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 Stories from Mattawan Middle School, United States

All The Korea You Could Wish For!

By Carly, 12

The culture of Korea is very cool! I'm going to share with you their greetings, gestures, and dating and marriage. Let's start with their greetings! Greetings are usually formal.

In Korea, people are taught confucianism. Confuncianism teaches people to behave with respect.
When men meet, they either bow or shake hands. Bowing is most common. When men shake hands they extend their right arm and hold their wrist with their left hand with their head slightly bowed. They bow their head to show deference.

When women meet they extend both of their hands and grasp each others. The younger or lower-status always bow unless the other person offers a hand shake first. They also bow and wave or bow among themselves. When kids say, 'Are you in peace?' they say it different than superiors and higher levels of formality. When kids say are you in peace they say anyong. Not superiors, but older people of Korea say anyonghaseyo to mean are you in peace. Superiors say anyonghashimnikka to mean are you in peace.

Language is different for the levels of formality. Greetings can differ depending on who uses it. For different levels of respect there are different endings for different words.

When greeting a superior you would usually ask them about their health and parents. When you greet a subordinate you would usually ask them about their spouse and children.

Let's move on to gestures!

It is unusual for men to hold hands or put their arm over each other's shoulders in public. Touching with strangers or opposite genders is considered inappropriate. It is considered insulting to sit relaxed while listening to someone speak. People in Korea take caution to not show the bottom of their feet to someone else while sitting. People in Korea give and receive gifts with both hands. Generally hands are not used in conversations. When men walk into a building they remove their hats. Men also remove their hats in the presence of an elder or a superior. People never look a superior directly in their eyes.

Let's move on to dating and marriage!

Western-style dating is not allowed in Korea. The parents of whoever is getting married usually arrange the marriage or give their consent. The government established marriage ages to allow completion of the military service and to other obligations. The marriage age of a male is 27 and the marriage age of a female is 25.

Due to labor forces the government gives incentives to married couples so they can have a large family. The birthrate has fallen dramatically since the mid-1990's.

There are many animals in Korea. There are high-land animals, and there are low-land animals. I am going to share with you lots, and lots, and lots, of animals that live in both the high-lands and the low-lands. I am also going to share with you animals from all over Korea.

Some high-land animals are deer, roe deer, Amur goral, sable, brown bear, tiger, lynx, northern pika, water shrew, muskrat, Manchurian ring-necked pheasant, black grouse, hawk owl, pine grosbeak , and the three-toed woodpecker.

Some low-land animals are the black bear, river deer, mandarin, role, white-bellied black woodpecker or also known as the Tristram's woodpecker fairy pitta, and the ring-necked peasant. The magpie lives in the lowlands. It is Korea's national bird.

Let's move on to extinct animals!

The Korean mandarin duck is believed to be extinct. The Siberian Tiger is also believed to be extinct. Its scientific name is Panthera tigris altaica (Temminck). The red fox is rare in Korea and can be found in Seoul Zoo, but only one is at the zoo.

The climate in Korea is very unique in some areas. Let me tell you about it!

Korea is a temperate place. The evenings and days are cool in Korea. There is more rain in the summer and less in the winter. The climate is mid-latitude monsoonal. South Korea is subtropical. Half of Korea's rainfall comes in June, July, and August. The average rainfall is 40 inches (103 centimeters). About 30 percent of rainfall comes in July. In late June and early July, rains begin. Clouds in Korea mark that typhoons are approaching. Typhoons usually miss Korea, but come mostly in August. January is very cold in Korea. Korea gets lots of snow in January.

I hope you liked my story as much as I do!
(April 2009)

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Moving In

By Sabrina, 12

At the time, all I knew was she needed a place to live. I knew that her mother was mean and that she needed a stable home. I knew my room was going to become partly hers now, but at the time, I thought that would be okay. We were pretty close, for being five years apart, and I guess I didn't realize how hard it really is living with a seventeen year old.

The first day she officially moved into our house was probably the most awkward day of my life. All these years, it had always been my Dad, Emily, Nick, my two baby brothers: Jake and John, and I, but now someone else was in the picture. Sarah was added to that list of names and I wasn't sure I liked it. I knew the attention would now have to be shared among five kids, which honestly scared me. I was already struggling with this from when my step-mom had her two babies, and an additional kid in the house was like 'BAM! Double whammy!'

I didn't want it to become a situation where I'm basically forgotten. Where my place is taken by another girl. Where 'Sabrina' was replaced by 'Sarah'.

A Portage Northern girl: A little over five foot tall, long blond hair, and bright blue eyes. Walking into my sky-colored room with the lime green and deep purple stripes, she set her bags upon bags of clothes on my iridescent bed with billions of pillows, and she took in her new environment.

You could tell she was thinking, 'Wow, this is going to be so much different from my old life.'

She didn't talk much that night, probably nervous. And who could blame her?

So, I'm sure you're wondering why Sarah came to live with us in the first place. Well, she went to five different schools last year, including Hartford, where her mom sent her to live with her aunt, uncle, and two annoying destructive twin boys. Not only was she living with these people, but shared a room with the twin boys: Disaster One and Disaster Two. Seriously.

She also had her cell phone taken away the whole time she was there and wasn't in contact with anyone; No friends, no boyfriend, not even her sister, nobody. Her mom absolutely refused Sarah any contact with the people that meant the most to her. All of these events have left my step-mom Emily, and her mom, Grandma Nancy, on non-speaking-terms.

I can understand why Sarah's at my house, calling my bedroom her own. She's been through a lot, and lived a very hard and hectic life with her mom. I do feel for her, but having a teenager moving into your room isn't exactly the easiest thing to do, especially when you're twelve years old, and need your own space. The change has just been really hard on me, even though it's been over four months, I'm still having trouble getting used to my new life.

I miss when my room was only my room, I miss when I could hide away by myself after a bad day; when I could open my drawers that revealed only my supplies, and sleep in peace without being interrupted by super-late-night calls and texts. Instead, my closet is now jam packed with her clothes, my drawers are filled with her makeup and hair supplies and I often wake up to vibrating due to a text, or her in the middle of a phone conversation.

My room isn't really 'my' room anymore, it's our room. It used to be like walking into my own heaven, knowing I didn't have to hold anything back, being able to have my own space, and where I was able to be myself. My bedroom now is an overcrowded heaven, with one too many angels. It is a place where you can't completely be yourself, and are never really able to be alone. An extra chair is pulled up for dinner every night, with one more plate on the table. I sleep with another girl in my bed, and pick up billions of telephone calls right after school asking, 'Could I please talk to Sarah?'

It used to be that every time the phone rang, I would be the one receiving the call. Not anymore.

Another thing that I hate! Her friends coming over. My bedroom has a queen-sized bed, meaning 'bed for two.' Therefore, on the weekends that I'm with my father, if Sarah has her friends over, I'm not able to sleep in my own room. I take over the mustard-yellow leather couch, and wake up in the early morning to my two-year-old brother running around the living room like a wild banshee. Even one time when Sarah and I both had someone over, my friend and I were kicked into the living room, while she and her friend were sleeping like queens in MY bed, in MY room. I really don't understand some of the decisions my parents make. I just hope that being at my dad's house doesn't become something I dread.

On the other hand, I can talk to this girl about absolutely anything. Technically, she's my 'aunt,' but really, she's like the older sister you can go to with anything, who gives the best advice, and who you can always share a laugh with. I've always enjoyed having her around, I would just prefer we both had separate rooms. You wouldn't realize what a dramatic difference it makes, living with someone versus being with them often.

