Cheesy grin flame dog
Manchester Manor, Room 9

My cheesy grin flame dog has a big human head with a cheesy grin a spikey nose and bright yellow eyes.
It has a woolly hat with a bobble thats on fire.
The body is a dog's body with flames all over it. It's got a flaming tail and it is orange in colour. The eyes can shoot out lasers to kill it's prey and if the prey is behind him he will swing his fire tail. It makes an urhhhohrhhhorhhhohhhr sound just before it kills it's prey.
It eats rabbits cows and humans and drinks sunny delight
.It lives in a bush which glows in the dark and he sleeps from 9:00am to 9:00pm.
His cousins are dogs so he doesn't eat them.
To kill it's prey it uses its lasers to get out the preys heart and then eats the body.

Ismar, Manchester, UK, 12

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