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 Roman stories and other writing from the Isle of Lewis

Roman Racing

By Lewis, 9

One day I went to be a chariot racer. When the race stared there was a big noise. There was dust all over the place. I wanted to win but I didn't think I could. The races were in the Circus Maximus in Rome. I was second when we started.

When the Emperor drops the flag that means ready set go. When we started one of the chariots crashed and it was the person that was first. When the chariot crashed the person died and the horses were badly injured. He crashed when he went round the corner because he was going too fast. Then the Emperor shouted stop to the crowd and the crowd shouted to the chariot racers to stop. Then they stopped.

The next day there was another race on and I was in it and there was no crashes. When I went round the corner I skidded but I never crashed. On the next corner I scraped the wall and when we came to the finish line I nearly crashed again but I came first. I got 1000 Roman coins and I spent it on a new chariot and the colour of it was gold and silver. The wheels were silver and the rest was gold. I was very, very happy.

The End
(July 2007)

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The Big Race!

By Rick, 9

Hello I am Rick. I am 20 years old. I have blue eyes and blonde hair. I wear a red tunic and a red cape. I am here to tell you about my first race in the Circus Maximus.

It was a calm and quiet day you could even taste the sand in the air and could see lots of spectators who did not want to be disappointed. You could hear constant talking from the crowd you could also smell some nice fresh air. Then when I was getting the horses mounted up I felt excited but scared because I could crash.

When I got the horses mounted up I grabbed the reins and I rode to the start line. There were eight other competitors hoping to win the prize of 100,0000 gold coins. We were all in our positions. The person who started the race gave the signal and we were off like lions after deer and I was in 4th place.

It's the second lap and I am still in 4th place and I am thinking I am never going to win. Then the people in 2nd and 3rd crashed making me into 2nd place. Now I am right behind the leader but I cannot get past him.

It's the final lap now and I still can't get past the leader. Then when I think of giving up the race, the leader horses went out of control and he crashes right into the wall. The race is straight forward now I just have to go down the home stretch and I have done it! I win the chariot race by miles!

I got a wreath and 100,0000 gold coins and with those very coins I bought the biggest villa I could find. One that my whole family will live in. Then a few days later there was a celebration and that was the beginning of my career.
(July 2007)

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The Roman Family

By Hannah, 9

Hi, my name is Camilla I am 19 years old and I am Julius Caesar's daughter. I am a rich, famous Roman woman. I am married to a famous racer called Ben and he has won a lot of races and we have two girls and there names are Melanie, 11 and Aelia, 9.

One day Ben went to races and he won 2 days in a row. After that me, Ben, Melanie and Aelia went back to our villa and my brother Lee, my mum Marina and my dad Julius Caesar. They all stared for my three course meal and we had a party and we all got sick for one night.

The next day we went to see Ben race but he did not come first he came third. He felt sick doing the race and so did I and Melanie and Aelia so we all went home and went to our beds and were sick but we got well again and we all ate honey cakes.

We all went to my father's villa for our lunch and we had pea soup and Roast boar with cabbage and honey cakes. Then we went to the amphitheatre to watch the gladiators fight with bears and with other gladiators. Nine months later I had a baby boy and I called him Claudius and we stayed at home and we lived happily ever after.
(July 2007)

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Roman Chariot Racing

By Jordan, 9

One day there was a chariot race. I am Silvanus and I am a chariot racer. I am big and strong. I had to make sure the horses were OK and fast and ready for this chariot race. The horses were getting ready. The race had 10 laps. Get ready set go!.

There was a crash on the corner and the horses crashed into each other. The horses were sore and the people on the field on the horses were hurt badly and the race had to be cancelled.

The new race was on today. There were hundreds of people watching the race. I was the first. I won £1.ooo. I lived happily ever after.

