Super cool quad head dude
Manchester Manor, Room 13

My monster has 4 heads. On top of it's body it has 3 of its 4 heads. 1 of them is Eric Cartmans head, 1 of them is an alien head like the one in the Simpsons, and the other is a groovy skin head alien. Its other head is being held by it's 2 middle arms. It looks like a Grey. It has special fart power, which act like rocket boosters, that allow it to travel at 83692589427532157491 mph. He catches his prey in Poke balls. He gets them by jumping in Game Boys, and stealing them from Poke marts. It can only eat animals called Jimballalrads, that come from his home planet-Blequerkear [pronounced blair quair keer]. Its favourite food is tomato sauce butty's, and it likes to drink Dr.Pepper.

Sam, Manchester ,England, 11

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