This whole thing has been pretty difficult for me, but I'm trying to make the best out of it. I believe that in the end, everything will work out alright, and she'll continue to be a great 'big sister' to me. I try not to worry too much about attention, or the things I disagree with, and move on as best as I can, although I can't wait for the day when my father finishes the basement and we get our own rooms.
(March 2009)

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The Three Little Kids and theTroll

By Alaina, 13

I bet you have heard a lot of fairytales, but not like this one. This story is about three children on a journey to find their parents, but that's all I am going to tell you you'll have to read it yourself to find out the ending.

A long, long time ago lived three very young children, Todd, Elizabeth, and Samantha. The children lived by themselves in a rickety old log cabin in the woods. The children's parents had left them when they where very young and so one day Elizabeth, the oldest, decided that they should set out to find their parents, and so one afternoon the kids packed up their things and left on their journey.

The kids had been walking for over an hour when they came across a man, the man was sitting on an old tree stump in the middle of the woods. The kids not knowing where to go asked the man where the nearest village was hoping that their parents would be there, the man was a very 'kind' old man and pointed them in the 'right' direction. The children started off towards town but from behind they heard the man yell,

'Whatever you do don't trust the troll.'

It was getting dark when they stumbled across an old cottage and on the lawn was another man, wait it wasn't a man it was a troll, at least that is what the children thought, with his long green tinted pointy noise and ears that stood as straight up as the Statue of Liberty. The children remembering what the old man in the woods had said walked right past the troll who was actually very nice and knew how to get to the village.

The children had been walking for a while when they heard footsteps behind them, since it was dark they could not make out who was following them until the person came close enough to see. IT WAS THE TROLL!

Faster and faster ran the children trying to find their way through the dark, faster and faster they ran away from the troll, faster and faster they ran, when they tripped over a fallen tree, seeing them fall the troll rushed over to help them up but the children refused to let him help, instead they told him they do not except help from evil trolls.

The troll stood over them stunned for a second wondering how they had gotten that terrible idea then broke out laughing because he was not evil at all, once he stopped laughing he asked the children where they had got the idea that he was evil. Samantha being small and frightened told the troll everything that had happened earlier that day with the man in the woods.

'Oh no, that man has sent you kids in the wrong direction,' exclaimed the troll.

After the kids thought about this horrible news Todd started to cry thinking he and his sisters would never see their parents again, when all of a sudden the troll announced that he would take them to the village. The children were so delighted they left right away.

The sun was half way up, a dancing ball of fire when they reached the village, they knocked on every door until they came to one particular house that when they knocked on it out came a man but not just any man, it was their father, as soon as the kids recognized him they ran to him asking so many questions like why they had not come back and where was their mother, their father explained that they had been working really hard to make enough money to provide for the kids and they had not got enough until very recently and were packing to go home.

The now happy family said their thanks and goodbyes to the troll and headed home.

I bet you've never heard a fairytale like this one before.
(March 2009)

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The Amazing Journey to Safety

By Allie, 12

'Ann, Ann wake-up, we need to leave,' my dad told me in a firm voice.

It was a cold November morning in Europe during World War II and I knew the time that I was dreading had come. We had to flee our small town and somehow escape to the United States where it would be safe. Although our town was far away from the other places that had been invaded we couldn't take any chances. The Nazis could be here any minute you never know, they hated our type.

'Ann, hurry up, let's go, we need to leave!' I heard my dad call again.

I quickly shot out of bed, ran to my old dresser and pulled out my warmest clothes. I ran the hair brush through my long, dark brown hair. As I ran out of my room toward the front door I graded a warm blue blanket for my four month old baby brother Jude.

When I reached the front door my family was waiting. My mom was holding Jude who was still fast asleep. My dad was holding a black duffle bag that looked as if it could explode. It was stuffed with clothes, food, baby diapers and who knows what else. My fifteen year old brother Isaac was standing by the door glaring at me.

'Could you have taken any longer?' he hissed, in an angry voice.

The plan to get to the United States was that we would walk to a neighboring town, from there my family and I would take a bus to the train station where we would board a train. The train would take us to Provideniya, Russia. In Provideniya we would take a plane to the United States. Once we arrive in the U.S. we don't really have a plan, I guess we'd just go wherever the wind blew us.

As we walked out the door to our snow-covered town I felt like I was dreaming. My parents tried to prepare Isaac and I for how it would feel to leave but I never knew how hard it would really be.

As we walked away from the house I took one last look at it, I could feel my eyes watering up. I looked over at Isaac, he had tears running down his face. After seeing Isaac I couldn't hold the tears back. I wanted to run back to the house. I might never see my house again, I thought to myself, and what if we get caught by the Nazis. What if our town is never invaded, we might be safer to just stay here.

'Ann, Ann,' I heard Isaac calling.

I quickly snapped out of my daydream and looked at him. His cheeks we stained from the tears.

'Come hear,' he whispered.

I ran up to Isaac and he whispered in my ear, 'Everything's going to be alright.'

I looked at him and smiled, 'I love you,' I whispered back.

When we reached the bus it seemed like we had only walked for about five minutes even though my mom had told me that we had walked for an hour. I guess I just kept thinking about what Isaac had told me. We hadn't shared a moment like that in a long time. He was two years older than me and always was picking on me. I guess he knew that I needed to hear that.

As we boarded the blue bus the sun was just coming up on the horizon. We took our seats in the back of the bus. I looked around at all the other people, there were a few other Jews. On one side of me sat Isaac, on the other side of me sat an old, wrinkly man who smelled as most old people do. The old man was wearing a tattered blue jacket and faded black pants. I didn't know where he was from or where he might be going, but I'd probably never know that.

I looked over at my dad, his eyes closed, but I didn't think he was asleep. My mom was feeding baby Jude. Isaac was dosing off to sleep, I told him that I loved him before falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up to Jude screaming in Isaac's lap, both my parents were fast asleep. The sun was high up in the blue sky and the world around us was covered in snow. I didn't know what town we were in or how much longer we would be on the bus. The old man had left and there was only one young woman on the bus with us. She had her hair done just right and she was wearing expensive clothes. When she saw me looking at her she gave me a nasty look. I hated how some people looked at us just because we were Jewish.

About ten minutes later the bus arrived at the train station. I woke my parents up and I took Jude from Isaac. Jude was still crying but there was no way to comfort him. I could smell that his diaper was full but I didn't have any time to stop and change him.

When we walked into the train station we were instantly surrounded by tons of people. We were all crowded together and I did not enjoy it!

I heard the guard shout, 'Final call, train to Russia will leave in two minutes!'

Two minutes! I screamed in my head. We have to make the train in two minutes! My dad grabbed my hand and my family and I pushed through crowds of people.

When we finally saw our train I spotted a Nazi soldier, my heart started to pound in my chest. I looked over at my mom, her face was white, and I knew she had seen him too. Isaac also had realized the soldier.

'It's going to be alright, just act natural,' I heard Isaac whisper in a nervous voice.

What if the soldier sees us? This could be it, we'll be hulled off to prison camp. I may never see my family again! The thoughts were rushing through my head. I could feel myself starting to sweat. I kissed Jude's head. This could be the last time I ever see him.

As we boarded the train I felt like the soldier was looking right at us, it felt like the whole world was looking at us! I didn't want to look back at the soldier; I didn't want to look back at anyone!

