Crystal Springs Wing, Room 1

When you walk into the boiler room, the first thing that you notice is the green toxic waste two inches high above your feet. At the left you see the monster’s collection of disembodied body parts on the shelf, with the black fungus growing on them. With every breath that you take, you gasp at the poisonous atmosphere.

As you walk into the back room (the monster laboratory) you look at the table in the middle of the room you see glasses filled with slimy potions and insects. As you enter the next chamber, you see something odd clinging to the ceiling. Shining your flashlight at the mysterious objects reveals an entire group of hideous corpse.

You trip at the ghastly sight and find yourself face to face with a fearsome rat. You quickly rush up the winding staircase which leads to a trapdoor.

As you push open the rough feeling slab of stone, you find yourself in front of a passageway. As you slowly stride down the passageway, you feel hot and humid, the smell of smoke fills your nostrils and as you wander down the passageway, the smell soon becomes unbearable. You hear an agonizing roar as you continue down the blood red hall.

Then, there in the distance, looms a large door. As you run as fast as you can towards the door your body senses that something is behind it. Cautiously you push it open to find yourself facing a monster. With sharp bones sticking out the back of the body. Every breath he breathes out a great fireball.

Seeing this disgusting sight you try to run but your legs refuses to move, as you try to force your legs to move again it feels like they are bolted to the ground. With a final spurt of strength your legs began to move. You run with all your might to find the monster tailing you close behind. When you finally reach the front door you breathe a sigh of relief. You twist the door knob just to find it locked.

As you slowly turn around, the monster is preparing to let out a great fireball. The ball flies closer and closer to you, then you feel your body burning as your skin catches on fire. The heat takes over your body. You looked down to see your body reduced to crisp....

Our monster has 2 eyes, 2 arms, a snakey tail, and a spike on the end He has alien skin and breathes fire with every breath that he takes. He also slithers around like he is king of the world. His attitude can be quite disturbing. For an example, he slithers around getting rid of anything in his territory when his attitude is insane.

Alex, Andrew and Jonathan (Bloody Baron), California, USA, 11

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