
Chapter four

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The story dragon

This chapter was voted for Chapter four

Killisick Junior School, Nottingham, UK

Nick looked very serious for a moment. “You all know my secret now,” he mumbled, “So you know where I want to go.” He turned around and started to walk down the road signposted ‘Here be Knights’.
“I’ve never seen Nick look so upset,” whispered Chandra.
“It is to be expected,” said Dracospeare. “Nick has always wanted to be a knight and now he has the chance to see where his grandfather came from.”

For hours they walked along the road, Nick out in front, the others following a little way back. As it started to get darker, Tizzy called out excitedly, “Look, over there in the distance. What’s that on those hills?” They all stopped and looked.
“Wow!” shouted Silverwing. “It’s a huge castle, just like the ones we saw in our school books.”
“You’re right,” agreed Tizzy. “Hang on. What’s that coming down the hill? It looks like loads of horses.”
“Oh no,“ moaned Dracospeare. “They’re knights. They might not be pleased to see us. Remember Knights and dragons have not always got on well.”

As he said this, the first horses reached the dragons. The knights had bright, shiny armour and long spears. Some had large shields and sharp looking swords. As the knights started to circle around the dragons, Dracospeare shouted, “Don’t use your flames. We don’t want to hurt the knights.” When they heard what Dracospeare had shouted, the knights slowed down.

Suddenly, Nick jumped in front of the knights. “Don’t hurt any of the dragons,” he yelled at the knights. “They don’t want to hurt you. They are just following me.”
“Why are you coming here then?” asked the knight who was in the front. Nick looked at the ground and mumbled something quietly. Dracospeare stepped forward.
“We are here because our friend Nick has always wanted to be a knight like his grandfather.
“Hmmm,” the knight thought. “I think we’d better take you to the castle to see our King. He always knows what to do.”

In the great hall of the castle, the dragons stood before the King. He looked at Nick with a big frown on his face. “It is not easy to be a knight, especially when you are a dragon-friend, so I’m going to have to set you a test.” He looked at Dracospeare. “What is this dragon-friend most afraid of?”
“Spiders” replied Dracospeare.
“That shall be the test then” said the King.

The following day, Nick was taken in front of the castle. There he was put into a big, see through box. The King walked over. “We are going to put spiders in this box. If you can stay in for half an hour you will have proved your bravery and can become a knight.”

For the next half hour, Nick sat shivering with fear as the spiders ran all over him. At last, the King shouted “Stop. You have proved yourself.” As he was let out of the box, the dragons and all of the people in the castle cheered loudly. “What do you want to do now?” asked the King.
“I think,” said Nick, “I want to go home. I always wanted to be a knight but I know I will miss all of my friends.”
“I know,” boomed the King, ”You go home to Dragonsville, but as a knight now, and you can set up a school so that the dragons can learn all about the knights.”
“What a brilliant idea” replied Dracospeare. “Come on Sir Nick, let’s go home.”

The End

This was the version of the story voted for schools who wrote the chapters.

Why not read the story again, and take a different adventure.

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