Although it seemed like forever we finally took our seats where I could no long see the soldier. I was so relieved and by the look on my family's faces they were too. The train was crowded and stuffy but I didn't care, at least of we were safe.

My dad gave us something to eat and then I fell asleep. It had been a long day.

'Ann, Ann, come on were in Provideniya,' I head my mom saying.

I woke up remembering the other day's events. We stepped off the train and walked into the small train station. It was freezing in Provideniya. The cold air was stinging my face. Thankfully the air port was right across the street form the train station. We walked over and waited to board our plane.

The plane came a few minutes later. This was the last part of our journey I was kind of nervous about flying because nobody in my family had ever been on a plane.

The plane was small and we were the only family on it. The pilot greeted in a funny accent. He told us that he was from the Alaskan Territory. He was the first American I had ever met!

The flight took just a few minutes but it was a very bumpy ride. It made Jude spit up a few times. When we landed I looked out on America, I felt so free.

I ran off the plane and for the first time I stepped on American soil. I looked at my family, they all had big smiles on there faces even little Jude who didn't know what was going on. I couldn't keep the tears in any longer. I felt someone grab me, it was Isaac. We held each other forever just crying.

He finally managed to talk and the first words out of his mouth were, 'I love you.'

Emotions flooded me I just held on to him and sobbed, 'You were right, everything turned out okay.'
(March 2009)

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Philadelphia 1943

By Katie, 13

I woke up seconds after hearing my mother come home from working the night shift. She works at an arsenal to make bullets for the soldiers currently fighting in World War II. My mother reminds me that they are fighting for our freedom. I walk lazily over to my window wearing my purple flower patterned blue and pink pajamas, that I just got last Christmas. My messy hair looks like a hurricane recently hit it. I push the covers down past my cold legs, which had goose bumps on them. I swing my feet over the edge of my wooden framed bed, and put on my tan slippers. Slowly I walk over to my bright window surrounded by my periwinkle walls. Pushing my plaid curtains aside I take a big yawn, and see the warm sun shining pleasantly in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I tiredly walk over to my calendar, and cross off October 1st, 1943; a Friday. My birthday is in three more days, I will be thirteen! I thought anxiously waiting for that day to come knock on my door! Quickly, I put on a pair of tan khaki pants, a white blouse, and my Mary Jane shoes; which I love! With the pitter patter of my Mary Jane shoes on the cold bare linoleum floor, I walk into the kitchen to eat breakfast, and pack my sack lunch for school. The kitchen has black slab counter tops, and a round table with two chairs. There is a rooster clock hanging above the white cabinets.

I eat a delicious bowl of Oat's & Honey cereal. I packed a P.B& jelly sandwich on whole white bread wrapped in the Philadelphia Gazette newspaper that we had received last Friday. I grabbed a carton of milk, and some leftover Oreo's from my trip to ACME'S grocery last Saturday. After I put everything in my book bag, I put on my jacket and then I walked out of our three story apartment that we lived in, named Carl Mackley's. As I am walking on my way to school I look down at the paved sidewalk, and realize that we will be having a test on Monday on the first 15 presidents of the United States.

'Oh, no I am dead meat!' I said.

The school that I go to with my very best friend Mary is called Hopkinson. It's a public school!

I have just arrived at school and am heading down the noisy,walking by slamming lockers, and receiving school books.

I walk towards Mrs. Luterman's classroom room No. 24. As I sit down in my seat I swing my book bag over the back of my seat, and see Mary. Mary wears khaki pants with a striped purple, and blue blouse most of the time. She also wares a silver Barret, and Mary Jane shoes like me.

'Hi, Mary,' I said.

'Oh hey Claire, today is probably going to be hard core with Mrs. Luterman today. She will probably have a big review for the big test on Monday. And probably make the test real hard,' said Mary.

'Yeah, you're probably right,' I said, putting emphasis on the probably because of Mary's repetitiveness.

'Today class we are going to each recite one of the 15 first presidents of the United States. You will have to tell me the fact about them that I ask you. This will help you review for your test on Monday,' Mrs. Luterman said.

Mary and I looked across the room at each other, and Mary gave me that I-told-you-so-look.

I thought, oh no she is going to pick me, I am smack dab right in the middle; 3rd row, 3rd seat back.

'Claire McDonnell would you give me the 8th president of the United States, and tell me how old he was when he became the study of law.'

'Yes, Mrs. Luterman,' I said, politely.

'Martin Van Buren was the 8th president of the United States, and was 14 when he became the study of law,' I said.

'Very well done,' said Mrs. Luterman.

'Mary could you please tell me the fourth president of the United States, and how long he served our country,' said Mrs. Luterman.

'The fourth president of the United States was James Madison, and he served our country from 1809-1817,' said Mary.

'Again, very well done,' said Mrs. Luterman.

The bell rang which meant that it was time for lunch. We stood in a single file line as Mrs. Luterman led us down to the lunchroom. Our class sat together just like all the others.

I sat by my best friend Mary, and my two other close friends, Joan and Grace. They were all in my class. During lunch, Mary and I thought about going to the movies after school at Ace's movie theater, and watch another episode of Cowboys and Indians.

'We could stuff ourselves up on popcorn,' Mary said.

'Yeah, maybe,' I said jokingly.

'On Saturday we should walk over to ACME'S grocery store to pick up some Oreo's, and milk,' I said.

'Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,' said Mary.

Maybe I could pick up something special for Claire's birthday, Mary thought.

By the time school was over I had counted exactly $1.00 in my back pants pocket of my cache pants. This dollar is enough to pay for Mary, and I at the movies, I thought.

Mary, and I walked a few blocks until we came to the front of a small house, (which was made into a theater.) They used the front room as the main theater. They set a projector screen on the big wall in the front room on top of a chest. We usually sit on the couch or floor. We payed when we entered, and received some home-cooked warm, and fresh popcorn.

We watched the episode of Cowboys and Indians. The episode we watched was about the Indians capturing a stranded, hopeless cowboy, but eventually gave him back because they felt sorry for him, and felt guilty for what they did.

Mary and I both enjoyed the thrilling, and exciting film. We said goodbye to each other, as we made our plans for what we were going to do the next day. We walked our opposite ways on the sidewalk while the sun was setting in the late Philadelphia night.

When I returned home it was 7:30 pm. My mother was sleeping, getting ready to work the night shift tonight. I eat a delicious bowl of Mac and cheese for dinner, and finished my homework. I then went to sleep at about 9:00 o'clock sharp.

I met up with Mary at ACME'S grocery store. Immediately I went to the dairy section, and slowly opened the clear glass door which was all fogged up. The silver handle lie beneath my hands, I reach into the freezer, and grab out a jug of milk. The milk jug reads: WHOLE MILK. 25 CENTS. I then walk to the snack section, and pick up a twenty four pack of Oreo's.

I met up with Mary at the cash register where I noticed Mary was holding a little paper bag that read in very neat cursive ( I have to admit) To: My very best friend; Claire McDonnell From: Mary.

Must be an early birthday present, I thought. Mary, and I both paid at the cash register. Mary paid a penny so I knew then that in the bag was a jaw breaker. Even though I already knew what was in the bag I pretended like I didn't so Mary would feel like I was surprised.

After we had paid we were walking towards the doors when we suddenly heard a loud ' CRRRRAAASSSHHH' of glass falling on the ground. Both Mary, and I turned around, and realized that some pranksters thought it would be funny to break the whole entire front window of the store. The whole store front window was missing. Completely gone! Shattered into bits of unbreakable pieces, looking like a puzzle piece disaster had come, and torn everything into shreds!

