The G.M Cyclops
Manchester Manor, Room 12

This genetecly modified cyclops has three heads.Each has one massive eye and a nose like a pig. It has a snarling mouth.Each head has two brown spiky's fingers are long and bony with talon like claws.It's skin is wrinkled and brown.It has blue torn clothes.It has green slime dripping from it's hands and body.It has a brown tail with sixteen spikes on it.Surprisingly it is a vegetarian!It was created in the labs and the scientists pursuaded it to go vegetarian.It does not use its spikes and horns any more but it will attack if it gets angry.It can't speak human but it can speak monster language.It also has some special powers:Fireman which is a blast of water from its horns and Tail Spin which is a tornado made with its tail.It is really clumsy because it is so big.It is still pretty fast though......

Daniel, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport, England, 11

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