Feelings: Comics

The scene is set
And here they are...
In the park, in the dark,
Wollaton Park not Central Park.

The day is past, the time is then.
These people who were living life in a dream...
Tomorrow was a sentence rather than a promise,
And these people, blue in their blazers,
Must have seen something amazing -
A teenager in spider costume or a future without work.

Sunrise rather than sunset,
The dream rather than the fact.

The scene is set and here we are,
In the park, in the dark -
The make-up itches but the costumes fit,
And all we have to do is act.

Charles Stuart

Left MGB 1968. Artist, Teacher, Film Maker http://www.stu-art.tv/

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The falling boy relates to Paradise Lost and Icarus.

The references to something amazing relate to Auden's poem about Icarus and
also the Amazing Spiderman.

Silly Love Songs is a triptych 15 feet wide 5ft tall and the central figure
is taken from spiderman 27 "Bring Back My Goblin To Me" I used this
character a lot and he always wears a Glen-Bott tie.

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