Mary and I quickly ran out of the two sliding front doors of ACME'S grocery, and looked at the front of the building. We saw two boys run around the corner of the store to try to sneak away behind a neighborhood behind ACME'S. We saw just enough of them to know exactly who it was.

Mary and I thought it would be best if we stayed, and waited for someone to show up on the case.

About 15 minutes later a police car came flying into Acme's parking lot with the blinkers on top flashing wildly, red, blue, and then white. Officer Carl came running out of his car over to us, and asked us lot's of questions. We answered honestly, and told him everything we knew. Officer Carl is a plumpier fellow, and has orange hair with round glasses that lit his eyes up like saucers. He always wears the same 'state of the art'(as he says) uniform with his 'state of the art' badge, and his picture.

Mary and I had told him that we were almost positive who it was. We told him that we thought it was Benny, who has a giant red birthmark on his lower left calf.

'Is this bad news Benny, who has a reputation of getting detention?' asked Officer Carl.

'Yes Officer,' we replied.

'Doesn't he hang out with his good friend Nathan at that Hopinskon school?' asked Officer Carl.

'Yes, and it's Hopkinson,' I said, with a giggle.

'Thank you very much young ladies. I will report to these boys houses immediately,' said Officer Carl.

Officer Carl turned around towards his police car to report to these homes, when he randomly stopped in his tracks, and asked us if by any chance we new their addresses.

I had no doubt that Mary wouldn't have known their addresses because she always carries three things with her no matter what: 1. A phone book 2. a pencil 3. nutter butters(her favorite snack).

Before I knew it Mary had grabbed her phone book out of her book bag, and was naming off places I had never even heard off before!

'652 Oakland Valley, and 4962 Lamb Drive,' said Mary.

'Thank you so much said Officer Carl,' as he hectically wrote down what Mary had said.

As it started to get darker I walked home, and laid in my bed to go to sleep.

Two days later: An exciting Monday morning starting off with a favorite birthday breakfast; eggs, bacon, bagels and some nice cold O.J from ACME'S.

I arrived at school, and have received an enormous jawbreaker from Mary.( A pleasant surprise.) At lunch I had received a little purple cupcake with blue, and pink sprinkles from Grace, and a chocolate chip cookie from Joan.

When I returned home after school, Mother had surprised me in baking a wonderful vanilla cream cake! I saw a tiny present on the counter wrapped in gold paper. I reached for it and gently pealed back the scotch tape. Inside was a brand new Phil Walker rewind waterproof periwinkle watch.

'Thank you so much,' I said, with excitement.

'Your welcome, after all you do only turn thirteen once,' said Mom.
(March 2009)

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A Cat's Life

By Jesscia, 13

I awoke from my sober slumber with an ignoramus chin to nose yawn. I stretched my back in an arch like a rainbow bending into a pot of gold, flexed my claws and rolled my ears back. My two sisters were asleep in the old cardboard box. My four paws pitter pattered as I walked slowly toward the food dish and I gulped down the tiny morsels of kitten chow like a snake swallowing its prey. The room around me was dark, the cement floor was cold on my padded paws, cold on my tiny tail and cold on my fur. Suddenly a woman came and put me and my two still sleepy sisters in a plastic box with a yellow handle on top and air holes to breath. My sister's grey-tiger-striped fur was in my face.

'Jazz, get off of me,' I squeaked with a note of get-off-or-I-will-hurt-you sound.

'I am trying Izzy,' she replied.

The whole box shook. We had been in this box before and we knew what it meant. We were coming close to a new beginning of an adventure. My other sister Gizmo paced with anticipation, her calico fur shaking with nervousness. My own fur was shaking in fear at the change of environment. I started to clean myself thoroughly. It was comforting to let my nose feel my calico fur coat and know that everything, for the moment at least, was ok. A light warm breeze suddenly flowed through the box, announcing that we were outside in the summer air. I was picked up and held close to a brown-haired girl. She had blue eyes, wore a white pair of jean shorts and pink t-shirt. She looked about ten years old. She buried her face into my fur.

'I just cleaned that,' I said, with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

She completely ignored me. My squirmy grey-haired sister was placed into the hands of a red-haired girl with freckles. She had brown eyes and looked about twelve years old. She wore a pair of blue jean shorts and an orange t-shirt that said Aeropostale. The girls started to walk away with us but without Gizmo. They put us in a big black machine with wheels. The girls called Jazz, 'Lily'.

'Her name is Jazz by the way,' I said.

They ignored me again.

'You are so cute.'

They kept repeating over and over again in kissy-kissy voices. We arrived at a large house with a big, green yard, perfect for exploring. The house had two white pillars that held an arch above the front door. They took us out and Jazz or so called Lily tried to make a run for it but the girl had some real will power and held on tight. They put us down in a huge room and started rubbing our backs, I enjoyed it, and Lily hated it.

'Just smile and look pretty,' I told her.

'I would rather not,' she replied, angrily.

The girl whisked her up in her arms again.

'I hate heights,' she sighed, pitifully.

'Just stop whining,' I complained.

The huge room we were in was pumpkin orange. Every thing was really big, towering above me. I looked to the right, an escape to the outside! I ran toward it. Closer, closer, closer. Yes I thought as I prepared to jump. Thong! My head hit something hard that I couldn't see. I tried again. Thong! What is this stuff? I thought, as I rubbed my aching head. I pressed my paw against the window. It's clear and annoying I thought. Human hands suddenly lifted me into the air and put me in a plastic blue box with itsy-bitsy pieces of clay. I smelled it carefully, inspecting every inch, it smelled terrible, and I jumped out. It stuck to my paws. Ow! Weird? I thought mysteriously. Then momma's teachings came back to me. It's called litter, I thought, excited that I remembered. The girl put me up on her shoulder, gently rubbing my fur, rocking me to sleep, and I fell once again into a sober slumber.
(March 2009)

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A Day as a Princess

By Jessica, 13

I stared at the front lawn from my beautiful bedroom porch glass door. The garden's morning glories greedily soaked up the sunlight. Gently, I opened the glass door. Cool air surged through the room. My room is beige with silky tan carpet. My bed is white with gorgeous red roses. The room smells strongly of roses like a bakery smells of fresh bread. The glass crystal chandler glittered above me.

'Mary,' I called.

My favorite maid gently, but with haste, stepped in from the big red oak doors.

'Yes, Madame?'

'Tell father I will be down for breakfast in a few moments.'

She quietly left the room. I turned to the wardrobe. What shall I wear today, I thought. I picked out my blue silk gown which had been gloating in the corner.

'Ladies,' I called.

The maids hastily started undressing me. The maids have a look of I-hope-I-do-this-right-and-make-her-happy. The corsets on my blue dress pressed up against my back. It is strapless and from the waste up has tiny jewels. They put my hair in a bun and put a small crown on my head. It is silver with tiny red rubies.

'It matches your flaming red hair,' the maids told me.

