and now she is a very famous artist in Dragonsville. Sometimes Sparkler still sits out on a hill and draws trees and lovely flowers especially roses.


By Evie, 10, Preston, England

Sky is very shy and has got a boyfriend. She always wants to fly in the clouds. Sky has long gold hair and is sky blue. Skys boyfriends name is Flame. Every afternoon they would go for a fly in the sky.


By Rachael, 11, Preston, England

Lovebud is like cupid. She has a huge heart and she helps people to fall in love and she first started doing this when she was 5 years old. When she saw the cave of fame her heart pounded. The dragon guarding the cave had closed his heart to love and she needed to help him. So she set off to find him a special companion and she did. She was called Chomper. At first they didn't get on but they began to like each other.


By Drew, 11, Columbus, Georgia, US

Flame likes to play music. He is a fast runner. He likes to play sports. His favorite sport is soccer. He is 11 years old. He likes to paint too. He is a captian and player on the Flaming Fireballs soccer team.


By Kate, 9, Preston, Lancashire, England

She is called Cuddlebugs because she likes to cuddle everyone she knows. She is like a mother to everyone. She is 16 and always gives her teacher a hug if she has any spare time. Her best friend is Bethany.


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