Dreadful Dorm, Room 7

In a land called Bogboo, there lived a monster named DoeBoe. She kind of looks like a monkey, but her face looks sort of like a dog. Her tail is longer than usual and is fluffier than I have ever seen! Her fingers are 4 inches long, and her arms look like snakes with very pretty patterns on them. Her fur is short and as soft as velvet. She is very cuddly and sweet.
    When DoeBoe is alone, she likes to draw her favorite animals and color them her favorite colors. She loves to eat worms and fresh fish out of the hot lake. The Loch Ness Monster is one of her best friends. They spend a lot of time together because they met each other when they were little babies. I love my monster very much.

Taylor, El Dorado Private School, AZ, USA, 10

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