On my feet the maids put on white one inch heels. Grabbing the ends of my gown, I hurried down the palaces magnificent hallways, where the red walls held pictures of my ancestors and objects of my family's pride. My hurrying footsteps echoed on the tile floors. They sounded like drops of water from a sink, clip, clap, clip, and clap. I hope I won't be late, I thought. The hallway opened up into a magnificent stairway like the Titanic's grand staircase. My gown whipped down the stairs, tiny strands of my hair quivered and my feet stumbled from my clumsiness. I quietly went through the double doors. A table set for thirty spread out in front of me. To the left far end of the room sat my mother and father (the King and Queen), my brother Prince Christopher and my father's top adviser Henry, and his wife Angela along with their son, Nickolas my betrothed husband to be. My father wore a royal blue cape, a gold chain hung around his neck, and on his brown curly set of locks, a gold crown. My mother looked as stunning as ever in her blood red gown. She is the queen bee in our hive of a kingdom. My ten year old brother sat up very straight trying to look older with his green cape around his shoulders. Henry and Angela looked happy as they often did since me and Nickolas were betrothed. Nickolas looked incredibly handsome with his black hair and dark eyes that made me fall in to their blackness. He is eighteen, just like I am. He smiled my favorite smile as I made my way down the long table. He stood up and pulled back a chair sitting next to him. He briefly kissed me on the cheek before I sat down.

'Good morning, darling,' he greeted me.

I blushed and looked away.

'Good morning, father,' I said, politely.

I believe Nickolas is in love with me, I am unsure about my feelings for him, I feel as though he is my other brother.

'You look beautiful,' said Nickolas, staring at me.

'Thank you, Nick.'

'Did you sleep well?' asked mother.

'Yes, very well thank you,' I answered.

Then through the kitchen door, came the parade of food, waffles, pancakes, toast, French toast, fruit, yogurt, granola, bagels, and too many pastries to count. Milk, orange juice, cranberry juice, and coffee are just a few to name. The breakfast fit for a king came on platters carried by many waiters in green outfits. Everyday I tried something new and everyday I wasn't disappointed. After a lovely breakfast, I decided to go riding, as I often do on sunny days. Today though, Nickolas decided to accompany me. My horse, Freedom is a brown mare. She whinnied as soon as she saw us. The stables are located on the north side of the grounds. They are a deep brown and hold over fifty stalls.

'Hey, girl,' I said, patting her mane.

'Where do you want to ride today?' he asked.

'Let's go to the mountains,' I answered.

The mountains aren't really mountains, they are just really big hills, small enough for a horse to easily climb it. It had a trail that led all the way to the top of the mountain, from up there you could see all one-hundred acres of land the castle owned. It was the most beautiful ride, very enjoyable. We set off across the fields towards the mountains. The sun beat down but a breeze stool all its heat. Soon we were surrounded by trees. It was very peaceful, neither of us daring to break the beautiful silence. But really it wasn't silent at all. The birds chirped, the leaves rustled and the many animals that we saw seemed pretty content around. Our horses hoofs clip-pity clamped on the stone trail. Half way up we stopped at a spring for the horses to take drink.

'Thanks for coming with me, Nick,' I said, blushing.

'This is really relaxing,' he answered, his eyes noticing my blush.

'Do you think you could see what time it is?' I asked.

'Sure,' he answered.

He walked onto the trail and looked up at the falling sun.

'It's about three o'clock.'

On that note we pulled the horses away from the stream. Nick helped me on to Freedom and then jumped on his own horse. For the rest of the way up, we had an awkward silence. Then we burst out of the shelter of the trees into a large clearing. I gasped. I didn't even see the clearing, all I saw was the view. The palace looked magnificent with its five stories and four towers. The grass fields around the pasture were more beautiful than I could ever imagine. The wild flowers looked like watercolors on paper, blended and mixed in no particular order. The blue sky met the ground beyond the castle.

'This is so beautiful,' I whispered.

'Yes, it is breathtaking isn't it?' he murmured.

Then looking at me, he took my hand. I blushed again. Then he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I smiled as he bent down and grabbed a daisy and gently put it in my hair.
(March 2009)

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The New Girl

By Jake, 12

Dedicated to Kaitlyn

Stowing down the cramp, musty, and deserted hallway, I felt a new sense of pride and freedom. For some reason, I was happy even though I just went through a break-up with who I thought was the girl of my dreams. But, I didn't care. It happened this morning. Coming into school I walked up to her. She had her dark, black hair that glistened with small glitter, tied up in such a tight pony tail that you could see every detail of her perfect scalp. She also had donned sweatshirt, the one that she wore when I woke up in the hospital with her standing over me. Then she said the words with tears descending her face and a quiet sob emanated from her lips. One last goodbye came from her and she was off, never turning back, not even taking a second thought. Should I be sad? I didn't feel that bad. Maybe it was time for a change.

Now I was on a mission to pick up something for a teacher. Finishing the mission I proceeded back to my class. On the way back I rounded a corner and there she was. I thought I was dreaming. I closed my eyes counted to three and opened them again.

'Must have been a trick of the eyes,' I whispered.

'What was a trick of the eye?' a voice from behind me asked.

I turned to see her. She was even more striking up close. She was just over five foot, and her dark brown hair fell freely to her shoulders; it was laced with blond highlights and a touch of blood red that looked brilliant in the light. Her hazel eyes that blazed with fire and command couldn't have complemented her face more, especially her thin lips and her eye-catching cheek bones. She wore a pair of khaki shorts and a white sleeveless top. I couldn't put my finger on what it was but there was something about her. Just something that enticed me.

'Nothing,' I stammered, my eyes still trained on her face.

'Um, well bye,' she said, our eyes meeting before she turned and moved with lithe steps.

'Who are you?' I asked myself before walking in the other direction and into my class.

During class I couldn't get my mind off of her and the confrontation that we had. A sharp sound emitted from the loud over speaker sounding like nails against a chalkboard, it singled the end of class and my daydream. Striding out of class I could almost hear her voice. Suddenly, I toppled forward, a classmate had crashed into me. I looked up dazed to see her face, I could feel mine go red. My papers lay scattered over me, one on my face of the picture that I had drawn of her. I normally don't draw but I just felt like I should. It was a pitiful attempt in my eyes just like all of my drawings. Scurrying to my feet I picked up all of my papers. She dropped to one knee to help.

'Hi again.'

'Hi,' I replied.

'I think that's it.'

'Yep,' I said picking up the pile that I had collected, 'I don't think we ever met properly.'

'No we did not.'

'Well, hello.'


'What class do you have next?'


'Me too.'

'Well we should be off. Walk with me?'

'Sure,' she answered, holding out her arm.

I took it gracefully, savoring her soft skin and warm body. The trip was brief, one thing that I didn't like about this school.

Arriving at the door I pronounced in the most congenial voice I could come up with, 'Ladies first.'

'Thank you.'

'You're welcome.'

Before I could follow her in I was stopped by one of my friends. He looked like he was in a good mood. His dark brown hair curled at the end that matched his eyes. His teeth were decorated with braces and he wore a pair of jeans that were about 6 inches too short and a black t-shirt that exemplified the Punisher's skull doused with a gray and green sweatshirt.

'Hey, sup?' he asked.

'Not much, you?'


A voice came from behind him, 'Ditto.' It was her.

'Hey, have you met' I asked.

'Yes, remember she was in our fifth grade class,' he replied.

The bell sounded signaling the start of the class. Nothing much happened in the class. I just daydreamed about her, even though she had the seat in front of me. Finally class finished. I hung back after class to wait for her. I overheard her talking to one of her friends.

'So what now?' her friend asked.

'Now, we're through.'

'Really?' the friend asked, 'You guys made such a good couple.'

'Yep,' she replied.

Hope filled my thoughts. She was single, perfect. Over a course of time I became close to her. But three months later I got a huge shock. The time was the end of January.

