Feelings: A Sunny Day


Having only moved to Newark from Oxfordshire a few months before I started working here in Nottingham meant everything was new. I still have no idea where Radford is!! I did manage to find the school on my first day but it was definitely more by luck than judgement as I couldn't find any road names.
Five Achievement mentors were placed in 5 schools across the city for an 18 month trial & I definitely got the best one!

It's lovely here & it's so sad that it's closing & losing the students & staff that make MGB what it is.
It's 7.45am, I am sitting looking out of the library window. I can see all the cherry trees that line the entrance, in full blossom. The grass is green & freshly cut & I can see the trees at the edge of Wollaton Park. The sun is out, the sky is blue & the big crow (or is it a rook?) is on the grass. The squirrel was seen scampering towards the art department and it's so quiet that all I can hear are birds (including the brrrrrrr of a woodpecker).
I hope that wherever you all go, wherever you all are, that life is as peaceful as mine is at this moment.

To my new friends, all the people that have helped me over the last 18 months and both this year's & last year's Year 11s, thanks for the wonderful memories, the support & the friendship.

To you all - take care & take only happy memories with you.

Royna Newman

Newark, Notts.
Thanks to the experience I have gained at MGB, I will now be mentoring in a County school much nearer to where I live. I am starting a degree in maths, statistics & economics with the O.U. in October.

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