Texas Torture Chamber, Room 10

What's that lurking in the swamp? It's-it's ---it's a snake!! No, it's a turtle!! No, it's GIZZMO!

"Gizzmo?" asks one of the kids, "What's that?"

"Haven't you heard the stories about him? Gizzmo is the ugly, brown gooey swamp monster that eats people when they don't laugh at his jokes!" says the other boy. "Oh no, here he comes!" As the creature approaches them, it opens its mouth revealing rows of sharp teeth.

"I'm not ugly!" bellows Gizzmo.

"N---n-no, o---of course you're not," says another boy.

        "So," says Gizzmo, " you're stranded on a desert island with Adolph Hitler, Attila the Hun, and a lawyer. You have a gun with two bullets. What do you do?" The children stare at him, pondering the joke. "You shoot the lawyer twice!! Ha Ha Hee Hee!!"

One of the children stares down at Gizzmo and says " Ya know, that joke would make more sense if "------ in one lightning quick movement, Gizzmo swallows the boy whole. The children erupt in a burst of laughter, to prevent from being eaten.   

"Well," exclaims Gizzmo, "you've been a great audience. Well, I'll see y'all around!" With that, Gizzmo slithers back into the murky depths of the swamp, never to be seen or heard from again.

Patrick and Thomas, Texas, USA,

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