'Morning,' I commenced in a tired voice.

'Hey,' she replied.

'What's new?'

'Nothing much, just that I'm going out with someone. We had our first date last night.'

'That's great who was it?' I said, my voice suddenly going horse.

My friend came up from behind her and took her in his arm.

'Umm, hey dude?'

'Hey did you hear the news?' he asked, not even pausing for my answer. 'We're going out.'

Motioning between him and her, 'That's great,' I replied, my face turning red.

'Isn't it?'

'Yep,' I said.

I thought of my ex. How we had ended. This felt like someone had hit me in the gut. The rest of the day I was lost in sorrowfulness. The final bell rang quicker than I had hoped for. I passed her in the hallway, faking a smile so she won't see the grief that she has caused me. I saw him with her too. I felt something strange in my chest called heartache, a hurt so profound it becomes hard to breathe, I had never felt it before, and I wondered will it ever go away. Even though I knew that we were still friends I would remain sad throughout their relationship. I now realize that you can't always get what you what no matter how much you ask for it.
(March 2009)

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Guzzy's Wings

By Anna, 12

'Bzzzzz,' I shouted joyfully, as I flew home with a band aid on my slowly healing wing and yellow honey decorations in my petite hand. I was happy to go home to my feast. But wait.

I guess now I should say who I am. My name is Guzzy. I'm a gorgeous, black and yellow striped bumblebee. My loving and caring parents work for the beautiful, rich, auburn colored hair queen bee herself. That is how we can afford little, petite servants. The servants brush my beautiful, fuzzy, striped fur everyday. Then they sharpen my pointy stinger with a huge pencil sharpener.

I go to an all girl school. We just recently learned about how we make honey. I love honey because that's all I eat. There is a girl at school though, who's a big bully. She walks with a get-out-of-my-way-or-your-toast strut down the yellow school halls. Her golden locks sway in front of her rather large, round face as she reaches her small, chocolate brown locker at the end of the narrow halls. Birtha is her name.

Even though she's a bully, girls wish to be her best friend. The only reason they wish to be her is so that they can become popular. That way all of the boy bumblebees will want to be with the girls.
Birtha is also the only girl in school who can fly. Birtha can fly as high as a space rocket. That is where my story begins.

One day, my wings finally grew their full size. I was so happy! It's an ancient bee tradition to have a feast when a young bumblebee's wings fully develop. Since we learned about how we make honey the other day, I wanted it to be the theme of my feast.

The day after I got my wings, I flew to the Bee Market to get really cool yellow honey decorations for my feast. As I strolled down the food-filled isles, I stopped dead in my tracks. I thought to myself, Oh no! Right in front of me was a huge young lady bee. That scary giant bee was BIRTHA!

'So, you think you're cool now that you can fly?' announced Birtha, as she strutted toward me.

'Oh no, I'm just getting decorations for my feast. I'm not showing off, if that's what you think I'm doing,' I replied, cautiously.

'I remember my feast. It was the biggest party ever recorded in history. My theme was Pink. I didn't want anything to be yellow. Yellow is such a boring color. You see yellow everywhere!' Birtha proclaimed, with attitude.

'That's good for you,' I thought, except I didn't catch myself and I accidently said that out loud! Uh oh! I'm in for it now! She's going to squash me like a pancake.

'What did you say to me?' Birtha yelled, with anger.

'Nothing!' I gasped, high pitched and quickly.

'Sounds like something to me! I think I need to teach you a lesson!' Birtha remarked, cracking her chubby knuckles getting ready to slug me as hard as she could. I didn't know what to do! I just turned around and said a quick prayer, hoping that Birtha didn't hit hard.


'Owww!!' I squealed at the top of my lungs. I turned around to look where my pain was coming from, and that's when I saw that Birtha had just broken my newly grown wing in half.

Birtha just stood there like a cold metal pole. I didn't think she cared that she had just ruined my fragile gray wings. With one wing broken, the other wing is useless. The wing can't do anything. It can't even move at all. I could not believe my eyes. I started balling as loud as a fire truck siren. The hot tears in my hazel crystal eyes poured out on my rosy face like a glistening, bright blue waterfall. I was worried that I would never get home, I was worried I would be stranded at the Bee Market forever, I was worried I would never be able to fly again. Those questions stuck in my round confused head like golden honey on little bee fingers. Then I had an idea. Maybe if I just lift my poor broken wing up, and then I could put a band aid on it that I'll be able to fly home!

Off I went, up to the front of the Bee Market, to ask the bee working behind the front counter if they had any band aids. I didn't care what kind of band aid it was, as long as if they had something to fasten my wing together so that I could fly home, safe from Birtha the Big Bully. Fortunately, they had one last giant band aid. I carefully laid the flowery band aid on my broken wing. I leaped up off of the hard, granite Bee Market floor, and flapped my band aid covered wings together. I burst through the heavy, solid wooden, Bee Market front doors, and soared though the baby blue and orange afternoon sky, thinking about what had happened between Birtha and I.

'Bzzzz,' I shouted joyfully, as I flew home with a band aid on my slowly healing wing and yellow honey decorations in my petite hand. I was happy to go home to my feast!
(March 2009)

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On Christmas Break

By Julie, 11

On Christmas break I went shopping for my family and friends. I was shopping at the mall with my cousin. His name is Toney and he's 13 years old. He raced into a random shop and he was really helpful to me by giving me ideas on what I should give to people including him.

I was walking with my cousin all over the mall to find the perfect gifts for my family and friends. I depleted my money from about 100 dollars to $1.05! Everyone's gift was different and creative. Some gifts where hard to choose from but I think that every gift was very special in its own way.

Toney and I were in a sports store. We were looking for a gift for my older brother. We were wandering towards the weights and exercise machines.

'Hey why don't you get your brother this?' Toney suggested, pointing to an exercise tool.

I scanned the label on the box. 'The Perfect Pull Up' I read to myself out loud.

'Yup,' Toney answered. 'Your brother would like that,' he said, while smiling.

'Ya think so?' I asked.

'Yup,' he answered again.

'Okay, I'll get it for him,' I said, joyfully.

My cousin was getting really tired of me strolling around in the mall so much, so we decided to rest and see if we had the right gifts for everyone. Next we traveled home and wrapped up our gifts and my feet were very sore.

'My feet are killing me!' I complained to myself.

But I had a great time with my cousin on that day.

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By Malinda, 13

Over Christmas break my best friend Courtney and I went and saw a movie called 'Twilight'. We were at the Bay City mall. There were popcorn and movie ticket lines with customers waiting in them.

When we were finally able to go in and see the movie, all I could feel was excitement, joyfulness, laughter, and LOVE. The reason I love 'Twilight' so much is because it's about vampires. Vampires that are trying to be normal, and the love that Edward feels for Bella.

Some of my favorite parts of the movie are when Edward gives Bella a tour of the house. I like the scene because Jasper is a new vegetarian. So it is hard for him not to eat Bella. Alice sees the future, so she saw that Jasper would not harm Bella, so she told him.

'Don't worry Jasper you won't hurt her.'

Edward makes a face at that and continues with the tour. Really, I love the entire movie! 'Twilight' is the best movie and book ever!
(March 2009)

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By Octavia, 12

One hot sunny day in the summer, my family and I travelled to Cedar Point. Mom and I saw this one big really huge ride. I asked my mom if we can get on it. She looked at it nervously and shook her head yes.