June 2007

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Antonio and Me

By Nicole, 9

I want to turn back but now I can't, I am on the chariot and the race is about to start. My name is Marina and everybody thinks I am cool, smart, everybodys friend, strong and brave. And will I tell you a secret? I can talk to animals! I always wear a blue tunic because it brings me good luck.

I can see the other chariots, and hear the sound of the crowds cheering and the whips cracking. I can feel the wind running through my hair and I feel very excited. I can taste the dust already and I am nearly going to faint, I'm so hot.

My team is attaching my chariot to the four horses. My favourite is Antonio. 10 minutes later, the horn blows and I am in third place. I am in the blue team and the whites are last. I start to speed up again and I am now in 2nd place. Marcus Maximus is racing ahead and is in 1st place. He is in the green team.
"Come on Antonio," I say to my horse.
"No bother," says Antonio, puffing and panting. Me and Marcus are tied in 1st place now.
"Give it up Marina!" laughs Marcus.
"Why don't you!" I shout.

Then suddenly, I feel the chariot shaking and then it tips on its side. I fall out. Antonio stops and turns around. The audience can't believe their eyes. The horse is coming back round the Circus Maximus and picks me up.
"Are you alright," asked Antonio.
"Yeah," I say. I feel a bit dizzy. I climb up and carry on racing. There are only 200 yards until the finish line. We go into 3rd place with only 150 yards left. I hear a deafening bang and see Marcus Maximus lying on the ground. I pull ahead of someone else and I can't believe it. I've won! I must be dreaming. I'm slapping myself on the face really hard. I'm not dreaming. I stand up on the podium and get a clover crown and 30,0000 gold coins. I am rich. I am definitely going to get a new villa! I am the richest girl in Rome! And it's all thanks to Antonio.

June 2007

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Chariot racing

By Lisa, 8

Well here I am at the top of the Circus Maximus, trying to see my father with his horses. My name is Melanie. I am 10 years old and I work for the Emperor. I have a long blue tunic and I am bare footed. I have long brown hair with the front parts of my hair tied back in a plait. I can see lots of people looking at the horses. I hear people shouting. I can smell the dust. I am scared but I am looking forward to it. My father went to race in a chariot. I was watching my
father as he approached it. I was scared that my father would hurt himself. I want my father to win because the Emperor said if my father wins I will be allowed to live with my father and my mother again.
My father is ready to race. He set of fast as lightning. Two of the chariots are down on the ground. There are only two chariots left and that is my father and this other man. My father just made it and won because one of the other mans horses fell down.
"YES," I shouted.
I rushed down to my father and gave him a big hug.
I said to the Emperor "I can live with my father now that he won and plus you promised that I could".
"Very well you can live with your father." the Emperor said in a grumpy voice.
I am living with my father now and the day after I came home my mother and father got me a dog. Ever since that day when my father went to race we have been happy.
June 2007

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Chariot Racing

By Shannon, 8

Cato felt nervous and could hear the sound of the horses. He saw the crowd around him and smelt the dust. He went on to the chariot. When Cato went on the chariot he had to take the horse to the starting line. They started the race. Cato was really strong because he needed to win the race. He never crashed in to a horse at all. Cato won the race and he was chuffed.

He celebrated with his family when he got home. He got lots of presents when he had finished his food. Then they heard a knock on the door. Cato answered and he was face to face with the greatest chariot racer in all of Italy. He handed 3000 gold coins to Cato and said "Congratulations Cato you are the new champion", Cato was surprised and got a pot of wine and celebrated. He was now the richest person in Rome
June 2007

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Roman Racing

By James, 9

One day in Rome there was a chariot race in the Circus Maximus. The least favourite to win was a slave called Caesar. He had never won anything in his life ever and he wanted to win this time. The race was about to start and Caesar was last as usual. There were four teams and he was in the white team and the whites never won. He was trying to win. The blues were first, the reds were second the whites were third and the greens were last. The whites were going faster than ever and then the blues made a mistake near the finish line. The whites just won. The white team were very happy and Caesar the slave became famous in Rome.
June 2007

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