Fear the French!, Room 36

Her name is Lola Perezz. She is sixteen . she is from france . she is girl . she is rather small . she is fat , she has got browm eyes . she has got a long nose and a little pink mouth . she has got wirte teeth and small ears . she has got read , short , hair and a long face . she has got a small neck . she has got long fingers . she has got long feet and she small legs . her hands small . her dress is pink and her tights are read and pink . her hat is read and pink . her house is brown and her window are green . her lawn is green . she eats red and whirt any mushrooms . she eats any orange , pumkins . she drinks rotten melon . she eats green thiste . she doesn't eues blue . she eats any nose the blues smails . she loves eat in orange and read are smakes . she loves eat cats urine . she eats tears crocodiles . she rids a bike ans she dances . she sings and draws her neck lace is blue hern sholes red ans yellow she loves draculat . he has got a long face and white pointed teeth . he has got a long nose . her trousers are black and her shoes are purple . Her t- shirt is yellow and black . (May 2010)

Estelle, France, 13

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