There we were standing in line, only a few people in front of us. I saw mom's jaw drop Mom and I started to scream our guts out! Every time we went down my stomach started to flap. I started to squeeze mom's hand. Mom was screaming so loud that I could barely hear myself scream.

Finally I said to mom, 'The ride was over.'

I turned to mom, and I saw her face and boy did she look sick. I thought it was fun but mom got sick to her stomach. I wanted to go on another big scary ride but mom wasn't feeling too good.
(March 2009)

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Meeting My New Friend Kaylin

By Tabatha, 13

Before I became friends with Kaylin, I never saw her until the first day I started horse riding at sunshine farms, when I ran though the gate I saw Kaylin brushing her pony Cory.

I went up to her and asked her if she was riding today and she said, 'Yes I am and is it your first day here?'

I told her that it was my first day because I always wanted to learn how to ride a horse. So Kaylin showed me around the barn and then I saw a little pony and Kaylin told me that I was going to ride her when it was my time to ride in the arena. So that is how I am friends and how I meet Kaylin.

When I was getting the little pony ready to ride I asked Kaylin if she was riding with me in the lesson and she told me that she was. I got very happy when she told me that because I wanted to have someone riding with me. So when I got on to the little pony I asked Kaylin if she was just starting and she was.

By the time I was done riding, I asked Kaylin if she wanted to be friends and she wanted to be friends even if we were not here at the barn. So even when Kaylin is not at the horse barn I can always call her when I get home.
(March 2009)

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By Kadijah, 13

Do you wish to know what I am going to write about? As I stepped through that door. What I saw was that Wii system.

After I saw that Wii system I almost died.

Where do you think I played this system at? Well, I played it at my aunt Emily's and Uncle Ricky's house. Here is a little something about this game system. The game system lets you move, jump, run, and also hit too. It is a white game system.

What is it made of? Well it's made of metal, cords, buttons, a sensor for the TV and also has many remotes, but it also has a little slot so that the games can go in to it. You can create your own person.

Where can you put this game system? Well, you could put it in a living room or you could put it in a bedroom too.

I could maybe use voice in the story that I'm writing about. Make sure I have better word choice. What I could also have is that the vocabulary is not so dull. It could maybe stand out a little more.

Some people love getting this game system for a gift.
(March 2009)

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A Weekend!

By Jada , 11

One weekend my best friend Kayla Snyder arrived to spend the night. She is a nice and kind person, we stick together like glue and paper.

My mom was in the kitchen, and I asked my mother nicely,

'Mom, can you make me and Kayla some popcorn?'

She said, 'Yes honey.'

While my mom got ready to make us some popcorn I was getting ice cream, it was Mint Chocolate Chip. Then, when our snacks were ready we went to get covers and put on our pyjamas and got comfortable.

After the movie, we were getting on our snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, and coats. Then we went outside to play in the snow and exercise. We had a snow ball fight, and did snow angels.

Next we just get done exercising and playing in the snow, we hopped into the padded floor in the kitchen. I saw my mother looking out the window while she was washing the dishes. I was wondering what she was looking at.

After that we were getting ready to go to bed. We told my mother goodnight and we went to my room. My dog followed us to my room, then we said goodnight to the dog.

'Goodnight,' we both said, as we were falling fast asleep.
(March 2009)

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I Am Me!

By Morgan, 12

As I stepped in the church door, I see the energy of the dancers before me, and I thought I am a graceful cloud dancing in the sky. When I dance I am the lovely sound of the crisp wind brushing against the trees. When I am loud I am like someone pounding on drums without a beat or a rhythm. I Am Me!

I am a cheetah running 100 miles an hour when I talk. If I am downhearted and gloomy I am a rainy muddy day. At times when I am furious and frustrated I am like a lightning bolt striking an extremely tall tower. I Am Me!

When I am silent who knows what I am doing. I might be sleeping like a field mouse sleeping in a mouse hole. When I am joyous I am a kangaroo jumping up and down with a big thud and a bump. I Am Me!
(March 2009)

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The New Girl

By Jake, 12

Stowing down the cramp, musty, and deserted hallway, I felt a new sense of pride and freedom. For some reason, I was happy even though I just went through a break-up with who I thought was the girl of my dreams. But, I didn't care. It happened this morning. Coming into school I walked up to her. She had her dark, black hair that glistened with small glitter, tied up in such a tight pony tail that you could see every detail of her perfect scalp. She wore the same sweatshirt that she had been wearing when I woke up in the hospital with her standing over me. Then, she said the words no one ever wants to hear with tears descending her face and a quiet sob emanating from her lips. She gave one last goodbye and then she was off, never turning back, not even giving me a second thought. Should I be sad? I didn't feel that bad. Maybe it was time for a change.

I was on a mission to pick up something for a teacher. After finishing the mission I proceeded back to my class. I was almost to class when I rounded a corner and there she was. I thought I was dreaming. I closed my eyes counted to three and opened them again.

'It must have been a trick of the eyes,' I whispered.

'What was a trick of the eye?' a voice from behind me asked.

I turned to see her. She was even more striking up close. She was just over five foot, and her dark brown hair fell freely to her shoulders; it was laced with blond highlights and a touch of blood red that looked brilliant in the light. Her hazel eyes that blazed with fire and command couldn't have complemented her face more, especially her thin lips and her eye-catching cheek bones. She wore a pair of khaki shorts and a white sleeveless top. I couldn't put my finger on what it was but there something about her; just something that enticed me. I still thought I was dreaming.

'Nothing,' I stammered, my eyes still trained on her face.

'Um well bye,' she said, our eyes meeting before she turned and moved with lithe steps.

'Who are you?' I asked myself before walking in the other direction and into my class. During class, I couldn't get my mind off of her and the confrontation that we had. A sharp sound that emanated from the loud speaker sounded like nails against a chalkboard. It signaled the end of class and my daydream. Striding out of class I could almost hear her voice. Suddenly, I toppled forward as a classmate crashed into me. I looked up dazed to see her face again as mine went red. My papers lay scattered over me, one on my face of the picture that I had drawn of her. I normally don't draw but I just felt like I should. It was a pitiful attempt just like all of my drawings. Scurrying to my feet, I picked up all of my papers. She dropped to one knee to help.

'Hi again.'

'Hi,' I replied.

'I think that's it.'

'Yep,' I said, picking up the pile that I had collected. 'I don't think we ever met properly.'

'No we did not.'

'Well, hello.'


'What class do you have next?'


'Me too.'

'Well we should be off. Walk with me?'

'Sure,' she answered holding out her arm.

I took it gracefully, savoring her soft skin and warm body. The trip was brief, one thing that I didn't like about this school.

Arriving at the door, I pronounced in the most congenial voice I could come up with, 'Ladies first.'

'Thank you.'

'You're welcome.'

Before I could follow her in I was stopped by one of my friends. He looked like he was in a good mood. His dark brown hair curled at the end as it met his eyes. His teeth were decorated with braces and he wore a pair of jeans that were about 6 inches too short and a black t-shirt that exemplified the Punisher's skull doused with a grey and green sweatshirt.

'Hey, sup?' he asked.

'Not much, you?'


A voice came from behind him, 'Ditto.' It was her.

'Hey, have you met?' I asked.

'Yes, remember she was in our fifth grade class,' he replied.

The bell sounded, signaling the start of the class. Nothing much happened in the class. I just daydreamed about her, even though she had the seat in front of me. Finally class finished. I hung back after class to wait for her. I overheard her talking to one of her friends.

