Chapter Five

By Class 5J, Brampton Ellis Church of England Junior School, Wath upon Dearne, South Yorkshire


Daisy and the Pinkerellians decided to call in at the police station to talk to the prisoner, Scumball. They wanted to find out where the Rose Cup was. Sgnt. Plinter the Space Plod (Grade 2) told Daisy, Captain Pinash and Proddle that Scumball had escaped!

Captain Pinash was furious, "How did he manage that?" he said to Plinter.

Proddle was busy reading a reward poster, "Hey look at this, Daisy! A new space ship and two million plizzards if we find the Rose Cup! Let's go. No time to lose..."

The dustbin spaceship groaned as the engine spluttered, up, up, up and away. Plink pushed the high speed throttle and the ship whizzed off, heading for the grim planet of Dirterello.


In the distance the ugly awesome sight of Trash Castle could be seen lighting up the midnight sky. As the ship approached the screen flickered and buzzers buzzed. Daisy said, " Look at all those lasers spiralling around the castle turrets!"

Captain Pinash shouted orders to everyone. "Daisy, pull on the brakes. Plink, throw out the anchor!"

The ship slowed down and Captain Pinash very slowly steered the dustbin under the lasers. The ship landed with a thud.

Daisy, Proddle and his merry men crept into the tin can elevator. The door swiftly opened. Dirtball was waiting and by his side was Scumball.

Dirtball shouted, " We knew you'd come. You'll never find the cup...ever!"

Suddenly lights started to flash and bells rang loudly. Scumball dashed over to the a button on the wall. A panel opened out into a secret cave and there was the cup. A sudden bang, a blue flash and Dirtball and Scumball zoomed down into the dark depths below screaming with anger.

Daisy grabbed the cup and held it tight. "Captain Pinash must have hit the lasers!"

Then they could hear the familiar sound of the dustbin ship moving closer. They looked up, a rope ladder fell down dangling. Daisy grabbed the ladder and started to heave her way up. Another crash and Dirtball was hanging onto her legs and long skirt. She slipped and the cup fell down and down into the toxic moat below.

All appeared lost. Then Pinash lowered down a fishing rod. "Try this," he called.

Daisy cast out the line and hooked the cup even though it was deep below the purple bubbling slime. She reeled in and was amazed when it appeared. It was no longer rose…it was gold.

They took a closer look, it had an inscription.

Grimwello the Wizard, Bringer of Luck

The Pinkerellians cheered and Dirtball and Scumball scuttled away.

Back on Pinkerello all had changed. The legendary cup had been discovered and Pinkerello would be protected for ever. In all the fuss the competition was forgotten. Every one knew who the winners should be...Daisy and her Intergalactic Travelling Salesmen.

As a reward they got a new modern spaceship. They were promoted too, they would now be known as Daisy's Intergalactic Ace Detectives. Maybe she might visit Calthorpe Grange again…only time and space would tell.

The End

Start the story again

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