'So what now?' her friend asked.

'Now we're through.'

'Really?' the friend asked. 'You guys made such a good couple.'

'Yep,' she replied.

Hope filled my thoughts. She was single, perfect. Over a course of time I became close to her. I even came close to asking her out on a date, but I just quaked in my boots as I thought of confronting her. I had told my friend how I felt and he said that he understood. I finally got the courage to ask her out but on that same day, I received some shocking news. It was three months after we had met in that fateful hallway. The date was the end of January.

'Morning,' I commenced in a tired voice, 'before I forget, I have to ask you something that's really important.'

'Ok,' she replied, her voice hinting eagerness, 'but I have something to tell you first.'

'As you wish,' I replied, but before she could speak, my friend came up from behind her and took her in his arm. 'Umm, hey dude?'

'Hey did you hear the news?' he asked, not even pausing for my answer, 'we're going out,' motioning between him and her.

'That's great.' I replied, my face turning red.

'Isn't it?'

'Yep,' I said.

I thought of my ex. How we had ended. This felt like someone had hit me in the gut. The rest of the day I was lost in sorrow. The final bell rang quicker that I had hoped for. I passed her in the hallway, faking a smile so she wouldn't see the grief that she has caused me. I saw him with her too. I felt something strange in my chest called heartache, a hurt so profound it becomes hard to breathe. I had never felt it before, and I wondered if it would ever go away. Even though I knew that we were still friends, I remained sad throughout their relationship. I now realize that you can't always get what you what no matter how much you ask for it.
(March 2009)

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Demon Chicken

By Nathan, 13

It was some time ago that it started. It happened again, and again, that I would meet some whacked up animal. And others I believed were demons. One of the first, and probably the worst of all, was a chicken, named Demon chicken.

He was larger than normal for a chicken. He was also quite smarter as well. His head feathers were all black, his back feathers were gray, black, brown, and red. His tail feathers were blue, green, black, gray, and purple. And his eyes were red with small black pupils in the middle. He was like Chuck Norris in a chicken's body. I was seven when he was born. And from seven to ten was the era of Demon chicken. For about one and a half years he was a happy, kind chicken. Then one day, I went out to the barnyard to give the chickens some fresh water. And as I reached down to pick up the bucket, Demon chicken attacked. I jumped back and yelped in shock as his claws just missed my arm. I turned and ran from the chicken pen, slammed the door shut behind me, and locked it. Then, from then on I took a stick with me into the chicken pen to fend off Demon chicken. From the moment I brought the stick in with me he didn't attack me again but always watched me as I did my daily chores in the chicken pen. Until one day, Demon chicken got a little bit smarter with his next attack. I was walking through the chicken pen, and I was wondering where Demon chicken was when he attacked. He hid in the dark corner of the rafters, waiting for me to walk by. Then he leaped from the rafters, bringing his claws down he slashed my leg, and when his feet hit the ground he jumped back then lunged forward again. And as he flew at me, I swung my pole which was an inch thick, and as it hit Demon chicken it broke in half. Demon chicken went flying, hit a thin metal wall, denting it, hit the ground then got back up as soon as he touched the ground as if nothing ever happened. Then I ran from the pen and locked it wondering, what is this thing? The next day when I went out to do the chickens, I got a thicker pole, and checked the rafters when I went inside. The thicker pole seemed to scare him to keep from attacking me.

The next attack came on a hot, sunny, summer day. When most of the animals went into their burrows or dens to keep out of the blistering sun. The grass was yellow and parched from thirst, begging us to turn on the sprinklers. The grass crunching under my feet as I walked out to the chicken pen, squinting to keep the sun's glare out of my eyes, I never thought anything would go wrong today. Then I went into the chicken pen, keeping an eye on Demon chicken as I turned to pet Peepers, my fluffy pet chicken. Then he lunged, and as I turned, I kicked with all of my might, because I put my pole on the ground to pet Peepers, and punted Demon chicken across the pen. He hit the fence and fell to the ground, then stood right back up and slowly advanced towards me again. He didn't come charging after me again because I had already picked up my pole. Then I slowly backed up and left the chicken pen. Then my Mom told me to let the chickens loose and let them roam around the yard. I didn't think about it at the time so I unlocked the chickens and did my normal chores. Then as I went out to do the chickens again that same day, he was there. Standing close to 10 feet from the door was Demon chicken. Just waiting for me to come out. And I didn't have my pole which was out in the barn. So I shut the door, turned around, and sat on the bench beside the door wondering how I was going to get to the chicken pen. Then an idea occurred to me. I went over to my dad's work shelf, opened up the wooden cabinet, and took out my BB gun. I opened the door and shot 3 times at Demon chicken's feet. He jumped in fright and retreated about 10 feet from the house turned around and gave me the chicken version of the I'm-going-to-kill-you look. Then I remembered to bring my pole with me to and from the house, and occasionally my BB gun. Demon chicken didn't come after me again until a day I was about to go to my friend's house. My friend Jacob Basset was coming to pick me up from my house, and I couldn't bring my pole with me this time, so I had to keep a look out for Demon chicken as I went and got in his mom's car. Then as we began to drive away he asked me,

'What's that?' I asked him.

'What are you talking about?'
'That, chasing the car,' he replied.

I looked out the window, and there he was, Demon chicken was chasing the car, and keeping up with it.

Then as we turned the corner to leave our drive way, he stopped, cawed like chickens do, turned around and walked back towards the barn. Then, when I came home, I opened the mini-van door and there he was again. About 6 feet from the mini-van door stood Demon chicken. On the gray, hot, pavement with the other chickens dozing in the shade of three pine trees and a gray birch tree, confident that Demon chicken could defeat any menace that could possibly threaten them. (Of course he was a Demon) So I had to close that door, open the door on the other side of the car and race to the safety of the house.

Every time from then on, when I walked outside Demon chicken would always be there, waiting for his chance to strike. When I told my friends about Demon chicken, they then referred the chicken pen as 'The Lair of Demon Chicken' or 'The Den of the Demons' and others. The next attack came when I was collecting the eggs, dreading that school was less then a week away. And I reached into a crevice where some of the chickens like to lay their eggs. But as I was about to reach inside, Demon chicken came flying out at me with outstretched claws. I jumped back and swung twice at Demon chicken, and scoring one hit, he once again went soaring across the pen, hit the ground and got back up. I didn't leave this time because I had become slightly used to Demon chicken trying to kill me so I just kept my pole in a defensive position as I did my chores, and left the pen.

Then Demon chicken made the mistake that would end his life. As my mom was walking out to her garden, she passed Demon chicken. She didn't even look at him because she didn't believe he was a Demon. But as soon as her back was turned, Demon chicken attacked. My mom jumped in surprise and hit him with the end of a hoe, and he went flying. Again he got right back up. My mom was shocked that Demon chicken was still alive, after being hit with the sharp end of the hoe he should have been dead. But he didn't even have a scratch. So my mom came back up to the house her arm bleeding, and she says, 'That chickens has got to go,' and went inside.

The next night she went out back, and all I heard as she walked out was the flop flop flop of her flip flops hitting the ground as she walked. And then CLANK the sound of an axe striking flesh and then wood, but he was still cawing. Then CLANK, CLANK, CLANK, then nothing. Demon chicken was finally dead.

And so that is the life and the death of Demon chicken. The attacks I just told you were only the ones I thought were the worst of all. And this is how I met one of the most whacked up animals I have ever seen.
(March 2009)

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